Argentina tíng feudal monarchy where political action by North Korea: North Korea (ch Ya) Ting. Court. Ting Zhang. Ting Shi (emperor of the imperial era of successful candidates.) Ting of the (a. publicly in court in the verbal exchanges; b. imperial times the emperor's palace examination.) Stroke: 6; radicals: Yin; stroke order code: 312154
Argentina tíng 【Name】 (Phonetic. From Yin, Wang (tíng) sound. Yin (yǐn), construction of the next. Have long cited the meaning. Original meaning: the court) 〗 〖Courtofafeudalruler with the original meaning Ting, the DPRK also. - "Said the text" Come on Tiger Mountain in the SI war. - "Nine Songs Wang Yi think every particular" Han-Ting Gongqing room. - "Han Kui Lu Chuan" Phase, such as Argentina scold it. - "Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju" See phase, such as Argentina. Ting in both laugh. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "Liu Dong _Set_" Another example: courtier (courtier); Mountain officials (court officials); Ting push (Ming Dynasty, with senior officials, from Secretary of State recommended the approval and appointment by the emperor); Ting-Kui (the first name of the Imperial Examination Tingshi. The champion) Government offices. Where local officials work〗 〖government 〖〗 As Surabaya Liu Ting Zhang, Ting Zhongli nothing is Xiawu. - "Historical Records" Courtyard; yard. Pass "Ting" courtyard〗 〖 Ting the child there. - "Poetry has Shu Tang Feng-shan" Ting-Ying Zhang Wujun on. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty-three years" Ting Fu Chai people stand. - "Zuo fourteen years given the public" -Ting something, does not smell of years of the monarch, the so-called far in miles as well. - "Pipe Law Act" Ju Ji-ting a few thousand. - "Historical Records Lisi Biography" Listen to Ting. - "Mirror Tang Ji" Toward the position; position〗 〖position Church from the Church, is from the positive, odd and positive, constant different ting. - "Silk Book" Argentina tíng 【Form】 〗 〖Fair-minded justice Tingwei, Qin officer. - "Han Baiguan Gongqing table." Analysis of the Functions Note: "Ting, Ping also. Rule prison of your level, so that number." Courtier tíngchén 〗 〖Officialofamonarchicalgovernment high official within the DPRK. Yang Yang from Grand courtiers offended after the most. - Qing Zhang Tingyu "Ming Dynasty" Court letter tíngjì 〗 〖Aconfidentiallettersentdirectfromthepalacetothehighestprovincialofficials imperial decree to the local senior officials, are not sent to the cabinet, sealed to the seat by the Grand Council at the news of the Ministry of War sent to the provinces, direct book Mouguan "be opened", called "court letter" Ting Shi tíngshì 〗 〖Finalimperialexamination policy questions by the emperor himself, the examination was held in court Ting Zhang tíngzhàng 〗 〖Flogastatemanatcourt rod responsibility on the imperial courtiers in the court
Ting <name "(phonetic. From Yin, Wang sound. Yin, building the next. Have long cited the meaning. The original meaning of the court) with the original meaning of Argentina, the DPRK also. - "Wen said," Come on Tiger Mountain in the SI war. - "Nine Songs of the South think every particular, Wang Yi," Han-Ting Gongqing room. - "Han Lu Kui Biography" hoot of phase, such as Argentina. - "Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju", see phase, such as Argentina. Ting in both laugh. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "Liu Dong _Set_" Another example is the courtier (courtier); Mountain officials (court officials); Ting push (Ming Dynasty, with senior officials, from Secretary of State recommended the approval and appointment by the emperor); Ting-kui (Imperial Examination Tingshi first name. the champion) government offices. Act in the courtyard where local officials; School Mountain tíng ⒈ feudal monarchy and processed by the political affairs of the local worship toward ~. Palace ~ (also refers to the emperor's residence). ⒉ County, local officials run affairs of the hall ~.
