Understand dǒng 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the heart, Dong sound. Original meaning: to understand, to know) with the original meaning〗 〖understand. Such as: Do you understand Russian? Know (that being to or purports to know); understand opportunities; we understand Know the ropes dǒngháng 〖Knowtheropes; knowthebusiness〗 familiar with a particular kind of business, understand the situation Knowledge of a child dǒngménr 〗 〖Knowalotabout ... [dialect]: for a deeper understanding of things Children do not understand the door his mule Sensible dǒngshì 〖Sensible; thoughtful; intelligent〗 understand other people's intentions or sensible
懂 (形聲。從心,董聲。本義明白,瞭解) 同本義
懂 dǒng瞭解;明白。
Know (phonetic. From the heart, Dong sound. Original meaning understand, understand) the same understanding of the original meaning of know dǒng; understand.
懂 dong
部首 忄 部首筆畫 03 總筆畫 15
懂 understand;
懂 dǒng
(形聲。從心,董聲。本義明白,瞭解) 同本義 [understand]。如你懂俄語嗎?懂得(謂瞭解其事或其意);懂門路;我們懂了
[know the ropes;know the business] 對某一種業務熟悉,瞭解情況
[know a lot about … ] [方]∶對某種事物有較深的瞭解
[sensible;thoughtful;intelligent] 瞭解別人的意圖或明白事理的
懂 dǒng ㄉㄨㄥˇ
Understand dong Radical Radical 忄 total strokes 15 strokes 03 Understand understand; Understand dǒng (Phonetic. From the heart, Dong sound. Understand the original meaning, understanding) with the original meaning of [understand]. If you understand Russian? Know (that being to or purports to know); understand opportunities; we understand Know the ropes dǒngháng [Know the ropes; know the business] a business of a familiar understanding of the situation Knowledge of a child dǒngménr [Know a lot about ...] [side]: A deeper understanding of something Children do not understand the door his mule Sensible dǒngshì [Sensible; thoughtful; intelligent] to understand other people's intentions or sensible Understand dǒng ㄉ ㄨ ㄥ Learn, understand ~ thing. Meng ~. He ~ was that what that means. Zheng code uekb, u61c2, gbkb6ae 15 number of strokes, radical 忄, stroke number 442122312511211
卯集上 D Set 【正韻】多動切,音董。懵懂,心亂也。◎按廣韻集韻,有????字無懂字。正韻從省,收懂字,失????字,而字彙兩字????收。此古今筆畫之譌,而字愈多也。
Rhymes】 【hyperactivity cut, audio director. Ignorant, fretting too. ◎ Press Guangyun Ji Yun, a ???? not understand the word word. Rhymes from the province, close to understand the word, lost ???? word, and vocabulary words ???? income. The ancient and modern strokes of E, but the word more as well.