Ai 1, Ai jade, jade. - "Jade articles." 2, also for the names of words. Aihui, county name, county of Heilongjiang province Aihui old, converted Aihui 1956. 1983 revocation of love Huixian, the administrative regions into Heihe City.
Ai ai Radical Wang radical strokes 14 strokes 04 total Ai (1) Ai ài (2) Jade [fine jade] Ai, Jade. - "Jade articles." (3) Also for the names of words. Aihui, county, Heilongjiang, today for Aihui " Ai (Ai) ài ㄞ ╝ 〔〕 ~ Hui names in China's Heilongjiang Province. Hui today make love. " Zheng code cpgx, u7477, gbke8a8 14 number of strokes, radical king, stroke order number 11213443451354
午集上 Lunch Set 【廣韻】烏代切【集韻】於代切,????音愛。美玉也。
Uday cut 【】 【Guang Yun Yun】 on behalf of the cut _set_, ???? audio love. Jade also.