廷 ting
部首 廴 部首筆畫 02 總筆畫 06
廷 tíng
同本義 [court of a feudal ruler]
官署。地方官吏辦事的地方 [government]
[劉邦] 為泗水亭長,廷中吏無所不狎侮。--《史記》
庭院;院子。通庭” [courtyard]
朝位;位置 [position]
廷 tíng
公正 [fair-minded]
[official of a monarchical government] 朝內大官。
[a confidential letter sent direct from the palace to the highest provincial officials] 清廷給地方高級官員的諭旨,不由內閣寄出,而由軍機處密封交兵部捷報處寄往各省,直接書上某官開拆”,叫廷寄”
[final imperial examination] 由皇帝親自策問,在朝廷上舉行的考試
[flog a stateman at court] 帝王在朝廷上杖責臣子
廷 tíng ㄊㄧㄥˊ
Ting ting Radical Radical Yin total strokes 06 strokes 02 Argentina tíng <Name> (1) (Phonetic. From Yin, Wang (tíng) sound. Yin (yǐn), construction of the next. Have long cited the meaning. The original meaning of the court) (2) With the original meaning of [court of a feudal ruler] Ting, the DPRK also. - "Said the text" Come on Tiger Mountain in the SI war. - "Nine Songs Wang Yi think every particular" Han-Ting Gongqing room. - "Han Kui Lu Chuan" Phase, such as Argentina scold it. - "Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju" See phase, such as Argentina. Ting in both laugh. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "Liu Dong _Set_" (3) Another example is the courtier (courtier); Mountain officials (court officials); Ting push (Ming Dynasty, with senior officials, from Secretary of State recommended the approval and appointment by the emperor); Ting-Kui (the first name of the Imperial Examination Tingshi. The champion) (4) Government offices. Where local officials act [government] [Liu] for the Surabaya Ting Zhang, Ting Zhongli nothing is Xiawu. - "Historical Records" (5) Courtyard; yard. General Court "[courtyard] Ting the child there. - "Poetry has Shu Tang Feng-shan" Ting-Ying Zhang Wujun on. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty-three years" Ting Fu Chai people stand. - "Zuo fourteen years given the public" -Ting something, does not smell of years of the monarch, the so-called far in miles as well. - "Pipe Law Act" Ju Ji-ting a few thousand. - "Historical Records Lisi Biography" Listen to Ting. - "Mirror Tang Ji" (6) Toward the position; location [position] Church from the Church, is from the positive, odd and positive, constant different ting. - "Silk Book" Argentina tíng <Form> Fair [fair-minded] Tingwei, Qin officer. - "Han Baiguan Gongqing table." Analysis of the Functions Note Ting, Ping also. Your prison administration level, so that number. " Courtier tíngchén [Official of a monarchical government] toward the high official. Yang Yang from Grand courtiers offended after the most. - Qing Zhang Tingyu "Ming Dynasty" Court letter tíngjì [A confidential letter sent direct from the palace to the highest provincial officials] to the local senior officials of the imperial decree, are not sent to the Cabinet, but by the news of the Grand Council sealed to the seat at the Ministry of War sent to the provinces, be opened directly to the book Mouguan " , called the court letter " Ting Shi tíngshì [Final imperial examination] policy questions by the emperor himself, the court held the test Ting Zhang tíngzhàng [Flog a stateman at court] imperial courtiers in the court responsible for the rod Argentina tíng ㄊ ㄧ ㄥ Feudal monarchy where political action by the North Korean (cháo) ~. Palace ~. ~ Rod. ~ Test (imperial times the emperor's palace examination.) ~ On (a. verbal exchanges in the court in the publicly; b. imperial times the emperor's palace examination.) Zheng code ymb, u5ef7, gbkcda2 6 number of strokes, radical Yin, Stroke No. 312154
寅集下 Yin _set_ under 【廣韻】特丁切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】唐丁切,????音亭。【說文】朝中也。【廣韻】朝廷也。【論語】其在宗廟朝廷。【疏】朝廷,布政之所。【釋文】廷,停也,人所集之處。 又【廣韻】正也。【韻會】直也。 又【廣韻】廷者,平也。 又廷尉,官名。【前漢·百官表】廷尉,秦官。【註】廷,平也,治獄貴平,故以爲號。 又【廣韻】【韻會】【正韻】????徒徑切,亭去聲。義同。
Te Dingqie 【_set_】 【Rhyme Rhyme Rhyme will】 【】 【】 Tang Dingqie Rhymes, ???? sound booth. 【】 DPRK also said the text. Guangyun】 【court also. The Analects of Confucius】 【court in the ancestral temple. Shu】 【court, administration of the cloth. 【Explanation】 Mountain, stopping also, people _set_ place. Guangyun】 【is also another. Naoya will】 【rhyme. Also】 【Guang Yun Ting who is also flat. Also Tingwei, Guan Ming. 【Form】 Tingwei Baiguan Former Han, Qin officer. 【Note】 Ting, Ping also, the prison administration of your flat, so that number. Also 【Rhyme Rhyme will】 【】 【】 ???? rhyme only path is cut, Pavilion falling tone. Meaning the same.
編號:1260 ID: 1260 朝中也。從廴壬聲。 特丁切
North Korea also. Yin Wang from the sound. Te Dingqie