Diao diāo cunning rogue: Diao stick. Diaohua. 〔Diaodou (surname. D Hu)〕 ancient military equipment, used for cooking during the day and at night hit the patrol. Stroke: 2; radicals: knife; stroke order number: 51
Diao diāo 【Name】 Ancient march appliances. A small bucket with handle, one for cooking during the day and night to patrol struck〗 〖pan. Such as: Diaodou Camp (ancient military barracks) [Dialect]: rice, wheat, Valley, sorghum and other smoked ear ear〗 〖 Diao diāo 【Form】 Cunning, treacherous 〖tricky; sly〗. Such as: trouble-making (treacherous evil people); Diao worse (cunning bad); Diao inverse (cunning noncompliance); Diao splash (rape Diao pungent); Diao wind (and a wicked atmosphere); tricky mischievous (sly cunning, good make fun of people) Clever, clever〗 〖artful Diao words indeed, and said my heart was. - "Recycled" Characteristics of a rogue〗 〖knavish. Such as: Po Diao, Diao women (bitch, cat) 〗 〖Unkind words mean. Such as: Diao mouth (glib); Diao wave of gas (described as speaking posturing, frivolous tone) 〗 〖Stammering stutter stuttering. Such as: Diao show (described as talking on and off; thin hair and chaos) 〗 〖Havingpartialityforaparticularkindoffood picky eaters. Such as: light eat well, eat mouth Diao Diao diāo 【Activity】 〗 〖Tempt to seduce. Such as: Diao rape (rape by swindle others) Abduction; cheat〗 〖inveigle. Such as: Diao zone (abduction away); Diao Shui (abduction) Make things difficult, deliberately embarrassing〗 〖createdifficulties. Such as: Diao pedal (making things difficult. Deliberately make things difficult, tease); not Diao card users [Dialect]: strong to take other people's things〗 〖wring. Such as: Do people Diao plants and trees Diao tread diāodèng 〗 〖Obstruct make things difficult If we Diao he would tread, I can not lift off Road Teng. - Anonymous "Chen states that sold rice" Diaodou diāodǒu 〗 〖Pan to cook during the day in ancient army night patrol of the equipment used to hit (copper) Diaofengnongyue diāofēng-nòngyuè 〗 〖Metaphorofthecarryingonaclandestineloveaffair metaphor betrayal Diaohan diāohàn 〗 〖Cunningandfierce aggressive Diaohua Diao Wang diāohèng 〖Arbitrary; atrociou〗 outrageous Diao sly diāohuá 〖Cunning; crafty〗 cunning; playing cunning Diao Lai diāolài 〗 〖Trickyandunreasonable human cunning, shameless Make things difficult diāonàn 〖Createdifficulties; makethingsdifficult; deliberateharassment; obstruct〗 deliberately complicate things difficult for embarrassing into Italian Diao splash diāopō 〗 〖Cunningandarbitrary cunning disobedient These people poured every Diao, take out that Jin Chuijiang to hit his mother. - "Chen states that sold rice" Diao stubborn diāowán 〗 〖Cunningandstubborn tricky mischievous attitude Tricky diāozuān 〗 〖Tricky: cute, make it difficult to cope with Tricky tee 〖Sly; cunning; artfu〗: cunning, crafty Cunning Cunning diāozuān-gǔguài 〖Trickyandodd; beslyandcapricious; becunningandpeculiar〗 cunning personality quirk or bizarre way of doing things, different from the ordinary Heads and other strange things are tricky. - "Dream of Red Mansions"
Diao ancient march appliances. A small bucket with handle, one for cooking during the day and night to patrol Diao percussion cunning, treacherous and well-behaved, smart and very cunning words, and said my heart out. - "Recycled" features a rogue mean stuttering stutter speak Diao diāo ~ stubborn cunning. ~ Name. 】 【Diaohan vicious cunning. 【】 Deliberately make life difficult for people making things difficult. 】 【Tricky cunning treachery.
