Hollow kuǎn gap. Hollow: "conceivable to see hollow wooden boat floating." Hollow, false: "hollow words do not listen, rape is no life." Hollowing out: "chop wood hollow Kennedy." Law; rules. Dry. Name of the ancient water. Onomatopoeia to describe the sound of water hammer stone. Classical and "money." Hollow cuàn hiding. Stroke: 17; radical: Point; stroke order number: 44534121112343534
Hollow kuǎn [Name] (Shaped sound from the hole, shall sound. Original meaning: the gap; cave) With the original meaning 〖hollow; hole〗 Batch of big, big hollow guide. - "Zhuangzi health master" Another example: hollow timber (with holes in trees); hollow missing (vacancies, refers to the gap); ignorant, but (the gap); hollow Council (the gap. Refers to the opportunity) Law provisions. Extended to models 〖law; article; style; pattern〗. Such as: hollow reason (rule and reason); hollow hollow (Style; rule); hollow awakened (law know-how) Onomatopoeia Hollow Hom those boring Ta Wei Zhong Zi song also. - Song Su "Shak Chung Shan Ji" Another example: hollow Hom (onomatopoeia); hollow boring Ta Hom (Hom hollow, blow things sound. Boring Ta, visual sound) Hollow kuǎn [Move] Hollowed out; emptied; the empty 〖empty; hollowout; digahole〗 Hollow wood is exhausted. - "Han Wang Chuan-Yang" Another example: hollow wood (which hollowed wood) Hollow kuǎn [Form] Empty 〖hollow; void〗 Conceivable to see hollow wooden boat floating. - "Huainanzi said Hill." Another example: hollow words (just empty words, false words); hollow dry (hollow and haggard) Depletion; poverty 〖empty; poor〗. Such as: hollow depleted (depletion of poverty)
午集下 Afternoon _set_ under 【廣韻】【韻會】【正韻】苦管切【集韻】苦緩切,????音款。空也。【史記·太史公自序】實不中其聲者謂之窾。【註】窾,空也。【莊子·達生篇】窾啓寡聞之民。 又【字彙補】枯也。【揚子·太????經】窾枯木,衝振其枝。 又【集韻】枯公切,音空。【莊子·養生主】批大卻,導大窾。嚮秀讀。 又【集韻】苦禾切,音科。【淮南子·說山訓】見窾木浮,而知爲舟。見飛蓬轉,而知爲車。【註】窾,空也。 又水名。【莊子·外物篇】踆於窾水。【註】窾,音科。 又【類篇】取亂切。匿也。
[Rhyme] [] [is rhyme rhyme would suffer tube cutting] [rhyme] pain relief cut _set_, ???? sound money. Empty also. Records of the Historian Sima Qian [preface] is really not in the sound person that the hollow. [Note] hollow, empty also. [Articles] hollow Zhuangzi Tatsuo Kai few heard of the people. [Words] they dry up also. [] Hollow by the Yangtze too ???? dead trees, washed-up its branches. [Rhyme] but also _set_ the public dry cut, sound empty. [Main] Zhuangzi Health has approved a large, large hollow guide. To show time. [Rhyme] but also _set_ hard Wo cut, audio section. [Training] Huainanzi see that mountain hollow wooden float, with knowledge of the boat. See canadensis turn, with knowledge of cars. [Note] hollow, empty also. And water names. [Articles] Zun Zi foreign objects in the hollow water. [Note] hollow, sound section. [Chapter] to take another class indiscriminately. Hide also.