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Traditional Chinese:  ()Pinyin: , xù, yǔHeader: Total Strokes: 15Extra Strokes: 4
UTF-8: E9 AD A3UTF-16: 9B63UTF-32: 00009B63Cangjie: NFNINOne word full code: yu2yuyu
One word double code: yuyuyuOne word single code: yyyCharacter structure: Left-(middle)-rightLevel of decomposition: 7Strokes: 丿乛丨????一丨一丶丶丶丶丶乛亅
Stroke sequence: 352512144445452Stroke Description: downwards-left, turning, vertical, turning, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, downwards-right, downwards-right, downwards-right, downwards-right, turning, downwards-right, turning, verticalOthers' sequence: 352512144445452
Structure of components: 魚((⺈(丿乛)田(冂(丨????)土(十(一丨)一)))灬((丶丶丶)丶))予(龴(丶)????(乛亅))
Simple Explanation
  Fish〕 〔Yu Yu yú fusiform body length, brown, head length, mouth large, snout, sharp teeth, of ferocity, the cluster of prey fish in groups. Stroke: 15; radicals: fish; stroke order number: 352512144445452
Detailed Explanation
  Fish name, the "carp"〗 〖silvercarp
  Xu fish. - "Historical Records." Ji Jie Li: "Yu of fish everywhere, like a bighead carp and small head, flat shape, sweetlips abdominal fat, the color the white. Therefore," Fu expedition, "says:" Chinese bream jump scales, Su Yu Yang fins. "
More Simple Explanation
  1.同「鱮」。鰱魚。 2.科魚類。體長,梭形,黃褐色。頭長,口大,吻尖,牙銳。性兇猛,成群捕時群集性小魚。我國沿海均產,可供食用。
More Detailed Explanation
  1.同「鱮」。鰱魚。 2.科魚類。體長,梭形,黃褐色。頭長,口大,吻尖,牙銳。性兇猛,成群捕食群集性小魚。我國沿海均產,可供食用。
Kangxi Dictionary
Hai focus  And Xu Yun】 【_set_ the same.

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