Ability of plant and animal life mìng life: life. Help. Their lives. Desperately. Lifeline. Lives. Dependence. Superstition that was born to wealth, life expectancy, etc.: destiny. Fortune tellers (xi Er g). Destiny (a. superstition that life and death, wealth and all suffered; b. Yu trend of development and changes, such as "people will be able to control their own lives life"). Superior to subordinate instructions: ordered. Yes, sir. Command. Mission. To give (name): named. Proposition. Life meaning. Assignment, use: life Officer. Stroke: 8; radicals: port; stroke ID: 34125152
Life mìng 【Activity】 (Knowing. From the mouth from the order. That an order with the mouth. Original meaning: assignment; hair number) 〗 〖Order with the original meaning Life, so also. - "Said Wen." Sound by Jun Zhu: "In the matter is that, in the words to life, prose pass, not on wen. So that when the training is also ordered to send numbers as training also." Jun minister under the Dubbed life. - Han Yong "arbitrary" Those under the command language, system that also. - "Yung Jia Zili" Where His Holiness the Yanyue life. - "_Select_ed Works of homebound Fu Xu" Note Victoria Gentleman life. - "Poetry Taiga Volume A" Guci not a life. - "Rites of rite" Life lands and eastern suburbs. - "Lu Meng Ji." Note: "life, so also." E's two sons life negative boast the mountains. - "Lie Zi Tang asked" Prudential General Order system Reggie soldiers to tens of thousands of lives. - "Mirror Battle of Red Cliff" Life woman cooked taro. - Qing Zhou Rong "line Elderly Biography" Suiming wine, so that the number of fast play the song. - Bai "Pipa order" Another example: the discretionary life (so that those who charge Zhuojiu); life of the President (to order the seating arrangements); ordered wine (ordered Zhijiu); life music (music for life people); command officer (appointed officials); ordered materials (appointment of talented people); life things (arrangements ministry); order to make (the appointment of envoys); life will be (appointed general); fortune tellers (command Excellencies Colonial, act); order to discuss (ordered crusade); life education (command) Name; named〗 〖nominat The teacher who ordered this. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "Liu Dong _Set_" Ming Yue Pipa. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)" Another example: name (given name, naming); life name (surname; building name); Life Grand (give title, office) Move, with the use〗 〖 Pleased to Mingbi. - Mao Zedong "send the god of plague two sequence" Another example: Life Journey (apprenticeship, pledging, departure); Mingbi (write, to pen); life tube (Mingbi) Links "Union." Vows before God, alliance〗 〖formanalliance Where I'm alliance, not Yun years ... or indirectly hereby life, Shen Secretary, League Secretary, the name of Sichuan, the group of God, group worship, kings, Xian Gong, father of seven named the Twelve, that God put to death of. - "Zuo Xianggong ten year" Life mìng 【Name】 Order; decree; fatwas order〗 〖 Neither make nor ordered. - "Lou on Mengzi" Between ordered in danger. - Another "Inst" Wang Ming of the polymer. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "snake say" Ho Yan is life. - "Public Han Mo" Lord British has life. - "Easy teacher" The orders of the queen palm. - "In Zhou Xiao Chen" Notice the princes who have ordered the book. - "Implicit Public Zuo ten year" Hi from life. - "Mirror" West City on standby. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" To the Quartet, not shame Junming. - "The Analects" Another example: Yes, sir (King speech. That charged according to each other); life ring (command and prohibition); command words (edict; also refers to the draft decree); life Chao (king of the command) Fate, destiny 〖destiny; lot; fate〗 Phase I wrong Hou Qi evil? And solid life too? - "Historical Biography of General Li" Life is life. - Ming Zong Chen, "reported that Liu Yi Zhang book" Another example: Life Road (fate); life drugs (Bitter, the fate of poor); life fast (good destiny); lucky; hardy; fortune; life points (fate; hit to the talent; endowment) Life, life 〖life; lifetime〗 Life hanging then. - "Historical Pingyuan Yuqing Biography" Life such as the Nanshan Stone. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" Life must today. Are related public life. - "Strange Cricket" Life such as the Nanshan stone, four-body health and straight. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" He can not be easily ordered by two of its officials. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" Another example: escape; short-lived; life committed (criminal homicide) Life, survival 〖life; existence〗. Such as: lives for the better (way of life, work experience); Life Road (the road of life) By rating given to the subjects as the emperor the things official〗 〖emperor'sreward Give Jinhui Gong life. (This refers to the clothing) - "Mandarin" Another example: life persons (life husband. By the people who have ordered MG); life Wo (the gift of the Son of Heaven Golden Harvest); life people (civilians by the Imperial Cijue); life kyu (kyu Jade Emperor gave) Links "name." Reputation 〖fame; renown〗 When the order of weeks. - "Poetry Zhou Song Dalai" Murder mìng'àn 〖Caseinvolvingthekillingofaperson; homicidecase〗 killings; involved in the case of life Mingbi mìngbǐ 〖_Set_pentopaper; takeupone'spen〗 write poetry or painting for Italy was then quiet down to Mingbi. - "Wen Xin Diao Long" Pleased to Mingbi Destiny mìngdìng 〖Bedeterminedbyfate; doom or the inevitable fate of〗 Reactionaries are destined to fail Ming Fu mìngfù 〗 〖AwomaninancientChinawhowasgivenatitleorrankbytheemperor ancient times women were given titles, usually the mother, officials, wives Lifeblood mìnggēnzi 〖Lifeblood; lifeline; lifespring; one'sverylife〗 are considered to be the source of life or energy to something; metaphor's most important younger people, also used to refer the most important or most important things Official life mìngguān 〗 〖Anappointedofficial officials appointed by the court Pay their visit mìngjià 〖Giveordertodrive (acarriage)〗 ordered to drive horses, also referred to by bus Order wine mìngjiǔ 〗 〖Ordersb.toplacewinesonthetable called (his men) give a feast Command mìnglìng 〖Order; directive〗 issued by a higher authority to lower the instructions Executive Order Command mìnglìng 〖Order; command〗 by a legitimate authority or rights of a particular person or under the direct daily Ordered the troops to advance Imperatives mìnglìngjù 〗 〖Imperativesentence expressed the intention of the sentence Imperative Imperative mìnglìngshì 〖Injunctive; commandingtone〗 command of its tone or expression of the form of a verb Lifeline mìngmài 〗 〖Lifelines that life, blood, metaphor of life and death matters related to Named mìngmíng 〗 〖Nominate: The name or title of a call ... Naming Patterns of compounds 〗 〖Christen: The ceremony for baptism, said something (such as ships) naming, or naming ceremony was held 〗 〖Terminize: to ... (as science) was named To aptly named 〗 〖Crown: to take the name ... Satellite named "One Asia" Numeration mìngshù 〗 〖Fate fate Proposition mìngtí 〗 〖Assignatopic the subject Thesis writing Proposition mìngtí 〗 〖Proposition: the expression of logic to determine that the language of form, by the copula subject and predicate to link together 〗 〖Problem: math or physics problems to be some kind of description Proposition: a line bisection Italian life mìngyì 〗 〖Determineatopic: identification of poetry and painting themes 〗 〖Implication: implies; meaning We do not understand the meaning of his remark in which life Fate mìngyùn 〖Destiny; fate; lot of things pre-destined〗 process, that life and death, wealth and all suffered To avoid the fate of the Hit mìngzhòng 〗 〖Hit: hit the target; hit 〗 〖Score: the success of a strike
Life (knowing. From the mouth from the order. That an order with the mouth. The original meaning of assignment; hair number) with the original meaning of life, so also. - "Said Wen." Jun Zhu is the sound made by the incident, in the words to life, prose pass, not on wen. So that when the training is also ordered to send numbers as training also. "The minister under the Dubbed the king life. - Han Yong" arbitrary "under the command language are, the system that also. -" Yung Jia Zili "Where Holiness the Yanyue life. -" _Select_ed Works of homebound Fu Xu "Note-dimensional gentleman life. -" Poetry Taiga Volume A, "not a Guci life. -" Rites Ceremony of "life lands and eastern suburbs. -" Lu Meng Ji. "Note life so also. "E's two sons life negative boast the mountains. - "Lie Zi Tang asked," General Order system Reggie sincerity can command tens of thousands of soldiers. - "Mirror Chibi life mìng ⒈ life, bio-power to live the life ~. Save ~. Short ~ died. ⒉ superior to subordinate commands ~ order. Ren ~. ⒊ name ~ name. ~ Question. ⒋ assignment, the use of ~ he handed down. Pleasure ~ pen. ⒌ superstition so-called "born to wealth, social status, life and death" and other nonsense born ~ bitter. ~ Deceptive money Operator. ⒍ ⒎ life màn 1. Mocked; overlooked.
