醍 tí 〔醍醐〕古代指从牛奶中提炼出来的酥油,佛教喻最高的佛法,如“醍醍灌顶”(喻把佛法、智慧、悟性灌输给人,使人彻底醒悟,亦借指听了精辟的言论深受启发教育)。
醍 tǐ 较清的浅红色酒:“粢醍在堂”。
笔画数:16; 部首:酉; 笔顺编号:1253511251112134
Ti tí 〔〕 ancient means Daigo extracted from butter milk, the highest Dharma Buddhist metaphor, such as "Titi Initiation" (Yu to Buddhism, wisdom, understanding educate people, people completely disillusioned, but also by means listening to brilliant remarks inspired education). Ti tǐ the light red wine was clear: "millet Ti in the Church." Stroke: 16; radicals: Unitary; stroke order code: 1253511251112134
Ti tí 【Name】 The most polished Sulao〗 〖pure-refinedcheese. Such as: Daigo See tǐ Daigo tíhú 〗 〖Thefinestcream: Sulao on oil rally When making cheese, on a weight for the condensate are crisp, flaky on the person, such as oil as Daigo. - "Compendium of Materia Medica of a beast" were cited Kou seok 〖Nirvana; Buddhisttruth〗: Buddhist teachings to take the analogy one. Vehicles such as Tiantai, "France and China" as Daigo, Yu Dharani Shingon Tibetan as Daigo Sobering tíhú-guàndǐng Daigo〗 〖pleasureofreceivingwisdomlikepouringrichliquoroverone'shead refined from the milk, the most benefits the human body. Therefore, compared to irrigation gives wisdom, and make clear-headed. Old also heard brilliant metaphor inspired speech Gem heard, such as the splash of cold water ... - "Dream of Red Mansions" Ti tǐ 【Name】 (Phonetic. From the unitary (yǒu), is sound. "Unitary" and alcohol related. Original meaning: more clear, light red wine) with the original meaning〗 〖pinkwine. Such as: Ti Qi (red wine) See tí
Ti <name> as the most polished Sulao for dairy Daigo Daigo, the last person to resolidification cakes, crisp on the person, such as oil as Daigo. - "Compendium of Materia Medica beast of a" sobering seok cases cited Kou a brilliant gem inspired by listening to speech, such as the splash of cold water ... - "Dream of Red Mansions" Ti <name "(phonetic. Tǐ 1 from the Ti tí Ti . pink sake.
醍 ti
部首 酉 部首笔画 07 总笔画 16
最精纯的酥酪 [pure-refined cheese]。
另见 tǐ
[the finest cream]∶酥酪上凝聚的油
[nirvana;buddhist truth]∶佛教用以比喻一乘教义。如天台宗喻《法华》为醍醐,真言宗喻陀罗尼藏为醍醐
[pleasure of receiving wisdom like pouring rich liquor over one's head] 醍醐由牛乳精制而成,最益人体。故用以比喻灌给人智慧,使人头脑清醒。旧时也比喻听了精辟的言论深受启发
(形声。从酉(yǒu),是声。酉”与酒有关。本义较清的浅赤色酒) 同本义 [pink wine]。
另见 tí
tí ㄊㄧˊ
tǐ ㄊㄧˇ
Ti ti Radical total unitary radical strokes 07 strokes 16 Ti 1 tí <Name> (1) The most polished Sulao [pure-refined cheese]. (2) If Daigo See tǐ Daigo tíhú (1) [The finest cream]: Sulao on the cohesion of the oil When making cheese, on a weight for the condensate are crisp, flaky on the person, such as oil as Daigo. - "Compendium of Materia Medica of a beast" were cited Kou seok (2) [Nirvana; buddhist truth]: for the metaphor of a Buddhist by religion. Vehicles such as Tiantai, "France and China" as Daigo, Yu Dharani Shingon Tibetan as Daigo Sobering tíhú-guàndǐng [Pleasure of receiving wisdom like pouring rich liquor over one's head] Daigo is refined from the milk, the most benefits the human body. Therefore, compared to irrigation gives wisdom, and make clear-headed. Old also heard brilliant metaphor inspired speech Gem heard, such as the splash of cold water ... - "Dream of Red Mansions" Ti 2 tǐ <Name> (1) (Phonetic. From the unitary (yǒu), is sound. Unitary "and alcohol related. The original meaning was clear, light red wine) with the original meaning of [pink wine]. (2) Such as Ti Qi (red wine) See tí Ti 1 tí ㄊ ㄧ 〔〕 ~ Hu refers to the ancient extracted from butter milk, the highest Buddhist Dharma metaphor, such as ~ ~ Initiation "(Yu to Buddhism, wisdom, understanding people indoctrination, people completely disillusioned, but also by listening to insightful comments that inspired by education). Zheng code fdai, u918d, gbkf5ae The number of 16 strokes, radical unitary, stroke number 1253511251112134 Ti 2 tǐ ㄊ ㄧ Was clear of pink wine millet ~ in the Church. " Zheng code fdai, u918d, gbkf5ae The number of 16 strokes, radical unitary, stroke number 1253511251112134
酉集下 Under the unitary _set_ 【唐韻】【正韻】他禮切【集韻】【韻會】土禮切,????音體。【說文】淸酒也。【玉篇】酒紅色。【禮·禮運】粢醍在堂。【註】酒成而紅赤色也。 又【韻會】通作緹。【周禮·天官·酒正】四曰緹齊。【註】緹者成而紅赤,如今下酒。【疏】下酒,謂糟牀下酒,其色紅赤。 又【廣韻】杜奚切【集韻】田黎切,????音題。醍醐。【本草綱目】????宗奭曰:酪上一重凝者爲酥,酥上如油者爲醍醐,甚甘美。????藏器曰:性滑,物盛皆透,獨雞卵殻及壷蘆盛之乃不出。梵書以醍醐喩佛性。從乳出酪,從酪出酥,從生酥出熟酥,從熟酥出醍醐也。
【】 【Is Yun Tang Yun Li cut his 【】】 【Ji Yun Yun】 soil ceremony will be cut, ???? sound body. Qing Wen】 【said wine. 【】 Wine red jade articles. Li Li Yun】 【millet Ti in the Church. 【Note】 red wine into the red too. And Yun will】 【pass for Ti. 【】 Zhou day official wine is Ti Si Yue Qi. 【Note】 Ti into the red by red, and now drinks. Shu】 【drinks, wine under the bed that bad, and the color red red. DU Xi Guang Yun】 【then cut】 【Ji Yun Tian Liqie, ???? sound problems. Daigo. Compendium of Materia Medica】 【???? were seok said: casein on a weight for the condensate are crisp, flaky on the person, such as oil as Daigo, very sweet. ???? possession of control, saying: of slip, and material Sheng are thoroughly independent of chicken egg shell and Hu Sheng Lu is not. Brahmana to Daigo metaphorical Buddha nature. The casein from milk from dairy out of cakes, from the crisp out of cooked cakes, cooked crisp out from Daigo also.
编号:9827 ID: 9827 清酒也。从酉是聲。 它禮切
Sake also. From the unitary is sound. It is cutting ceremony