刁 diao
部首 刀 部首笔画 02 总笔画 02
刁 tricky; artful; sly;
刁 diāo
古代行军用具。一种有柄的小斗,白天可供一人烧饭,夜间敲击以巡更 [pan]。如刁斗营(古代军中营房)
[方]∶稻、麦、谷、高粱等抽的穗 [ear]
刁 diāo
狡猾,奸诈 [tricky;sly]。如刁民(奸诈邪恶之民);刁劣(狡诈恶劣);刁逆(狡诈不顺从);刁泼(奸刁泼辣);刁风(奸恶的风气);刁钻促狭(狡猾奸诈,好捉弄人)
乖巧,机灵 [artful]
有无赖特征 [knavish]。如刁婆,刁妇(泼妇,恶妇)
说话刻薄 [unkind]。如刁嘴(油嘴滑舌);刁声浪气(形容说话装腔作势,语调轻浮)
口吃结巴 [stammering]。如刁骚(形容说话断断续续;头发少而乱)
挑食 [having partiality for a particular kind of food]。如光吃好的,把嘴吃刁了
刁 diāo
勾引 [tempt]。如刁奸(用诈术奸淫他人)
拐;骗 [inveigle]。如刁带(拐骗带走);刁拐(拐骗)
刁难,故意使人为难 [create difficulties]。如刁蹬(刁难。故意为难,捉弄);不刁卡用户
[方]∶强取别人的东西 [wring]。如不许刁人家一草一木
[obstruct] 刁难
[pan] 古代军中白天来烧饭,晚上用来敲击巡更的用具(铜制)
[metaphor of the carrying on a clandestine love affair] 偷情的隐语
[cunning and fierce] 刁滑凶悍
[arbitrary;atrociou] 蛮横
[cunning;crafty] 狡猾;耍狡猾
[tricky and unreasonable] 为人狡猾、赖皮
[create difficulties;make things difficult;deliberate harassment;obstruct] 故意把事情弄复杂入意出难题使人为难
[cunning and arbitrary] 狡猾不听话
[cunning and stubborn] 态度刁钻顽劣
[tricky and odd;be sly and capricious;be cunning and peculiar] 狡猾怪癖的性格或做事方式离奇,不同一般
刁 diāo ㄉㄧㄠˉ
Diao diao Radical Radical knife 02 total strokes 02 strokes Diao tricky; artful; sly; Diao diāo (1) Ancient march appliances. A small bucket with handle, one for cooking during the day and night to patrol struck [pan]. If Diaodou Camp (ancient military barracks) (2) [Party]: rice, wheat, Valley, sorghum and other smoked ear [ear] Diao diāo (1) Cunning, treacherous [tricky; sly]. Such as the trouble-making (the treacherous evil people); Diao worse (cunning bad); Diao inverse (cunning noncompliance); Diao splash (rape Diao pungent); Diao wind (and a wicked atmosphere); tricky mischievous (cunning treachery, good tease people) (2) Cute, smart [artful] Diao words indeed, and said my heart was. - "Recycled" (3) Characteristics of a rogue [knavish]. If Diao woman, Diao women (bitch, cat) (4) Words mean [unkind]. If Diao mouth (glib); Diao wave of gas (described as speaking posturing, frivolous tone) (5) Stammering Stuttering [stammering]. If Diao show (described as talking on and off; thin hair and chaos) (6) Picky eaters [having partiality for a particular kind of food]. Such as optical eat well, eat mouth Diao Diao diāo (1) Tempt [tempt]. Diao, such as rape (rape by swindle others) (2) Abduction; cheat [inveigle]. If Diao band (abduction away); Diao Shui (abduction) (3) Make things difficult, deliberately embarrassing [create difficulties]. Diao, such as kicking (making things difficult. Deliberately make things difficult, tease); not Diao card users (4) [Party]: strong to take other people's things [wring]. Others, such as plants and trees are not allowed Diao Diao tread diāodèng [Obstruct] create difficulties If we Diao he would tread, I can not lift off Road Teng. - Anonymous "Chen states that sold rice" Diaodou diāodǒu [Pan] ancient army cook during the day to night patrol of the equipment used to hit (copper) Diaofengnongyue diāofēng-nòngyuè [Metaphor of the carrying on a clandestine love affair] betrayal and Metaphors Diaohan diāohàn [Cunning and fierce] Diaohua aggressive Diao Wang diāohèng [Arbitrary; atrociou] arrogant Diao sly diāohuá [Cunning; crafty] cunning; playing cunning Diao Lai diāolài [Tricky and unreasonable] human cunning, shameless Make things difficult diāonàn [Create difficulties; make things difficult; deliberate harassment; obstruct] deliberately intended to make things get out of complex problems into embarrassing Diao splash diāopō [Cunning and arbitrary] cunning disobedient These people poured every Diao, take out that Jin Chuijiang to hit his mother. - "Chen states that sold rice" Diao stubborn diāowán [Cunning and stubborn] tricky mischievous attitude Tricky diāozuān (1) [Tricky]: cute, make it difficult to cope with Tricky tee (2) [Sly; cunning; artfu]: cunning, crafty Cunning Cunning diāozuān-gǔguài [Tricky and odd; be sly and capricious; be cunning and peculiar] cunning personality quirk or bizarre way of doing things, different from the ordinary Heads and other strange things are tricky. - "Dream of Red Mansions" Diao diāo ㄉ ㄧ ㄠ ˉ (1) Cunning rogue ~ stick. ~ Slip. (2) Name. 〔~ Bucket (dǒu)〕 ancient military equipment, used for cooking during the day and at night hit the patrol. Zheng code yavv, u5201, gbkb5f3 Number 2 strokes, radical knife, stroke number 51
子集下 Sub_set_ of the next 【唐韻】都聊切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】丁聊切,????音貂。古者軍有刁斗。【前漢·李廣傳】不擊刁斗。【註】孟康曰:以銅作鐎,受一斗,晝炊飮食,夕擊夜行。又刁刁,風欲止微動貌。【莊子·齊物論】而獨不見之調調之刁刁乎。【郭象註】調調,刁刁,搖動貌。又姓。【史記·貨殖傳】齊俗賤奴虜,而刁閒獨愛貴之。【韻會】出渤海齊大夫豎刁之後。【韻會】《說文》刀,兵也。都牢切,又丁聊切。本一字而二音,後人作刁以別之而已。
Tang Yun】 【are talking cutting】 【【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 D chat is cut, ???? sound mink. In ancient Army Diaodou. 【Fax】 Former Han Guang not hit Diaodou. 【Note】 Meng Kang said: copper for Jiao, by a bucket, the diet cooking day, evening hit Night. And Diao Diao, wind looks like to stop fretting. Equality of Zhuangzi】 【was gone and the tone of almost Diao Diao. 【Note】 tone Guo Xiang, Diao Diao, shake appearance. Another name. 【Fax】 Records Huo Qi popular cheap slave captive, and your love of independence Diao leisure. Yun will】 【vertical Diao after the Bohai Qida Fu. Will】 【rhyme, "said the text" knife, soldiers also. Are firmly cut, and cut the small talk. The second sound of the word, and their descendants to do the just as cunning.