Yao yǎo the southeast corner of the room: "Good bad idea was born in Yao Tian and quail." Blown into the cavities of the sound. Stroke: 7; radicals: http; stroke ID: 4453134
1.房屋的東南角。 2.風入孔竅發出的一種聲響。 3.窟。
宎huān 1.喜乐。
Yao huān 1. Joy.
寅集上 Yin Set 【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】????伊鳥切,音杳。室東南隅也。亦作㝔。【莊子·徐無鬼】鶉生於宎。 又竅聲。【莊子·齊物論】宎者咬者。 又伊堯切,音幺。義同。
【Ji Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? Iraq rhyme birds are cut, the sound gone. The southeast corner of room also. Have also been 㝔. No ghosts】 【Zhuang Xu Yao was born in quail. And Khieu sound. Equality of Zhuangzi】 【Yao those who bite. Yao and Yi cut, unitary voice. Meaning the same.