Brasenia (Chun) chún 〔〕 Brasenia perennial aquatic plants, floating in the water, oval leaves, dark red flowers open. Mucus and the surface of leaf stems are edible. Referred to as "water shield." (Chun) stroke: 10; radicals: Lv; stroke order code: 1225511525
Brasenia Chun, Brasenia chún 【Name】 Brasenia. Yiming "Water Kwai"〗 〖watershield. An aquatic plant, floating leaves were olive green above, red below, all the underwater part of the cover has a layer of condensation of glial
莼 莼菜。亦名水葵”
Brasenia Brasenia. Yiming water Kwai "water shield (Brasenia) chún
Brasenia chun Radical Radical Lv 03 total strokes 10 strokes Brasenia (1) Mi, Brasenia chún (2) Brasenia. Yiming water Kwai "[water shield]. An aquatic plant, floating leaves were olive green above, red below, all the underwater part of the cover has a layer of condensation of glial Brasenia (Mi) chún ㄔ ㄨ ㄣ ~〕 〔Perennial vegetable plants, floating in the water, oval leaves, dark red flowers open. Mucus and the surface of leaf stems are edible. Referred to as the water shield. " Zheng code ezhz, u83bc, gbkddbb Number of strokes 10, Lv radicals, stroke order No. 1225511525