Da (Da) dā〕 〔da da onomatopoeia to describe hoofs, gunfire and other organs. (Da) number of strokes: 9; radicals: port; Stroke Number: 251134454
噠 噠 dā 同“嗒”
Clatter Clatter dā With the "despair"
噠 同嗒”
噠dā 象聲詞,敲打的聲音.
Da (da) ~ ~〕 〔onomatopoeia to describe hoofs, gunfire and other organs. Da with despair "da dā onomatopoeia, the sound beating.
噠 da
部首 口 部首筆畫 03 總筆畫 09
噠 (1)
噠 dā
噠 (噠)
dā ㄉㄚˉ
Da da Radical Radical port 03 total strokes 09 strokes Clatter (1) Clatter dā (2) With despair " Clatter (Da) dā ㄉ ㄚ ˉ ~ ~〕 〔Onomatopoeia to describe hoofs, gunfire and other organs. Zheng code jwgd, u54d2, gbkdfd5 9 number of strokes, radical population, Stroke No. 251134454
Yun】 【_set_ as cutting, sound Radha. Ye da, Xiyi country names. Shi Wei, Ji Su-tsung 【North】 turtle two years, Tuyuhun, rock Chang, Ye da other countries and emissary tribute. Also】 【Ji Yun Zhi Geqie, sound of. Meaning the same. Also cut rolling home. Tan Da, language is not correct.