Pian piān〕 〔Pianniu cattle and yaks mating male born to the first generation of hybrid cattle, tame than the yak, big effort than cattle. Stroke: 13; radicals: Niu; stroke order code: 3121451325122
Pian piān Pianniu piānniú 〖Pianniu (offspringofabullandafemaleyak)〗: cattle and yaks in China's first generation of hybrid cattle born 〗 〖Yak: Yak Pian, the division of ancient said: yak that Pianniu. - "Orthography Tong"
Pianniu Pian, the division is Pianniu ancient yak said. - "CNS through" Pian piān
犏 pian
部首 牜 部首笔画 04 总笔画 13
犏 piān
[pian niu(offspring of a bull and a female yak)]∶中国黄磐牦牛所生的第一代杂种牛
犏 piān ㄆㄧㄢˉ
Pian pian Radical Radical Niu total strokes 13 strokes 04 Pian piān Pianniu piānniú (1) [Pian niu (offspring of a bull and a female yak)]: China's Yellow Line's first-generation hybrids of yak cows born (2) [Yak]: yak Pian, the division is Pianniu ancient yak said. - "Orthography Tong" Pian piān ㄆ ㄧ ㄢ ˉ 〔〕 ~ Cattle yaks mating male yellow-pan the first generation of hybrids born cattle, tame than the yak, big effort than cattle. Zheng code mbwl, u728f, gbkeafa 13 number of strokes, radical Niu, stroke number 3121451325122
巳集下 Pat-_set_ under 【正字通】匹焉切,音偏。師古曰:牦牛卽犏牛。水東日記曰:牦牛與封牛合,則生犏牛。狀類牦牛,偏氣使然,故謂之犏。據此說,犏又牦之遺種,非卽牦牛也。◎按字書無犏字。《正字通》新增。顏師古上林賦註曰:旄牛,卽今所謂偏牛。本作偏。惟吳任臣山海經註云:李東壁曰:旄牛一名犏牛。卽爾雅之犣牛。犏从牛旁,與正字通合。
CNS through】 【Yan cutting horses, the sound side. Old Master said: calipering Pianniu yak. Water East Diary said: yak and cattle sealed together, the students Pianniu. Yak-like class, partial gas dictates, so that the Pian. Accordingly, said the genetic types of Pian and Yak, yak non calipering also. ◎ No Pian word by word the book. "Orthographic links" Add. Analysis of the Functions Shanglin Fu note reads: yaks calipering this so-called partial cattle. The as biased. However Wuren Chen Yun Shan Hai Jing Note: Lee Dong Bi said: yaks a Pianniu. Ya the Lie calipering cattle. Pian from Gobo, through cooperation with the orthography.