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四角碼: 8840.1一字全碼: yu2zhuyu一字雙碼: yuzuyu一字單碼: yzy漢字結構: 上(中)下漢字層次: 5
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部件組構: ⺮((????(丿一)丶)(????(丿一)丶))于(二(一一)亅)

  Yu yú ancient wind instrument, like Sheng, of 36 Spring: a good impression. Strokes: 9; radical: bamboo; stroke order number: 314 314 112

  (Shaped sound from the bamboo, in the sound from the bamboo musical instrument related words sometimes. The original meaning: the ancient reed wind instrument. Sheng and shape slightly larger) with the original meaning 〖Yupipe, anancientmusicinstrument〗. Warring States Period, popular in folk
  Yu, bamboo thirty-six spring also. - "Said Wen." Press, wind also.
  Yu sound strange to the ear tone differences. - "Xunzi rectification of names"
  Another example: se yu (yu and se); yu Angels (referring to Sheng and Xiao)
  (形聲。從竹,於聲。從竹的字有時與樂器有關。本義古簧管樂器。形似笙而略大) 同本義

  Yu <name> (-shaped sound from bamboo, to the sound from the word sometimes with bamboo musical instrument related. The original meaning of the ancient reed wind instrument. Sheng shape and slightly larger) with the original meaning yu, bamboo thirty-six spring also. - "Said Wen." Press, wind also. Yu sound odd tune to different ears. - "Xunzi name" and if yu se (yu and se); yu Angels (referring sheng and flute) yu yú <Ancient> reed wind instrument name. Shaped like a sheng, but slightly larger than the number of abuse - charge (a person who does not blow yu make up the numbers mixed in with the band <Yu> did not occupy a mix of people skills to work; also alleged substandard goods posing as good).
  部首 竹 部首筆畫 06 總筆畫 09
  (形聲。從竹,於聲。從竹的字有時與樂器有關。本義古簧管樂器。形似笙而略大) 同本義 [yu pipe,an ancient music instrument]。戰國時盛行於民間
  yú ㄩˊ

  Yu yu
  Bamboo radical radical total strokes 09 strokes 06
  (Shaped sound from the bamboo, in the sound from the bamboo musical instrument related words sometimes. The original meaning of the ancient reed wind instrument. Sheng and shape slightly larger) with the original meaning of the [yu pipe, an ancient music instrument]. Warring States Period, popular in folk
  Yu, bamboo thirty-six spring also. - "Said Wen." By, wind also.
  Yu sound odd tune to different ears. - "Name the Xunzi"
  Another example is Joseph yu (yu and se); yu Angels (referring to Sheng and Xiao)
  yú ㄩ
  Ancient wind instrument, like Sheng, excessive spring of 36 ~ filled up.
  Zheng yards mad, u7afd, gbkf3c4
  9 number of strokes, radical bamboo, stroke order number 314 314 112
未集上 Not set on  【廣韻】羽俱切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】雲俱切,????音於。【說文】,三十六簧樂也。【周禮·春官疏】長四尺二寸。【註】,管類。用竹爲之,形參差象鳥翼。鳥,火禽。火數七,鼕至之時吹之,鼕水用事,水數六,六七四十二。之長,蓋取於此也。【世本】隨作。【釋名】,汙也。其中汙空。【博雅】,象笙,三十六管,宮管在中央。【樂書】近代笙十九簧,與笙異器而同和,故《周官》與笙均掌之笙師。【周禮·春官】笙師掌敎吹。【禮·樂記】君子聽笙,則思畜聚之臣。【易通卦驗】鼕至,吹黃鐘之律,閒音以。【老子·道德經】服文采,帶利劒,厭飮食,而資貨有餘,此之謂盜。【註】者,五聲之長也。倡則衆樂皆和,大姦倡則小盜和,故曰盜。 【集韻】或作????。考證:〔【釋名】,汙也。其中汗空。〕 謹照原文汗空改汙空。〔【禮·樂·記】君子聽笙,則思畜聚之臣。〕 謹照原文笙笙。

  Yu Ju-cut [Rhyme]] [[_set_ rhyme rhyme rhyme will] [is] goes all cut, ???? sound on. [Text] yu said, XXXVI spring of fun. [Sparse] yu Zhou Chun official four feet two inches long. [Note] yu, tube. Whom bamboo, shaped like bird wings mixed. Bird, fire bird. Fire number seven, when the blowing of the winter solstice, the winter water in power, water, number six, six or seven xlii. Yu long, built to take this also. [This] with the world for yu. [Release Name] yu, pollution also. In which air pollution. [BM] yu, like Sheng, thirty-six, Palace in the central tube. Music Books] [Sheng-yu nineteen modern spring, yu sheng different devices with the same and, therefore, "zhouguan" yu sheng and Sheng are the palm of the division. [Official] Sheng Zhou Chun division palm 敎 blow yu. [Ritual] remember hearing a gentleman yu sheng, the minister thought the animals together. [ETS] Gua experience the winter solstice, blowing Huang Zhong of the law, busy tone to yu. [I] served by the literary talent and moral, with interest Jian, tired Yin food, while capital goods than what is called Pirates of the yu. [Note] yu who have long pentatonic. Yu is the public advocate and music are big advocates are small theft and rape, twenty years before Pirates of the yu. [_Set_] or for ???? rhyme. Research: [[Release Name] yu, pollution also. Which Khan empty. According to the original Khan space] would like to change the air pollution. [Ritual] [remember hearing a gentleman yu sheng, the minister thought the animal together. According to the original] would like Sheng Yugaiyusheng.
編號:2971 Number: 2971  管三十六簧也。從竹虧聲。 羽俱切

  Tube thirty-six spring also. Loss from the sound of bamboo. Yu Ju cut

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