恩 ēn
Well ēn benefits, deep friendship: loving. Gift. Grace (of preferential treatment under the Emperor Wang Duichen and patrons.) End. Grace. Favor. Allies and enemies. Thanksgiving. Mercy. Hatred stroke: 10; radicals: heart; stroke order code: 2513414544
Grace ēn 【Name】 (Phonetic. From the heart, due to sound. Original meaning: Grace) 〖With the original meaning of the U.S. favor; benevolence〗 Well, the benefits also. - "Said the text" Well who is benevolent. - "Book of Rites mourning four systems" So, the bottom end of the grace carry. - "Han Fei employment" His wife is gracious and back of the ominous best thing. - Ming Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" And President of grace, life and death and blood as well. Another example: ingratitude; gratitude; En Yun (Grace Deese); Enyi (kindness and moral); en points (grace mutual affection); favors enlightenment. Ancient times, people refer to the official concerned; Yan Tin (Buddhist fields. One of San Fu. Refers to the parents) 〗 〖Friendship friendship Men Suddenly in Black Life, the main event of friends, the meaning of ruler and subject outside care, the grace of flesh and blood within the knot, jumping on the line, namely, must be from. - "Three Kingdoms" Grace ēn 【Form】 Affectionate, dear 〖love, expeciallythatbetweenhusbandandwife; benevolence〗 Lord knows the next, it is not raised by loving heart and the majesty of the trend. - "Han Fei six anti-" Another example: Well-off (prostitutes, dear guests of the special call); en Italy (loving heart); en sex (favorite affectionate); Grace (favorite charity) Grace ēn 【Activity】 Gift of grace 〖bestow (favors, charity, etc.)〗 Empress Dowager Yan Fu Zhao. - "Han Chuan wife's family" He is not my grace (grace, favor) also. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "child zone Send a Biography" Another example: Well, turn to (gift of property); en units (the people of the honorific title of local official); Enxiang (honorific title of Executive); Grace family (master slave honorific); benefactor (of mercy in respect of those already known ) Thanksgiving; thank 〖feelgrateful; bethankful〗. Such as: Well honestly (that bringing the ex); en Central (title ring to repay); En female (daughter); En raise money (also known as "En raising ceremony of money." Betrayed the children of money paid by the buyer when the wan said also refers to people who have adopted their own sons and daughters of the remuneration) 〗 〖Love love. Such as: Well the old (the intersection of family and friends friendship from generation to generation) Conjugal love ēn'ài 〗 〖Conjugallove intimacy, intimacy and love between husband and wife, but also refers to the deep feelings Grace ēnchǒng Grace and favor〗 〖specialkindnessofaruler Allies and enemies ēnchóu 〗 〖Debtofgratitudeandrevenge kindness and hatred Allies and enemies of life and death recorded Gift ēncì 〖Bestow (favors, charity, etc.); Favour; charity〗 reward subjects as originally referred to the emperor, now generally refers to mercy and charity for End ēndé 〖Benevolence; favour favor〗 Grace ēndiǎn 〖Favor; grace〗 originally referred to the emperor's gifts and hospitality, now refers to Grace Engels ēngésī En public ēngōng 〗 〖Benefactor King said on the mercy of those Grace ēnhuì 〗 〖Favor giving and giving to others the benefits of Good deed goes unpunished ēnjiāngchóubào 〖Bitethehandthatfeedsone; requitekindnesswithenmity〗 be used to return the favor of hatred, that ungrateful Bright Moon, the officer to cook, good deed goes unpunished. - "Golden Lotus" Kindness ēnqíng 〗 〖Favor of people patronizing the benefits to the beneficiaries, favor friendship Benefactor ēnrén 〗 〖Benefactor who own a kindness; for help or year of college who Savior Teacher ēnshī 〗 〖Loving-teacher's respect for their teachers, said Entongzaizao ēntóngzàizào 〗 〖Thefavorislikegivingsb.anewleaseoflife with helping his career deep to give a second life If we can save one life, really Entongzaizao. - "Flowers in the Mirror" Gratitude, ēnyì 〖Gratitude; loving-kindness kindness moral〗 Gratitude, I have lost. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" En Yin ēnyìn 〗 〖Benefitfromancestors active generations ago given by any school official Xiabei treatment; by grace, by the shelter But hardly Fu Chen, Yoshitada, and by the grace Yam Cricket. - "Strange Cricket" Well met ēnyù 〗 〖Givespecialtreatment refers to preferential treatment Jun petitioned the emperor Results close to grace the event. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography" Resentment ēnyuàn 〖Pastkindnessandgrudge; oldscores〗: gratitude and feelings of hatred 〗 〖Resentment: hatred Grace ēnzé 〖Bounty, benefitreceivedfromabove〗 gift to benefit the sovereign subjects, like rain moistening Ze Yu Chen is hovering in the grace, and not abandon myself among them. - Cao Zhi, "Poems on the responsibility for personally Yingzhao table" Pushienze Enchongrushan ēnzhòngrúshān Describe the End〗 〖deepfavor deep Shenseng Enzhongrushan, Guaren different reward. - "Journey to the West" Grant that ēnzhǔn 〗 〖ApprovedbyHisMajesty down en granted (request); King said approval Mongolian master grant that, countless thousands of small hi
En (phonetic. From the heart, because of the sound. The original meaning of grace) with the original meaning of grace, the benefits also. - "Wen said," Well who is benevolent. - "Book of Rites mourning four systems" so, then carry on down the TU junction. - "Han Fei employment," his wife is gracious and back of the ominous best thing. - Ming Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" Mr. and grace, life and death and blood as well. Another example is ingratitude; gratitude; En Yun (Grace Deese); Enyi (kindness and moral); en points (grace mutual affection); favors enlightenment. Ancient times, people refer to the official concerned; Yan Tin (Buddhist fields. One of San Fu. Refers to the parents) feelings of a real man life skills, friends of the main event, the meaning of ruler and subject outside care, the grace of flesh and blood within the knot, jumping on the line, must count from the . - "Three Kingdoms" Blessings love, my darling ex ēn ① favor. ② deep bonds of friendship. ③ name. 【】 Originally referred to the imperial gift to win over the hearts and give reward. Now refers to mercy and charity for (including derogatory.) 【】 ① grace grace. ② to give favors. 】 【Engels (1820-1895) the great world teacher and leader of the proletariat, one of the founders of Marxism. Buddhism was born in Rhine Prussia store. The end of August 1844, met in Paris with Marx. December 1847-January 1848, and Marx co-wrote "The Communist Manifesto." In 1864, together with Marxism, founded and led the International Workers Association (the First International), with various factions opposed to Marxist principles and ideas to start the struggle. After Marx's death, responsible for consolidation and publication of Marx's manuscripts and continue to lead the important task of the international labor movement. 1889, personally involved in the establishment of the Second International, with a variety of a resolute struggle against opportunism. August 5, 1895 died in London. Book income "Complete Works of Marx and Engels." 】 【Favors given or by the benefits. Scores】 【grace and resentment. Enze】 【End bear analogy, like vegetation be rain. Officials said the emperor or the old to the grace given to subjects.
恩 en
部首 心 部首筆畫 04 總筆畫 10
恩 favour; grace; kindness;
恩 ēn
同本義 [美favor;benevolence]
情誼 [friendship]
恩 ēn
恩愛,親愛 [love,expecially that between husband and wife;benevolence]
恩 ēn
恩賜,加恩 [bestow (favors,charity,etc.)]
