Look askance bì 〔〕 eye diagonally to form the most watched, described the appearance of arrogance, such as "look askance askance everything." Stroke: 13; radicals: Head; stroke order code: 2511132511312
Look askance bì Look at smb. Disdainfully out of the corner of one's eye bìnì 〖Lookaskanceat; lookatsb.disdainfullyoutofthecornerofone 'seye〗 Xie Zhaoyan see eyebrows and TV, meaning there is offensive or arrogant Look askance pì Look at smb. Disdainfully out of the corner of one's eye pìnì 〗 〖Looksideways: slanting eyes to see, describe the way arrogant Form the most public history of slavery, such as Yong. - Wang "Tiger" Form the most so long established, with Hakka. - "Historical Xinling Jun Biographies" 〗 〖Spy: watch for Form the most 宫闱
Form the most look askance pì (Also read bì)
睥 bi
部首 目 部首筆畫 05 總筆畫 13
睥 bì
[look askance at;look at sb. disdainfully out of the corner of one's eye] 斜着眼看,側目而視,有厭惡或高傲之意
睥 pì
[look sideways]∶眼睛斜着看,形容高傲的樣子
睥 bì ㄅㄧ╝ 又pì ㄆㄧ╝
Look askance bi Head Radical radical total strokes 13 strokes 05 Look askance bì Look at smb. Disdainfully out of the corner of one's eye bìnì [Look askance at; look at sb. Disdainfully out of the corner of one's eye] Xie Zhaoyan see eyebrows and TV, meaning there is offensive or arrogant Look askance pì Look at smb. Disdainfully out of the corner of one's eye pìnì (1) [Look sideways]: slanting eyes to see, describe the way arrogant Form the most public history of slavery, such as Yong. - Wang "Tiger" Form the most so long established, with Hakka. - "Historical Xinling Jun Biographies" (2) [Spy]: watching Form the most 宫闱 Look askance bì ¢ Gt ㄧ ㄧ ╝ ╝ another pì po 〔〕 ~ Look askance at an angle to the side eyes look like arrogance to describe, such as ~ ~ all. " Zheng code lned, u7765, gbkeea2 Number of 13 strokes, radical projects, stroke order number 2511132511312