Xian xián quiet; happy: "through the province of sincerity to know fear, arranged only from Xian." Xian xiàn anxiety: "I am neither much German, so Xian then read the non outsiders." Indignant look: "Xian then that the world without people. "wide. Brutal. Stroke: 15; radicals: 忄; stroke order number: 442511225113511
1.愉悅;閒適。 2.不安貌。 3.憤激貌。 4.寬大。 5.戾。
卯集上 D Set 【唐韻】戸閒切【集韻】【韻會】何閒切。【說文】愉也。從心閒聲。【廣韻】心靜也。或作????。 又【玉篇】【廣韻】【集韻】????下赧切,音僩。【廣韻】寬大貌。 又不安貌。【史記·文帝紀】憪然念外人之有非。 又勁忿貌。【唐書·王叔文傳】憪然以爲天下無人。 又【韻會】【正韻】????下????切,音限。義同。
Tang Yun】 【Kobe busy cutting 【】 【Ji Yun Yun Ho will】 free cut. Wen also said】 【Discovery. Free from the heart sound. Guangyun】 【calm also. Or for ????. Jade articles and 【】 【_set_】 【Rhyme Rhyme】 ???? blush under the cut, sound Xian. Guangyun】 【large appearance. Also disturbing appearance. Records of Emperor Xian Ji】 【However, the foreigners have not read. Anger and fresh appearance. 【Fax】 Xian Tang Wang Shuwen natural that the world no. And rhyme will 【】 【】 ???? under ???? Rhymes cut, sound limit. Meaning the same.
編號:6787 ID: 6787 愉也。從心閒聲。 戶閒切
Discovery also. Free from the heart sound. Busy households cut