(Knowing. Oracle-shaped, like two of the competition. The original meaning: strife; compete; game)
With the original meaning 〖compete; contest〗
Competition, by also. - "Said the text"
Force level competition. - "Poetic Yasang soft"
Luo who still can not compete with more. - "Huai Tao"
Phase and leisurely, between competing Chang in the universe. - "Chu Huai true"
Competing in morality. - "Han Feizi"
Fushijingshang. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
The nothing of natural competition. - 〖English〗 Huxley a, Yan Fu translated "Evolution and Ethics"
The contrast competing firearms. - Qingxu Ke "clean barnyard class notes class war"
Another example: Contending (chasing crowd in); competition fighting (fighting, fighting); competitive heart (feisty heart); compete (compete, competition); King Shuang (camel, gaining the upper hand)
Argue argue〗 〖
Cao Xiuwen before that, there Taishi Shandong Academy and the related competition in the calendar. - "Family Instructions." Ji Jie Wang weapon: "competition calendar, that the debate calendar."
〗 〖Strong strong
Heart is not competing. - "Zuo Xi public seven years"
Another example: Jing Long (upright refreshing); King Shuang (Jingmingjianggan)
〗 〖Busy busy
Biyi a boat things, so that there is job competition with Yan fat. - "Zuo Duke Ai twenty-three years"
〗 〖Careful care. Such as: King King (look carefully); King would like to (be careful careful)
〗 〖Boatrace: race through the means boat race
Baike Race
〗 〖Swimmingrace: through the water such as swimming arena
Swimmers races of the Yangtze
〖Sports; athletics〗 game skills, and more for sports events
〗 〖Race game, for winning
Dragon Boat Race
King show
〗 〖Contendforbeauty Bimei each other
Flowers King show
〗 〖Runfor various activities carried out before the election of candidates for election
To run for senator
Jing Yan
〗 〖Contendforbrightness racing each other beautiful displays
Qun Yan Jing
〗 〖To compete with others one's own competitiveness in the interests of
Commodity competition
Competition (knowing. Oracle-shaped, like two of the competition. The original meaning of strife; compete; competition) compete with the original meaning, by also. - "Said the text" level competitive force. - "Poetic Yasang soft" those who still can not compete with the Luo and more. - "Huai Tao" phase and leisurely, between competing Chang in the universe. - "Chu Huai real" competition in ethics. - "Han Feizi" negative potential on the competition. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up his wife as" the nothing of natural competition. - And with it competition firearms. - Qingxu Ke "class warfare clean barnyard class notes," Another example is the competition into the (chasing crowd in); competition fighting (fighting, fighting); competitive heart (feisty heart); compete (compete, competition ); Jing Shuang (camel, gaining the upper hand) argue competition (competition) jìng ⒈ chasing the game, each camel ~ go. ~ Race. ~ War. ⒉ strong south wind does not ~.
With the original meaning [compete; contest]
Competition, by also. - "Said the text"
Force level competition. - "Poetic Yasang soft"
Luo who still can not compete with more. - "Huai Tao"
Heart is not competing. - "Zuo Xi public seven years"
Caution [careful]. If competing competition (look carefully); King would like to (be careful careful)
Baike Race
Dragon Boat Race
Flowers King show
[Run for] the various activities carried out before the election of candidates for election
To run for senator
Jing Yan
[Contend for brightness] to each other racing to show bright
Qun Yan Jing
[Compete] for the benefit of one's own competitiveness in with others
Commodity competition
[Compete and pursue] competition; chasing
Intense competition for
[Race walking] one of track and field, not while walking two feet off the ground when the feet touch the ground when the knee can not bend
jìng ㄐ ㄧ ㄥ ╝
Competition, competitiveness in ~ fight each other. ~ Race. ~ Technology. ~ Election.
Zheng code sujr, u7ade, gbkbeba
Number of 10 strokes, radical legislation, Stroke No. 4143125135
午集下 _Set_ the next afternoon 【廣韻】渠敬切【集韻】【韻會】渠映切【正韻】具映切,????音傹。彊也。【書·立政】乃有室大競。【爾雅·釋詁】競,彊也。【左傳·僖七年】心則不競,何憚於病。 又爭也,逐也,高也,遽也。【詩·商頌】不競不絿。【註】競,逐也。【左傳·襄十年】鄭其有災乎,師競已甚。【註】爭競也。《哀二十三年》:敝邑有社稷之事,使肥與有職競焉。【註】競,遽也。 又【增韻】盛也。【左傳·昭三年】二惠競爽。 又【集韻】或作????。亦作傹。【周禮·春官·鐘師註】繁遏執傹也。【韻會補】又作倞。【開元五經文字】毛詩:秉心無倞。 又藉作境。【秦詛楚文】奮兵盛師,以偪????邊競。 又葉居良切。【黃庭經】魂魄內守不爭競,神生腹中銜玉鐺。 又葉其兩切。【詩·大雅】靡所止疑,雲徂何往。君子實維,秉心無競。俗作????。考證:〔【左傳·襄十年】鄭其災乎,師競已甚。〕 謹照原文災上增有字。〔【又】季康子曰,敝邑有社稷之事,使肥與職競焉。〕 謹按此係哀二十三年傳文。謹將又季康子曰五字改爲哀二十三年。職上增有字。
Jing Guang Yun】 【cut channel _set_ rhyme】 【【】 drainage map will be cut rhyme Rhymes】 【cut with a map, ???? sound Jing. Strong too. G】 【books is a room big competition. 【】 Competition Tongxun, strong too. Zuo Xi seven】 【heart is not competing, what dread the disease. And competition is also, by also high also, hurry too. The Book of Poetry】 【not compete without Qiu. 【Note】 competition, and gradually also. Zheng Xiang Zuo】 【years almost its a disaster, the division is already rather competitive. 【Note】 strife as well. "Twenty three years of mourning": Biyi a boat things, so that there is job competition with Yan fat. 【Note】 race, hurry too. Also】 【by Yun Sheng also. 【Three】 Second Hui Zuo Jing Zhao Shuang. Also】 【_set_ rhyme or for ????. Also for Jing. Zhou Zhong Shi Chun 【Note】 Official Fan Jing also stop execution. 【】 And rhyme will make up for 倞. Five Classics written】 【Kaiyuan Mao: No 倞 Bing heart. Also, by making environment. Chu Wen】 【curse Fen Qin Sheng Division soldiers to force ???? competitive edge. And Ye Juliang cut. Huang Ting Jing】 【keep within the soul does not contend, is born of God title jade belly pan. And leaves the two-cut. Daya】 【extravagant poem by the only suspect, what the Migration to the cloud. Victoria real gentleman, Bing heart no competition. Popular for ????. Research: 〔】 【Zuo Xiang Zheng its disaster almost ten years, the division is already rather competitive. According to the original disaster〕 like a word on the increase. 〔】 【Ji Kang and Master said, Biyi a boat things, so that manure and job competition Yan. 〕 Move here twenty-three years, Department of sorrow and Biographies. The Master said, will be another season like Kang the words sad twenty five years. Increases and the word on the job.
競 Compete 彊語也。一曰逐也。從誩,從二人。渠慶切
Strong words also. One said, by also. From Jing, from the two. Qing-cut channel