
簡異體: 繁異體:  ( ???? )拼音: náo, xiāo, rào部首: 扌手總筆畫: 15部外筆畫: 12
UTF-8: E6 92 93UTF-16: 6493UTF-32: 00006493GB 12345: 3651Big 5: BCB8倉頡: QGGU
四角碼: 5401.1一字全碼: nao2shouyao一字雙碼: nasoya一字單碼: nsy漢字結構: 左(中)右漢字層次: 6
筆畫: 一亅一一丨一一丨一一丨一一丿乚筆順編號: 121121121121135筆順讀寫: 橫竪橫橫竪橫橫竪橫橫竪橫橫撇折他人筆順: 121121121121135
部件組構: 扌((一亅)一)堯(垚(土(十(一丨)一)土(十(一丨)一)土(十(一丨)一))兀(一儿(丿乚)))

  Flexible náo see "scratch." Stroke: 15; radicals: Rolling; stroke order number: 121121121121135
  1.擾亂;阻止。 2.攪動;攪和。 3.抓;搔。 4.嘈雜;不靜。也作「鬧」。 5.通「橈」。①彎麯;屈服。②弱;削弱。 6.通「交」。交往。 7.[挑]宛轉。 8.糾纏;纏繞。
卯集中 D concentrate  【唐韻】奴巧切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】女巧切,????鐃上聲。【說文】擾也。【釋名】物繁則相雜也。【左傳·成十三年】亂我同盟。【註】乃卯反。或作摎。 又【說文】一曰捄也。又【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????尼交切,音鐃。抓也,搔也,亦擾也。又屈也。【孟子】不膚。【趙岐註】讀平聲。或作????。 又【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????女敎切,音鬧。義同。【左傳·成二年】畏君之震,師徒敗。【史記·酷吏傳】所愛者,法活之。【前漢·劉嚮傳】不衆枉。 又【唐韻】呼毛切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】呼高切,????音蒿。攪也。【前漢·鼂錯傳】匈奴之衆易亂也。【註】火高反,其字從手。 又【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????爾紹切,音繞。亦屈也。與揉同。 又【集韻】【韻會】????人要切,饒去聲。纏也。與繞同。【史記·太史公自序】名傢苛察繳繞。或作。 又【集韻】馨幺切,音嘵。挑,宛轉也。【正字通】橈,從手從木,古互通。與鐃從金,音同義異。考證:〔【前漢·劉嚮傳】守正不。〕 謹照原文獨處守正爲句,不衆枉爲句。謹據改爲不衆枉。

  Qiao Tang Yun】 【slaves cut 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 woman is clever cutting, ???? cymbals Shangsheng. Wen also said】 【interference. Release Name】 【phase hybrid material prosperity is also flexible. Zuo】 【disturbed thirteen years into my allies. 【Note】 is anti-Mao. Or for Liao. Also】 【that one reads the text salvage also. Also 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Nepal Rhymes pay cut, tone cymbals. Arrested also, scratch also, but also disturbing too. And Qu also. Mencius】 【does not scratch the skin. 【Note】 Zhao Qi Reading level tone. Or for ????. Also 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? women Rhymes Teaching with cutting, sound alarm. Meaning the same. 】 【Zuo Wei Jun as the earthquake two years, mentoring scratch defeat. 【Fax】 loved Ruthless Records who live the torsion method. 【Fax】 Former Han Liu Xiang does not scratch all in vain. Also】 【Tang Yun Yun Hu hair cut 【_set_】 【】 【Rhyme Rhymes】 would call high cut, ???? sound Artemisia. Stir well. 【Fax】 Former Han 鼂 fault of all the Huns are easily disturbed. 【Note】 high anti-fire, the words from the hand. Also 【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Er Shaoqie Rhymes, music around. Also bent also. And rubbing the same. 【_Set_】 【rhyme and rhyme will】 ???? people to cut, Rao falling tone. Wrapped around also. And around the same. Preface】 【Tai Shi Gong Records artists around the harsh police pay. Or as a scratch. Xin Yun】 【another _set_ of unitary cut, sound Xiao. Flexible pick, Wanzhuan also. 【Link】 flexible radial CNS, from the hand from the wood, old exchange. And Nao from gold, sound synonymous differences. Research: 〔】 【Former Han Shou-Chuan Liu Xiang is not torsion. 〕 Like honesty and integrity according to the original sentence alone, enduring all the Wang Wei sentence. According to the public does not like to scratch vain.
編號:7892 ID: 7892  擾也。從手堯聲。一曰捄也。 奴巧切

  Interference also. Yao sound from the hand. One said salvage also. How cut slave

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