感恩;感謝 [feel grateful;be thankful]。如恩撫(謂撫育之恩);恩環(銜環以報恩);恩女(父女);恩養錢(亦稱恩養禮錢”。出賣兒女時買方所付錢財的婉稱,也指對曾收養自己兒女的人的報酬)
愛 [love]。如恩舊(世代友好相交的親友)
ēn ài
[conjugal love] 親熱,夫妻之間的親熱和情愛,也指深厚的感情
[special kindness of a ruler] 恩惠與寵愛
[debt of gratitude and revenge] 恩情和仇怨
[bestow (favors,charity,etc.);favour;charity] 原指帝王賞賜臣下,現泛指因憐憫而施捨
[benevolence;favour] 恩惠
[favor;grace] 原指帝王的恩賜和禮遇,現泛指恩惠
[friedrich engels] (1820╠1895)馬剋思主義創始人之一,馬剋思的親密戰友,出生於普魯士萊茵釋門市。1842年在英國曼徹斯特時同英國工人、憲章派建立了聯繫,並寫了《英國工人階級狀況》一書,提出工人運動必須同社會主義相結合的理論。1844年同馬剋思會見後,便開始了共同戰鬥的里程。1847年建立共産主義者同盟,1848年發表了國際共産主義運動第一個戰鬥綱領--《共産黨宣言》。1848年歐洲革命中,同馬剋思一起參加了德國革命。1864年共同建立第一國際,並同普魯東主義、巴枯寧主義進行了鬥爭。1883年馬剋思逝世後整理馬剋思的文獻,領導工人運動,1889年又建立了第二國際,與形形色色的機會主義進行了鬥爭。1895年8月於倫敦逝世
[benefactor] 對施恩者的敬稱
[favor] 他人給予的或給予他人的好處
[bite the hand that feeds one;requite kindness with enmity] 用仇恨來回報受到的恩惠,指忘恩負義
[favor] 施惠人給受惠人的好處,恩惠情誼
[benefactor] 對自己有大恩的人;給予幫助或施恩惠者
[loving-teacher] 對自己師長的敬稱
[the favor is like giving sb. a new lease of life] 知遇之恩深重就同給予第二次生命
[gratitude;loving-kindness] 恩情道義
[benefit from ancestors] 因上輩有功而給予下輩入學任官的待遇;得到恩惠,受到蔭庇
[give special treatment] 指優惠的待遇
[past kindness and grudge;old scores]∶感恩之情與仇怨之情
[bounty,benefit received from above] 君主恩賜惠及臣民,如雨澤潤物
[deep favor] 形容恩德深厚
[approved by his majesty] 降恩準予(請求);敬稱得到批準
恩 ēn ㄣˉ
En en Radical center Radical total strokes 10 strokes 04 Grace favour; grace; kindness; Grace ēn (1) (Phonetic. From the heart, due to sound. The original meaning of grace) (2) With the original meaning of [the U.S. favor; benevolence] Well, the benefits also. - "Said the text" Well who is benevolent. - "Book of Rites mourning four systems" So, the bottom end of the grace carry. - "Han Fei employment" His wife is gracious and back of the ominous best thing. - Ming Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" (3) And President of grace, life and death and blood as well. (4) Another example is ingratitude; gratitude; En Yun (Grace Deese); Enyi (kindness and moral); en points (grace mutual affection); favors enlightenment. Ancient times, people refer to the official concerned; Yan Tin (Buddhist fields. One of San Fu. Refers to the parents) (5) Friendship [friendship] Men Suddenly in Black Life, the main event of friends, the meaning of ruler and subject outside care, the grace of flesh and blood within the knot, jumping on the line, namely, must be from. - "Three Kingdoms" Grace ēn (1) Affectionate, my dear [love, expecially that between husband and wife; benevolence] Lord knows the next, it is not raised by loving heart and the majesty of the trend. - "Han Fei six anti-" (2) Another example is the En-off (prostitutes, dear guests of the special call); en Italy (loving heart); en sex (favorite affectionate); Grace (favorite charity) Grace ēn (1) Gift of grace [bestow (favors, charity, etc.)] Empress Dowager Yan Fu Zhao. - "Han Chuan wife's family" He is not my grace (grace, favor) also. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "child zone Send a Biography" (2) Another example is the En nurture (gift of property); en units (the people of the honorific title of local official); Enxiang (honorific title of Executive); Grace family (master slave honorific); benefactor (of mercy in respect of those already known) (3) Thanksgiving; thanks [feel grateful; be thankful]. If Grace Fu (that bringing up the ex); en Central (title ring in gratitude); En female (daughter); En raise money (also known as Yang Yan Li money. "Betrayed the children of money paid by the buyer when the wan said, but also refers to people who have adopted their own sons and daughters of the remuneration) (4) Love [love]. Such as the Old Well (intersection of family and friends friendship from generation to generation) Conjugal love ēn ài [Conjugal love] intimacy, intimacy and love between husband and wife, but also refers to the deep feelings Grace ēnchǒng [Special kindness of a ruler] grace and favor