Lead (guide) dǎo guidelines to lead: leadership. Guidance. Wizard (who lead the way.) Advocacy. Deduced. Guidance. Guide. Oriented. Mentor. Introduction. Chuan cited transmitted to: conduction. Thermal conductivity. Lead to (cause). Inspiration: enlighten. Teaching. Capitalize on the trend. Stroke: 6; radicals: inches; stroke order code: 515124
(Phonetic. From the inch, road noise. "Inch" and "hand" similar meaning. The original meaning: to hand traction, guide)
With the original meaning 〖lead; guide〗
Lead, lead also. - "Said the text"
Expelling guided by their car. - "Su asked." Note: "that the bones move stub roll."
Order the official guide. - "Continued Han Guan Zhi a hundred." Note: "Optional also."
Lead officer. - "Later Han Ji after Deng." Note: "Optional meters for worship leading."
Daoyijingliu spike in the kitchen. - "Han Simaxiangru Biography." Cheng said: "guide, choose also."
Yu who guided the former, bird dog, after Romania. - Ming Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography"
Another example: derivation (official trip open when the guard of honor in front); lead from the (ancient official trip, as the leading and following from the people); lead the battle (leading the guards of honor)
Teach 〖instruct; teach〗
But not to lead people. - "Huai Miao said." Note: "to teach people."
Cup divination guide I threw hand, the cloud over this most difficult with the guitar. - Han Yu, "Ye then hostel Yue Heng Yue Miao temple gate questions"
Another example: directed (television show in the guidance and supervision of professionals throughout the broadcast); guide training (boot leaving cis)
〗 〖Dredge dredge
Those decisions for the River of the guide. - "Singer of the song on"
Another example: guided fee (Han Lingdi, the gun, place each in tribute outside the court, and another item to the Department of things as the offering guided fee); lead paragraph (clear); catharsis (grooming excretion)
Inspire, enlighten inspire〗 〖
To guide the faithful. - "Lu Wei appropriate." Note: "Utah be also."
Is a guide to the people. - "Mandarin Jin." Note: The "training also."
Then lead to bail out the start on the outside. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary"
Another example: lead encyclical (persuasion spoke); guide show (Guiding Inspiration)
Conduction 〖transmit; conduct〗. Such as: electrical conductivity; thermal conductivity
〖Lure lure; seduce〗
Guided by the government. - "The Analects of Confucius." Wong Shu: "that seduce people."
Another example: To declare prostitution guide (advocate of lust, vent promiscuous things); guide flattering (flattering flattery, Quyifengying.)
Lead; cause〗 〖cause. Such as: Guide for (cause); guide Ying (incurred)
Wizard, pathfinder guide〗 〖
Wusun Qian also made to send translation guide. - "Historical Records Dawan Biography"
Another example: the first derivative (leading; lead); preceding (leader)
Down along〗 〖
〗 〖Guidedmissile: one with or without warheads flying unmanned self-propelled weapons
〗 〖Missile: unmanned self-propelled weapons (such as rockets or missiles)
Missile bases
〗 〖Missilebase undertake nuclear counter-attack operations, combat readiness, combat readiness training mission or base used for missile tests
〖Electricconduction; conductelectricity〗 let current through
〖Giveguidancetoreading; tutortoreading remedial reading〗
〗 〖Conduit: to accommodate and protect the wire or cable (such as for telephone lines or power lines) tubing, pipe or tile
〗 〖Duct: gas, liquid or other substances (such as sperm, eggs, spores) by the adoption of a tube formed by cells
〖Navigation; pathfinding〗 guided along a certain route aircraft or ships sailing to a certain destination
〖Navigation; pathfinding〗 driving a ship or aircraft bound from one place to another place in the scientific or technical
〖Aerodromelocatingbeacon; guidancerangestation; non-directionbeacon〗 lead the way to ground the aircraft radio station
〖Fuse; asmallincidentthattouchesabigone〗
Packaged in a waterproof flexible rope or cable line within the continuous powder, used to transfer fuel ignition or drugs to make the charge (such as buying on behalf of that special explosive) exploded to detonate (explosives) Fuze (line )
Things that directly lead to conflict metaphor
Guide wheel
〗 〖Guidepulley boot drive belt drive belt through the obstacles or convert the direction of a pulley used when
〗 〖Introduction before the text of the full text or summary of the book discusses the central theme to guide the part to help the reader, also known as Introduction
Thermal conductivity
Heat conduction〗 〖heatconduction
〖Teacher; tutor〗 Buddhist language. Guided beings into those known in Buddhism; and guide pedestrians and in the political, ideological, academic or some knowledge of the instructor; as a cause of the direction, control major decisions of the great figures
