
簡異體:  ()繁異體:  (???? ????)拼音: qióng部首: 忄心總筆畫: 12部外筆畫: 8
UTF-8: E6 83 B8UTF-16: 60F8UTF-32: 000060F8Big 5: D946倉頡: PPAD四角碼: 9704.7
一字全碼: qiong2xinxun一字雙碼: qixixu一字單碼: qxx漢字結構: 左(中)右漢字層次: 6筆畫: 丶丶丨丿????丨????一一亅一
筆順編號: 442352511521筆順讀寫: 捺捺竪撇折竪折橫橫折竪橫他人筆順: 442352511521, 44235251521
部件組構: 忄(丶丶丨)㝁(旬(勹(丿????)日(冂(丨????)二(一一)))子(了(亅)一))

  Solitary qióng with "solitary." Stroke: 11; radicals: 忄; stroke order number: 44235251521
  1.無兄弟。 2.孤獨。
  qióng 1.指無兄弟的人。引申為孤獨無依的人。 2.憂愁。

  Solitary qióng 1. That no brother man. The idea was lonely person. 2. Sad.
卯集上 D Set  【廣韻】【正韻】渠營切【集韻】【韻會】葵營切,????音瓊。憂也。【詩·小雅】憂心。【傳】,憂意。 又獨也。【詩·小雅】哀此獨。【箋】,獨也。【疏】單獨之民,窮而無告也。又【周禮·秋官·大司????】凡遠近獨,老幼之欲有復於上。【鄭註】無兄弟曰。又【書·洪範】無虐獨。【註】單無兄弟也。 又與焭同。【詩·箋小註】本作焭。【後漢·東平王傳】俾屛餘一人,夙夜焭焭。 又作㷀。【孟子·引小雅正月詩】作哀此㷀獨。 【集韻】又作????憌。◎按訓憂,????訓獨,近日字書多分。然經書於字訓憂又訓獨。蓋憂從獨生,而????焭㷀等經傳錯引互見,大抵皆通。考證:〔【周禮·秋官·大司宼】凡遠近獨,老幼之欲。【註】〕 謹按所引經句未全,謹照原文之欲下增有復於上四字。註上增鄭字。省下無子孫曰獨五字。

  Rhymes 【】 【】 Guangyun camp cut drainage】 【【Ji Yun Yun will】 Kwai camp cut, ???? tone Joan. Worried. Xiaoya】 【worried Qiongqiong poetry. 【Fax】 Qiongqiong, worry about the meaning. And independence as well. Xiaoya】 【sad this solitary verse alone.笺】 【solitary, alone too. Shu】 【separate the people, the poor are no divisions. Zhou and Adam 【Big】 Where the Secretary ???? distance solitary independence, young and old, like a complex in the last. 【Note】 no brothers said Zheng solitary. Hongfan】 【book has no child solitary independence. 【Note】 solitary single no brothers. Also the same with Qiong. 【Note】 solitary small shijian this for Qiong. After the Han Dongping Wang Chuan】 【屛 to serve more than one person, Suyeqiongqiong. Also for 㷀. 【】 Mencius cited Xiaoya poem for the first month of this 㷀 sorrow alone. 【_Set_】 also for the ???? Qiong Yun. ◎ by solitary training and worries, ???? training alone, the recent book characters a larger share. However, training by the book in the solitary word worry and training alone. Health cover worries from independence, and ???? solitary Qiong 㷀 so misquoted by the cross-transmission, probably Jietong. Research: major Division 〔Adam Zhou Kou 【】 any distance solitary independence, young and old vices. 【Note】〕 move by the sentence is not cited by all, would like to wish the next according to the original text by a recovery in the last four words. Note the word by Zheng. Five sons, saying no to save the word alone.

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