Jung zheng
Radical Women Radical total strokes 08 strokes 03
zhēng ㄓ ㄥ ˉ
Women's names with the word ancient.
Women's dignified appearance.
Classical and positive ", referring to Executive.
Zheng code zmai, u59c3, gbk8a92
8 number of strokes, radical women, stroke order number 53112121
姃zhēng 1.女子名用字。 2.女子容止端莊。 3.通"正"。指長官。
Jung zhēng 1. Woman, with a word. 2. Women Rongzhi dignified. 3. Links "are." Refers to the Executive.
1.女子人名用字。 2.女子容貌端莊。 3.通「正」。指長官。
醜集下 Under the ugly _set_ 【廣韻】【集韻】????諸盈切,音徵。女字。 又【集韻】之盛切,音政。義同。一曰女容端莊。
【】 【Ji Yun Guang Yun Zhu Ying】 ???? cut, sound sign. Female characters. Also】 【Ji Yun-sheng cut, sound governance. Meaning the same. Capacity of a dignified woman said.