〗 〖Conductor to transmit electricity, heat or sound of other substances or objects
〗 〖Conductingwire: made of copper, aluminum or steel wire made of conductive material, a single or twisted and made to transport current
〗 〖Traverse: measure off the ground by a horizontal line
〗 〖Leadto: make things develop to a
The meeting directed the regional economic cooperation
〗 〖Directionofguiding: refers to the direction of the guide
Public opinion
Orientation error
〗 〖Introduction
Guided both sides of the case〗 〖introductoryremarks
Books or papers, etc. for the theme, the main part of the preparatory notes or comments to provide a distinctive part, also called "Introduction"
〗 〖Monitoring performance director (such as stage, screen or radio broadcast) and is responsible for guiding action, lighting, music, rehearsals, in general, so that the concept of an entity of the people
Training and guidance to direct〗 〖Theatre performances
Guide Young
〖Arouse; enlighten; guide〗 inspiration; induced
I ignorant of the Cheng-tao, Shu Shi no health, pour Yang Society training, guided Yang Jue Meng. - "Jin Shu Zheng Chong Biography"
〗 〖Guide lead the way; lead the way
Tourist guide
〗 〖Conductasightseeingtour: Wizard; guided tour
〗 〖Tourguide: those who lead the tour
〗 〖Riverrisesin: origin, origin
Derived from the Yellow River in Qinghai
〖Derive; originate〗: evolved by some things
Derived from the almost non-small-Confucianism. - Qing xi "Yuanjun"
〖Bringabout; cause; resultin〗 that have led to
War led to major changes in lifestyle
Guide (phonetic. From inch, Road sound. Inch "and hand" means close. The original meaning of the hand traction, guide) with the original meaning of lead, lead also. - "Said the text" The Expelling guided by Ci. - "Su asked." Note that the shaking muscles move stub. "Official Order of the guide. -" Continued Han Guan Zhi a hundred. "Optional Note also." Guidance officer. - "Later Han Ji after Deng." Note the leading _select_ meters for worship. "Introduction of a six-stem spike in the kitchen. -" Han Simaxiangru Biography. "Cheng said guide, and chose a people." Danger of lead before the people, bird dog, after Romania. - Ming Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" Another example is the derivation of (official trip open when the guard of honor in front); lead from the (ancient official trip, as the leading and following from the people); lead the battle (leading the guards of honor) to teach
Dao guide
Radical Radical inch total strokes 06 strokes 03
guide; lead; teach; transmit;
(Phonetic. From the inch, channel sound. Inch "and the hand" of similar meaning. The original meaning of the hand traction, guide)
With the original meaning of [lead; guide]
Lead, lead also. - "Said the text"
The guided by Ci Expelling. - "Su asked." Note that the shaking muscles move stub. "
Order the official guide. - "Continued Han Guan Zhi a hundred." Note also _select_ed. "
Lead officer. - "Later Han Ji after Deng." Note the leading _select_ meters for worship. "
Daoyijingliu spike in the kitchen. - "Han Simaxiangru Biography." Cheng said guide, and chose too. "
Yu who guided the former, bird dog, after Romania. - Ming Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography"
Another example is the derivation (official trip open when the guard of honor in front); lead from the (ancient official trip, as the leading and following from the people); lead the battle (leading the guards of honor)
Teach [instruct; teach]
But not to lead people. - "Huai Miao said." Note to teach also. "
Cup divination guide I threw hand, the cloud over this most difficult with the guitar. - Han Yu, "Ye then hostel Yue Heng Yue Miao temple gate questions"
Another example is directed (television show in the guidance and supervision of professionals throughout the broadcast); guide training (boot leaving cis)
Dredge [dredge]
Those decisions for the River of the guide. - "Singer of the song on"
Another example is the guide line costs (Han Lingdi, the gun, place each in tribute outside the court, and another item to the Department of things as the offering guided fee); lead paragraph (clear); catharsis ( divert drainage)
Inspire, enlighten [inspire]
To guide the faithful. - "Lu Wei appropriate." Note also the first Utah. "
Is a guide to the people. - "Mandarin Jin." Note training also. "
Then lead to bail out the start on the outside. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary"
Another example is the lead encyclical (persuasion spoke); guide show (Guiding Inspiration)
Conduction [transmit; conduct]. Such as conductivity; thermal conductivity
Lure [lure; seduce]
Guided by the government. - "The Analects of Confucius." Wong Shu that the lure also. "
Another example is the Guide To declare prostitution (advocate of lust, vent promiscuous things); guide flattering (flattering flattery, Quyifengying.)