Allies and enemies ēnchóu [Debt of gratitude and revenge] kindness and hatred Allies and enemies of life and death recorded Gift ēncì [Bestow (favors, charity, etc.); Favour; charity] originally referred to reward the subjects as the emperor, now generally refers to mercy and charity for End ēndé [Benevolence; favour] favor Grace ēndiǎn [Favor; grace] originally referred to the emperor's gifts and hospitality, now refers to Grace Engels ēngésī En public ēngōng [Benefactor] King called on the mercy of those Grace ēnhuì [Favor] to give to others or give others the benefits of Good deed goes unpunished ēnjiāngchóubào [Bite the hand that feeds one; requite kindness with enmity] by using hate to return the favor, that ungrateful Bright Moon, the officer to cook, good deed goes unpunished. - "Golden Lotus" Kindness ēnqíng [Favor] of people patronizing the benefits to the beneficiaries, favor friendship Benefactor ēnrén [Benefactor] of the kindness of the people that they have; for help or year of college who Savior Teacher ēnshī [Loving-teacher] the respect of their teachers said Entongzaizao ēntóngzàizào [The favor is like giving sb. A new lease of life] helping his career deep to give a second life with If we can save one life, really Entongzaizao. - "Flowers in the Mirror" Gratitude, ēnyì [Gratitude; loving-kindness] kindness of moral Gratitude, I have lost. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" En Yin ēnyìn [Benefit from ancestors] given by generations ago Xiabei admission of any active officers of the treatment; by grace, by the shelter But hardly Fu Chen, Yoshitada, and by the grace Yam Cricket. - "Strange Cricket" Well met ēnyù [Give special treatment] refers to the preferential treatment Jun petitioned the emperor Results close to grace the event. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography" Resentment ēnyuàn (1) [Past kindness and grudge; old scores]: gratitude and feelings of hatred (2) [Resentment]: hatred Grace ēnzé [Bounty, benefit received from above] benefit the subjects of the sovereign grace, like rain moistening Ze Yu Chen is hovering in the grace, and not abandon myself among them. - Cao Zhi, "Poems on the responsibility for personally Yingzhao table" Pushienze Enchongrushan ēnzhòngrúshān [Deep favor] described the deep End Shenseng Enzhongrushan, Guaren different reward. - "Journey to the West" Grant that ēnzhǔn [Approved by his majesty] down Well granted (request); King said approval Mongolian master grant that, countless thousands of small hi Grace ēn ㄣ ˉ The benefits of deep friendship ~ love. ~ Thanks. ~ Pet (refer to preferential treatment under the Emperor Wang Duichen and patrons.) ~ Germany. ~ Code. ~ Ex. ~ Revenge. Sense of ~. Open ~. Zheng code jdwz, u6069, gbkb6f7 Number of 10 strokes, radical heart, stroke order number 2513414544
卯集上 D Set 【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????烏痕切,音蒽。【說文】惠也。從心因聲。【徐曰】因者,有所因也。因心爲恩。 又愛也,澤也。 又【廣韻】隱也,私也。 又州名。漢合浦郡,唐立恩州。又河南恩州,本漢淸河郡地,宋改恩州。 又姓。前漢燕祭酒恩茂。【風俗通】????大夫成恩之後。 又葉衣延切,音煙。【趙壹·窮鳥賦】鳥也雖頑,猶識舊恩。內以書心,外以告天。
【】 【Ji Yun Tang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Ukraine marks are cut rhyme, sound anthracene. 【】 Hui Wen also said. Because of the sound from the heart. Xu said, because】 【who have for too. Well because of heart. And love is, Ze too. Guangyun】 【also has hidden, private as well. And a state. Han Hepu County, Tang Lien state. Well then the state of Henan, the Han Qing River County, the grace to change the state of Song. Another name. Former Han Ji Jiu Yan Yan Mao. 【】 ???? pass customs into the grace after the doctor. And extension of leaves cut clothing, music smoke. 【】 Fu Zhao Yi poor birds, although birds also stubborn, I still know the old grace. Books within the heart, outside to tell days.
編號:6714 ID: 6714 惠也。從心因聲。 烏痕切
Hui also. Because of the sound from the heart. Ukraine marks cut