Code (Code) mǎ representation of the symbols: completely different (a. the number of symbols; b. round chips; c. Finance said they could dispatch the cash). Number. Page numbers. Price tag. Calculate the number of appliances: chips. Weight. Refers to an incident or a class thing: this is two different things. Anglo-American system unit of length, a yard is equal to 0.9144 meters. Stacking: stacking. Laying. Old with "M", agate (also known as "code Nao"). Stroke: 8; radicals: stone; stroke ID: 13251551
Code mǎ Code, code Nao, jade stone times also. - "Jade articles" Number of symbols that〗 〖asignindicatingnumber. Such as: digital, page numbers; secret code; codes; number; password; price tag Calculate the number of appliances〗 〖athingindicatingnumber. Such as: chips, weight; code project (still number); code money (on behalf of cash for gambling chips); Mayang (formerly the subject of a discount on that product pricing) Imperial unit of length equal to 0.9144 meters US-made code in the UK, then 1 yard equals stored in the Ministry of Commerce, Bureau of Standards Westminster bronze plug on two gold horizontal bars mark the distance between (the time in the 62 ° F) 〖yard (abbreviation yd)〗 垒成 means the heap. 〗 〖Pile equivalent stack. Such as: Pier (marina; refers to the commercial city with convenient transportation; old rogue activity that occupied the site) Code Code mǎ 【Content】 For things. Such as: different things; This is the same thing What is the number of barrier stacks. Such as: a yard firewood Code Code mǎ [Dialect]: pile up; usually piled or stacked neatly stack from 〖〗. Such as: code blocks; code blocks Put down whatever 〖castaside; giveup〗 Yardstick mǎchǐ Palletizing 〗 〖Stack items neatly stacked to a good Stacking the sack just good to be left behind the rain 〖Wharf; dock; jetty; pier; quay〗: waterside dock for ship building 〗 〖Portcity [dialect]: refers to the accessibility of the commercial town Land and sea terminals 〗 〖Numeral: the number of symbols that 〗 〖Counter: a rounded chips Code word mǎzì 〗 〖Count the number of codon; generation of chips for cash; size
Code code stone soil roller (also known as agate. "Inferior to one kind of jade and jade stones) code, code stone soil roller, stone sub jade too. -" Yu Pian "means the number of number of symbolic computation tools Imperial unit of length equal to 0.9144 U.S. system of code m, in the UK, then 1 yard equals stored in the Ministry of Commerce Bureau of Standards Westminster bronze rod marked two gold plugs on the distance between the horizontal line (when in 62 Luan) means 垒成 the heap. the equivalent of stacking representation of code mǎ ⒈ number of symbols ~ ∨ ~ children. Post Code ~. ⒉ calculate the number of appliances Fa ~. chips ~ sub. ⒊ means a thing or two ~ a class of things to do, can not be confused. ⒋ American unit of length 1 yard equals 0.9144 meters. ⒌ <square> built up ~ snowman. The child in the ~ blocks. ⒍
Code ma Radical Radical Rock 05 total strokes 08 strokes Code code; yard; Code (1) Code mǎ (2) Code stone soil roller (also known as agate. "Inferior to jade a jade and precious stones) [agate] Code, code stone soil roller, stone sub jade too. - "Jade articles" (3) That the number of symbols [a sign indicating number]. Such as digital, page numbers; secret code; codes; number; password; price tag (4) Calculate the number of appliances, [a thing indicating number]. Such as chips, weight; code project (still number); code money (on behalf of cash for gambling chips); Mayang (formerly the subject of a discount on that product pricing) (5) Imperial unit of length equal to 0.9144 meters US-made code in the UK, then 1 yard equals stored in the Ministry of Commerce, Bureau of Standards Westminster bronze rods two gold stopper distance between markers on the horizontal line (when in 62 Luan) [ yard (abbreviation yd)] (6) 垒成 means the heap. Equivalent stack [pile]. Such as the Pier (marina; that commercial city with convenient transportation; old rogue activity that occupied the site) Code (1) Code mǎ (2) For things. If two different things; This is the same thing (3) What is the number of barrier stacks. If a code firewood Code (1) Code mǎ (2) [Party]: pile up; usually neatly piled or stacked from [stack]. Such as the code blocks; code blocks (3) Put down whatever [cast aside; give up] According to the words on the outside marketplace, which is called the friend code in there, "the. -" The Tale of Heroes " (4) Another example is the code under the (left behind; aside whatever) Yardstick mǎchǐ [Yardstick] 3-foot-long ruler, often engraved with feet, inches and inches of sub-degree Palletizing mǎduò [Stack] stack neatly into a good article Stacking the sack just good to be left behind the rain Terminal mǎtóu (1) [Wharf; dock; jetty; pier; quay]: waterside dock for ship building (2) [Port city] [side]: refers to the accessibility of the commercial town Land and sea terminals Distinctly different mǎzi (1) [Numeral]: the number of symbols that Suzhou distinctly different (2) [Counter]: refers to circular chips (3) [Price]: price, price tag Code word mǎzì [Codon] count number; lieu of cash in the chips; size Code (Code) mǎ mo ㄚ (1) Sub-symbolic representation of ~ (a. the number of symbols; b. round of chips; c. the financial sector, said he could schedule of cash) ∨ ~. Page ~. Price ~. (2) Number of appliances calculated to raise ~. Weights ~. (3) Means one thing or class of things which is something the two ~. (4) Anglo-American system unit of length, a yard is equal to 0.9144 meters. (5) Stack ~ stack. ~ Put. (6) Old with Mary ", agate (also known as code stone soil roller"). Zheng code gxvv, u7801, gbkc2eb 8 number of strokes, radical stone, stroke order number 13251551
午集下 _Set_ the next afternoon 【廣韻】【正韻】莫下切【集韻】母下切,????音馬。碼碯,石似玉。亦作瑪。
Rhymes 【】 【】 Guangyun incision Mo】 【Ji Yun mother incision, ???? sound horse. Code Nao, stone jade. Also for Mary.