Lead; cause [cause]. Such as the guide for (causes); guide Ying (incurred)
Wizard, pathfinder [guide]
Wusun Qian also made to send translation guide. - "Historical Records Dawan Biography"
Another example is the first lead (leading; lead); preceding (leader)
Down [along]
[Guided missile]: with or without a warhead weapons, unmanned self-propelled flight
[Missile]: self-propelled unmanned weapons (such as rockets or missiles)
Missile bases
dǎodàn jīdì
[Missile base] undertake nuclear counter-attack operations, combat readiness, combat readiness training mission or base used for missile tests
[Electric conduction; conduct electricity] to the current through the
[Give guidance to reading; tutor to reading] remedial reading
[Conduit]: to accommodate and protect the wire or cable (such as for telephone lines or power lines) tubing, pipe or tile
[Duct]: gas, liquid or other substances (such as sperm, eggs, spores) by the adoption of a tube formed by cells
[Navigation; pathfinding] guided along a certain route aircraft or ships sailing to a certain destination
[Navigation; pathfinding] driving a ship or aircraft bound from one place to another place in the scientific or technical
[Aerodrome locating beacon; guidance range station; non-direction beacon] for the aircraft on the ground to guide the direction of radio
[Fuse; a small incident that touches a big one]
Packaged in a waterproof flexible rope or cable line within the continuous powder, used to transfer fuel ignition or drugs to make the charge (such as buying on behalf of that special explosive) exploded to detonate (explosives) Fuze (line )
Things that directly lead to conflict metaphor
Guide wheel
[Guide pulley] boot drive belt drive belt through the direction of obstructions or conversion of a pulley used when
[Introduction] before the text of the full text or summary of the book discusses the central theme to guide the part to help the reader, also known as Introduction
Thermal conductivity
[Heat conduction] heat conduction
[Teacher; tutor] Buddhist language. Guided beings into those known in Buddhism; and guide pedestrians and in the political, ideological, academic or some knowledge of the instructor; as a cause of the direction, control major decisions of the great figures
[Conductor] to transmit electricity, heat or sound of other substances or objects
[Conducting wire]: made of copper, aluminum or steel wire made of conductive material, a single or twisted and made to transport current
[Traverse]: measure off the ground by a horizontal line
[Lead to]: to make things develop to a
The meeting directed the regional economic cooperation
[Direction of guiding]: refers to the direction of the guide
Public opinion
Orientation error
Guided both sides of the case [introductory remarks]
Books or papers, etc. for the theme, the main part of the preparatory notes or comments to provide a distinctive part, also called the introduction "
[Director] monitoring performance (such as stage, screen or radio broadcast) and responsible for directing the action, lighting, music, rehearsals, in general, so that the concept of an entity of the people
[Direct] the training and guidance Theatre performances
Guide Young
[Arouse; enlighten; guide] inspired; induced
I ignorant of the Cheng-tao, Shu Shi no health, pour Yang Society training, guided Yang Jue Meng. - "Jin Shu Zheng Chong Biography"
[Guide] lead the way; lead the way
Tourist guide
[Conduct a sightseeing tour]: Wizard; guided tour
[Tour guide]: those who lead the tour
[River rises in]: origin, origin
Derived from the Yellow River in Qinghai
[Derive; originate]: some things evolved from the
Derived from the almost non-small-Confucianism. - Qing xi "Yuanjun"
[Bring about; cause; result in] to have led to
War led to major changes in lifestyle
dǎo ㄉ ㄠ
Guidelines, and lead collar ~. Cited ~. To ~ (who lead the way.) Initiative ~. Push ~. ~ Lead. ~ Tour. ~ To. ~ Division. ~ Statement.
Chuan cited transmitted to pass ~. ~ Hot. ~ To (cause).
Inspired to open ~. Education ~. By snobbish ~.
Zheng code yybd, u5bfc, gbkb5bc
6 number of strokes, radical-inch, Stroke No. 515124
寅集上 Yin Set 〔古文〕????【集韻】【韻會】大到切【正韻】杜到切,????音盜。【說文】導,引也。從寸道聲。【徐曰】以寸引之也。【周語】????人爲導。【註】謂敵國賔至爲先導也。【孟子】君使人導之出疆。 又治也。【書·禹貢】導岍及岐,至於荊山。【註】言治山通水也。 又通也。【周語】太子晉曰:川氣之導也,疏爲川𠔌,以導其氣。 又【增韻】啓迪也。通作道。【論語】道之以德。又【前漢·文帝紀】道民之路在務本。 又簪導。【釋名】簪,兓也,以兓連冠於髮也。導,所以導櫟鬢髮,使入巾幘之裏也。南齊高祖性儉約,見主衣中有玉導,曰:留此是興長敝源。命擊碎之。
〔〕 ???? Classical】 【【Ji Yun Yun will be big enough to cut】 【】 Du Yun is to cut, ???? Music Pirates. Wen】 【that lead, lead also. Road noise from the inch. Xu said】 【inch lead to the well. 【Language】 ???? week human guide. 【Note】 that the enemy Bin to as the guide also. Jun Mencius】 【guided the Xinjiang people. Mataji also. Yugong】 【guide books and Qi Qian Mountain, The Jingshan. 【Note】 statement watershed conservation through water also. They pass too. 【Language】 Prince Jin Zhou said: Sichuan Gas to the guide also, sparse as Agrestis to guide the gas. Yun】 【inspired by another also. Pass for the road. Analects】 【Road to Germany. Emperor Wen of Han and Ji】 【Road before the road in the business of the people. And hairpin guide. Release Name】 【hairpin, Jin has to Jin consecutive in the hair also. Conductivity, so guide oak hair on the temples, the conical cap of years into the towel too. Southern Qi Gaozu of frugal, see jade in the main clothing guide, said: This are the foundation of a long stay in spacious sources. Crushing the life.
導 Guide 導,引也。從寸道聲。徒皓切
Lead, lead also. Road noise from the inch. Wen Hao cut only seven