
簡異體:  (????)繁異體:  (???? )拼音: bèi部首: 亻人總筆畫: 12部外筆畫: 10
UTF-8: E5 82 99UTF-16: 5099UTF-32: 00005099GB 12345: 1724Big 5: B3C6倉頡: OTHB
四角碼: 2422.7一字全碼: bei4renbei一字雙碼: berebe一字單碼: brb漢字結構: 左(中)右漢字層次: 6
筆畫: 丿丨一丨丨一丿丨????一一丨筆順編號: 321221325112筆順讀寫: 撇竪橫竪竪橫撇竪折橫橫竪他人筆順: 321221325112
部件組構: 亻(丿丨)????(龷(卄(十(一丨)丨)一)丿(冂(丨????)(二(一一)丨)))

  Prepare bèi see "prepared." Stroke: 12; radical: Ren; stroke order number: 321 221 325 112
  1.慎。 2.預;準。 3.防;防禦。 4.武;守。 5.措施;辦法。 6.齊。 7.滿。 8.完成;形成。 9.收藏。 10.謙詞。謂充數,佔有其位。 11.美好。 12.後垣。 13.爪。 14.賠償。 15.調度。 16.用。 17.究。 18.副詞。相當於「盡」、「皆」。 19.姓。

  1. Shen. (2) preparation; preparation. 3. Preparedness; defense. 4. Armament; garrison. 5 measures; way. 6 available. 7. Full. 8 completed; formation. 9 collection. 10 Qian word. That filled up, hold their place. 11. Beautiful. 12 after the wall. 13. Claws. 14. Compensation. 15. Scheduler. 16. Use. 17 study. 18. Adverbs. Equivalent to "do", "all." 19. Name.
子集中 Subset  〔古文〕????【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】????平祕切,音避。成也。【周禮·春官·樂師】凡樂成則告。 又鹹也,副也。【書·周官】官不必惟其人。 又先具以待用也。【書·說命】惟事事,乃其有,有無患。【左傳·僖五年】凡分至啓閉,必書雲物,爲故也。 又足也。【易·繫辭】易之爲書也,廣大悉。 又【禮·祭統】福者,也。者,百順之名也。無所不順者之謂。 又盡也。【禮·月令】季秋之月,乃命塚宰,農事收。 又長兵曰。【左傳·昭二十一年】用少莫如齊致死,齊致死莫如去。 又搔也。【周禮·秋官】冥氏若得其獸,則獻其皮革齒須。【註】須直謂頤下須,謂搔也。搔音爪。 又姓。 又葉蒲必切,音弼。【詩·小雅】禮儀旣,鐘鼓旣戒。戒音吉。考證:〔【周禮·春官·大司樂】凡樂則告。〕 謹照原書大司樂改樂師。凡樂下增成字。〔【禮·月令】季秋之月,命塚宰,農事收。〕 謹照原文命字上增乃字。

  [[Classical] ???? _set_ Yun Tang Yun] [] [] ???? level secret rhyme will be cut, to avoid the sound. Can be completed. [Musicians] Zhou Chun official who is happy to prepare reports. Also salty, vice also. [Official] Official Book Week Only one non-essential. And to stand with the first also. [The book] but everything that lives, is that they have prepared, be prepared. [Zuo Xi] where five points to open and close, the book will cloud things, but also to prepare it. And foot also. [] Yi Yi copulative also for the book, the majority noted the equipment. And [President] blessing ritual sacrifice who prepared also. Equipment who is also the name of Baishun. Nothing of that ring true are prepared. They do also. [Li] Jiqiu on the month to make, Naiming Chief Minister, farm equipment collection. And long soldier said equipment. Twenty-one] [Zuo Zhao Qi death with little nurturing, nurturing death together to prepare. They scratch also. Ming Zhou's [Adam], if obtaining the beast, then offer their leather gear to be prepared. [Note] The following should be directed to that Yi, equipment that can scratch. Claws scratching sound. Another name. And Po will be cut leaves, sound Bute. [Poem] Xiaoya etiquette Ji equipment, three hundred Ji ring. Ring tone guitar. Research: [[Zhou Chun Officer Daiji where music is music] report prepared. According to the original book] would like to change the big musicians to musicians. Where the music into the next by word. [[] Jiqiu ceremony on order of the month, Chief Minister, life, farm equipment collection. Life according to the original] would like to increase the word is the word.
編號:5004 Code: 5004  愼也。從人????聲。 平祕切

  Shen also. From people ???? sound. Flat cut secret

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