Ke jiè Bian Ji. Aging. Old with the "ring" alert. Rapidly. Ke kè Hai and self-designed. Stroke: 10; radical: 忄; stroke order number: 4421132534
1.警戒。 2.褊急。 3.急速。 4.慬。 5.衰老。 6.駭而自專。
1 alert. 2. Bian Ji. 3 rapid. 4. Jin. 5. Senescence. 6. Hai and self-designed.
悈jiè 1.警戒;警惕。
Ke jiè 1. Warning; alert.
卯集上 D sets 【唐韻】古????切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】居????切,????音戒。【說文】飭也。從心戒聲。【司馬法】有虞氏悈於中國。 又【五音集韻】紀力切,音亟。【爾雅·釋言】急也。 又【集韻】乞得切,音剋。駭而自專也。
Tang Yun] [[old ???? cut will _set_ rhyme rhyme] [] [] home ???? rhyme is cut, ???? tone ring. [] Ordered that the text also. Ring from the heart sound. [France] Sima Yu Shi Jie of China have. And [] Ji Li pentameter rhyme cut _set_, sound urgent. Interpretation made by [Ya] is also urgent. And [_set_] begging was cut rhyme, sound grams. Hai is also the self-designed.