Pinyin: zǒu Header: 魚 Total Strokes: 18 Extra Strokes: 7 UTF-8: E9 AF 90 UTF-16: 9BD0 UTF-32: 00009BD0 Cangjie: NFGYO One word full code: zou3yuzou One word double code: zoyuzo One word single code: zyz Character structure: Left-(middle)-right Level of decomposition: 7 Strokes: 丿乛丨????一丨一丶丶丶丶一丨一丨一丿㇏ Stroke sequence: 352512144441212134 Stroke Description: downwards-left, turning, vertical, turning, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, downwards-right, downwards-right, downwards-right, downwards-right, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, downwards-left, downwards-right Others' sequence: 352512144441212134 Structure of components: 魚((⺈(丿乛)田(冂(丨????)土(十(一丨)一)))灬((丶丶丶)丶))走(土(十(一丨)一)龰(⺊(丨一)丿㇏))
Zou sǐ bā xī lī Japanese mullet from birth to two, three inches when the title (Japanese characters). Stroke: 18; radicals: fish; stroke order number: 352512144441212134 Zou zǒu 1. Japan and words.