命 ming
部首 口 部首筆畫 03 總筆畫 08
命 assign; fate; life; order;
命 mìng
同本義 [order]
取名;命名 [nominat]
動,用 [use]
通盟”。在神前誓約,結盟 [form an alliance]
命 mìng
命令;政令;教令 [order]
命運,天命 [destiny;lot;fate]
性命,壽命 [life;lifetime]
生活,生存 [life;existence]。如命途(生活的道路、經歷);命路(人生的路途)
帝王按等級官職賜給臣下的東西 [emperor's reward]
通名”。聲譽 [fame;renown]
mìng àn
[case involving the killing of a person;homicide case] 殺人的案件;涉及人命的案件
[set pen to paper;take up one's pen] 執筆作詩文或書畫
[be determined by fate;doom] 命中註定或必然發生的
[a woman in ancient china who was given a title or rank by the emperor] 古時被賜予封號的婦女,一般為官員的母親、妻子
[lifeblood;lifeline;lifespring;one's very life] 被認為是有生命或精力來源的東西;比喻最受人重視的晚輩,也比喻最重要或最受重視的事物
[an appointed official] 受朝廷任命的官吏
[give order to drive (a carriage)] 命人駕車馬,也指乘車出發
[order sb.to place wines on the table] 叫(手下人)擺酒
[order;directive] 由上級嚮下級發佈的權威性的指示
[order;command] 由具有正當權威或權利的人所下的特定或日常指示
[imperative sentence] 表達祈使意嚮的句子
[injunctive;commanding tone] 命令的語氣或表達它的一個動詞形式
[life lines] 指生命,血脈,比喻生死相關的事物
[christen]∶ 用表示洗禮的儀式為某物(如船衹)定名,或舉行定名儀式
[fate] 命運
[assign a topic] 出題目
[determine a topic]∶確定詩文、繪畫等的主題
[destiny;fate;lot] 事情的預先註定的進程,指生死、貧富和一切遭遇
命 mìng ㄇㄧㄥ╝
Life ming Radical mouth radical strokes 03 strokes 08 total Life assign; fate; life; order; Life mìng (1) (Knowing. From the mouth from the order. That an order with the mouth. The original meaning of assignment; hair number) (2) With the original meaning of [order] Life, so also. - "Said Wen." Jun Zhu is the sound made by the incident, in the words to life, prose pass, not on wen. So that when the training is also ordered to send numbers as training also. " Jun minister under the Dubbed life. - Han Yong "arbitrary" Those under the command language, system that also. - "Yung Jia Zili" Where His Holiness the Yanyue life. - "_Select_ed Works of homebound Fu Xu" Note Victoria Gentleman life. - "Poetry Taiga Volume A" Guci not a life. - "Rites of rite" Life lands and eastern suburbs. - "Lu Meng Ji." Note life, so also. " E's two sons life negative boast the mountains. - "Lie Zi Tang asked" Prudential General Order system Reggie soldiers to tens of thousands of lives. - "Mirror Battle of Red Cliff" Life woman cooked taro. - Qing Zhou Rong "line Elderly Biography" Suiming wine, so that the number of fast play the song. - Bai "Pipa order" (3) Another example is the discretionary life (so that those who charge Zhuojiu); life of the President (to order the seating arrangements); ordered wine (ordered Zhijiu); life music (music for life people); command officer (appointed officials); ordered materials (appointment of talented people ); life things (arrangements for the ministry); order to make (appointed angels); life to (the appointment of generals); fortune tellers (command Excellencies Colonial, act); order to discuss (ordered crusade); life education (command) (4) Name; named [nominat] The teacher who ordered this. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "Liu Dong _Set_" Ming Yue Pipa. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)" (5) Another example is the name (given name, naming); life name (surname; building name); Life Grand (give title, office) (6) Move, with the [use] Pleased to Mingbi. - Mao Zedong "send the god of plague two sequence" (7) Another example is the life journey (apprenticeship, pledging, departure); Mingbi (write, to pen); life tube (Mingbi) (8) General Union. "Vow before God, alliance [form an alliance] Where I'm alliance, not Yun years ... or indirectly hereby life, Shen Secretary, League Secretary, the name of Sichuan, the group of God, group worship, kings, Xian Gong, father of seven named the Twelve, that God put to death of. - "Zuo Xianggong ten year" Life mìng (1) Order; decree; fatwas [order] Neither make nor ordered. - "Lou on Mengzi" Between ordered in danger. - Another "Inst" Wang Ming of the polymer. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "snake say" Ho Yan is life. - "Public Han Mo" Lord British has life. - "Easy teacher" The orders of the queen palm. - "In Zhou Xiao Chen" Notice the princes who have ordered the book. - "Implicit Public Zuo ten year" Hi from life. - "Mirror" West City on standby. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" To the Quartet, not shame Junming. - "The Analects" (2) Another example is obeyed (King speech. That charged according to each other); life ring (command and prohibition); command words (edict; also refers to the draft decree); life Chao (king of the command) (3) Fate, destiny [destiny; lot; fate] Phase I wrong Hou Qi evil? And solid life too? - "Historical Biography of General Li" Life is life. - Ming Zong Chen, "reported that Liu Yi Zhang book" (4) Another example is the command channel (fate); life drugs (Bitter, the fate of poor); life fast (good destiny); lucky; hardy; fortune; life points (fate; hit to the talent; endowment) (5) Life, life [life; lifetime] Life hanging then. - "Historical Pingyuan Yuqing Biography" Life such as the Nanshan Stone. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" Life must today. Are related public life. - "Strange Cricket" Life such as the Nanshan stone, four-body health and straight. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" He can not be easily ordered by two of its officials. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" (6) Another example is the escape; short-lived; life committed (criminal homicide) (7) Life, survival [life; existence]. If lives for the better (way of life, work experience); Life Road (the road of life) (8) By rating given to the subjects as imperial official things [emperor's reward] Give Jinhui Gong life. (This refers to the clothing) - "Mandarin" (9) Another example is the life persons (life husband. By the people who have ordered MG); life Wo (the gift of the Son of Heaven Golden Harvest); life people (civilians by the Imperial Cijue); life kyu (kyu Jade Emperor gave) (10) Generic term. "Reputation [fame; renown] When the order of weeks. - "Poetry Zhou Song Dalai" Murder mìng àn [Case involving the killing of a person; homicide case] murder case; involved in the case of life Mingbi mìngbǐ [_Set_ pen to paper; take up one's pen] write as poetry or painting Italy was then quiet down to Mingbi. - "Wen Xin Diao Long" Pleased to Mingbi Destiny mìngdìng [Be determined by fate; doom] fate, or the inevitable happened Reactionaries are destined to fail Ming Fu mìngfù [A woman in ancient china who was given a title or rank by the emperor] in ancient times women were given titles, usually the mother, officials, wives Lifeblood mìnggēnzi [Lifeblood; lifeline; lifespring; one's very life] is considered the energy source of life, or something; metaphor's most important younger people, also used to refer the most important or most important things Official life mìngguān [An appointed official] officials appointed by the court Pay their visit mìngjià [Give order to drive (a carriage)] ordered to drive horses, also referred to by bus Order wine mìngjiǔ [Order sb.to place wines on the table] is called (his men) give a feast Command mìnglìng [Order; directive] issued by a higher authority to lower the instructions Executive Order Command mìnglìng [Order; command] by a legitimate authority or rights of a particular person or under the direct daily Ordered the troops to advance Imperatives mìnglìngjù [Imperative sentence] expressed the intention of the sentence Imperative Imperative mìnglìngshì [Injunctive; commanding tone] the command of its tone or expression of the form of a verb Lifeline mìngmài [Life lines] refers to the life, blood, metaphor of life and death matters related to Named mìngmíng (1) [Nominate]: to call a name or title ... Naming Patterns of compounds (2) [Christen]: with the baptism ceremony that was something (such as ships) naming, or naming ceremony was held (3) [Terminize]: to ... (as science) was named To aptly named (4) [Crown]: to take the name ... Asia Satellite named One " Numeration mìngshù [Fate] Fate Proposition mìngtí [Assign a topic] and the subject of Thesis writing Proposition mìngtí (1) [Proposition]: the expression of logic to determine that the language of form, by the copula subject and predicate to link together (2) [Problem]: math or physics problems to be some kind of description Proposition straight line bisection Italian life mìngyì (1) [Determine a topic]: OK poetry, painting and other themes (2) [Implication]: moral; meaning We do not understand the meaning of his remark in which life Fate mìngyùn [Destiny; fate; lot] of things pre-destined process, that life and death, wealth and all suffered To avoid the fate of the Hit mìngzhòng (1) [Hit]: hit the target; hit (2) [Score]: the success of a strike Life mìng ㄧ ㄥ ╝ mo (1) Ability of plant and animal life Health ~. Save ~. Escape ~. Fight ~. ~ Pulse. Of ~. Dependency is ~. (2) Superstition that was born to wealth, life expectancy and other days ~. ~ Phase (xiàng). ~ Win (a. superstition that life and death, wealth and all suffered; b. Yu trend of development and changes, such as the people will be able to control their own ~~")。 (3) Upon the instructions of superior to subordinate ~. Compliance ~. ~ Order. So ~. (4) To give (name) ~ name. ~ Question. ~ Italian. (5) Assigned, use the ~ official. Zheng code odjy, u547d, gbkc3fc 8 number of strokes, radical population, stroke order number 34125152
【】 【Ji Yun Tang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Mei Yun disease is cut, Ming falling tone. Wen】 【said that also. 【】 Nai Ming Xi Yao Dian and book. Teaching with jade articles】 【they make too. Wen Yu Mo】 【book spreads universal life. 【Fax】 Bonaventure made its external fabric Teaching with life. Wang Yan said】 【life but for life. Gua】 【Yi Tai Yi reports from life. 【Big】 by Yun said life, said the small orders. On out for the life, intrinsic to the next order. Also】 【Tongxun life, report also. 】 【Yi Qian and all are alive. 【】 Life are sparse, people affected by intrinsic. Gua】 【Pursue said of that life. 【Note】 life who is extremely raw. Zuo】 【Thirteen years into the public by the world in order to provide students, the so-called life too, there is propriety majesty of the action to be life too. Although sparse】 【life by the world, there is the short length, ko is Shoukao, against reason is mortality, there is a shred of dignity of the rules of propriety and justice movement, to be in this life, made the law, then the length of life was determined can not, then the mortality is also not constant. Also】 【D Tian Zhiming Zhou Song Poetry, the Mu endless.笺】 【life, Utah Road also. Also 【】 Su Ye Zhou Song poetry life Yu-secret base. 【Fax】 life, the letter also. Shun Shu】 【letter destiny. Rites of Spring and 【】 officer for six major speech I wish to pass to rank the top and bottom. One said Temple, second is life. The Analects of Confucius】 【benefit for the life of Chen embryonic. 】 【Sparse life, that the decree League of speech also. Zhou Chun and officials Taizong Bo】 【Code life. 【Note】 life, that the rank of ministers moved to the book. And star names. Official Da Zongbo】 【Siming Zhou Chun. 【Note】 Wenchang fourth star. King Xiang of Zhou】 【language and give Jinhui Gong life. 【Note】 life, Swiss life. Calipering bit princes, the emperor gave the order of Paraguay, that the Swiss section. King Xiang of Zhou】 【language and give. Duke Wen of Jin life. 【Note】 life, service life also. Seven princes life, Mianfu seven chapters. Former Han Zhang Er has passed】 【try desperate swim outside the yellow. 【Note】 Teacher ancient saying: life who were also. Name of nationality and fled off. Former Han and Li Ling Chuan】 【radio hit. 【Note】 Old Master said: named place in the calipering also. Also Guangyun】 【count also. Also Guangyun】 【call also. And leaf eyebrow Xinqie, audio min. Yong wind】 【poems are like the people, pregnant faint marriage also, big no letter also, I do not know life too. Daya】 【insurance and life of the right, since the days of application. ○ Click "Zhu Xi" are anti-Ye Mi Bing, Geng Yun slingshots, difficult and Zhen Yun Aiba, the suspect should be anti-Mi Bin. Falling leaves and expansive. 【Guo Pu Shan Hai Jing Yuan One man dead at the country like this, members of hill above the red spring in years, the tree support life. And the University】 【ceremony held not the first fate also. 【Note】 life read as slowly, the sound of it is wrong. 【Explanation】 life sounds slow, Wu remonstrance against. Research: The Analects of Confucius】 【〔benefit for the life of Chen embryonic. 【Note】 life, that the decree League of speech also. According to the original Note〕 would like to change about.
編號:839 Number: 839 使也。從口從令。 眉病切
So also. From the mouth from the order. Eyebrow cut disease