忓 gān offense: "Wen Bo said: 'home to Chu, while still the main results, fear of the anger is also 忓 Ji Sun.'" Interference: "No ignorant person at home, no 忓 current affairs." Tired.忓 hàn good. Arrived. Stroke: 6; radicals: 忄; stroke order code: 442112
忓 gān 【Activity】 〗 〖Disturb disturbance No mean person at home, no 忓 current events. - "New Book of Tang" Threats I slander http Temple, direct gas 忓 Jun axis. - Tang Bai "sleepwalking Spring"
忓gān 1.觸犯;幹擾。
忓 gān 1. Violated; interference.
1.疲憊。 2.觸犯;幹擾。 3.善。 4.抵。
卯集上 D Set 【唐韻】古寒切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】居寒切,????音幹。【說文】極也。【玉篇】擾也。【唐書·萬壽公主傳】無忓時事。 又【廣韻】【集韻】????侯旰切,音翰。【博雅】善也。一曰好也。 又【韻補】葉京天切,音堅。【白居易·傷宅詩】一堂費百萬,鬱鬱起靑煙。洞房溫且淸,寒暑不能忓。 【說文》長箋】忓有遷進意,故從幹。俗混悍,非。
Ancient Tang Yun】 【cut 【Ji Yun Han Yun will】 【】 【】 home Rhymes cold cut, ???? sound dry. Wen】 【that very well. Jade articles】 【interference also. Wan Shou Chuan Tang Princess 【】 No 忓 current events. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Guang Yun Hou sun_set_】 ???? cut, sound John. Burson-Marsteller】 【good also. One said good also. Also make】 【Yun Ye Jing-day cut, sound strong. Bai poem】 【home injury costs a million dies from Celadon smoke. Bridal chamber temperature and the Qing, cold and heat can not 忓. 【Said the text "long memo】 忓 have moved into Italy, so from the stem. Popular mixed defended, not.