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Traditional Chinese:  ( )Pinyin: , lì, èHeader: Total Strokes: 10UTF-8: E9 AC B2UTF-16: 9B32
UTF-32: 00009B32GB 2312: 5610GB 12345: 5610Big 5: B0ACCangjie: MRBLFour Corner Code: 1022.7
One word full code: ge2zhijiongcaogunOne word double code: gezijiOne word single code: gzjCharacter structure: Top-(middle)-bottomLevel of decomposition: 6Strokes: 一丨????一丨????丶丿一丨
Stroke sequence: 1251254312Stroke Description: horizontal, vertical, turning, horizontal, vertical, turning, downwards-right, downwards-left, horizontal, verticalOthers' sequence: 1251254312
Structure of components: ????(一口(冂(丨????)一))(冂(丨????)(䒑(丷(丶丿)一)丨))
Simple Explanation
  Jin Ge Ge gé River] [name of the ancient water, term of the present Zhangweixin River, is China's Hebei and Shandong provinces in the border river. Stroke: 10; radicals: Ge; stroke order number: 1251254312
Detailed Explanation
  Ancient name. 〗 〖Gestate Ge country, according to legend Xiafang Guo. Ge is located in the Western Han Dynasty to the county. Such as: Ge's (ancient name that Ge country)
  Through "diaphragm." 〗 〖Diaphragm diaphragm
  Food and drink high, Ge plug unreasonable. - "Su asked the wind on the articles'
  Another example: pin Ge (diaphragm with a needle); Ge to (diaphragmatic waist. Refers to the heart); Ge liver (diaphragm and liver)
  Through the "Ge." 〗 〖Yoke yoke cart
  Ge six feet long. - "Zhou Kao Gong Ji." Sun Yirang justice: "Ge, Ge's take that word."
  〗 〖Gecounty county name. Chinese home. Dezhou City, Shandong Province in the southeast of this
  Through "every." 〗 〖Separate barrier
  Another example: Ge closed (isolated occlusion); Ge pharynx (swallowing difficulties due to obstruction of the digestive organs); Ge plug (block); Ge shield (barrier); Ge must (cut off); Ge sub (lattice)
  Old three-legged tripod in defeat, can allow materials, so-called Ge also. - Song Shen Kuo, "Meng Xi Bi Tan"
More Simple Explanation
  Ge ge ancient name. Ge country through the diaphragm "♂ divide food and drink high, Ge plug unreasonable -" Su asked the wind on the articles' and if the needle Ge (diaphragm with a needle); Ge to (diaphragmatic waist. Refers to the heart); Ge liver (diaphragm and liver) through Ge. " Ge cart yoke six feet long. - "Zhou Kao Gong Ji." Ge Sun Yirang justice, that Ge's by word. "Ge-pass across the county name." Ge barrier closed door, good at the Wu De. - "Five Elements Chi Han in" Do not vary the barbarians, never Ge artifacts. - "Ge gé ⒈ <old> Ge Jin River, term Zhangweixin River. It is the Hebei and Shandong provinces in the border river. Formerly Temple by the river and four women, but the old course has been blocked in the Western Han Dynasty, today is a new road. Ge lì ⒈ tripod cooking device of a class, three feet in the middle empty. Ge è 1. To hand things brief.
More Detailed Explanation
  Ge 1
  Ancient name. Ge country [ge state], according to legend Xiafang Guo. Ge is located in the Western Han Dynasty to the county. Such as Ge's (ancient name that Ge country)
  Food and drink high, Ge plug unreasonable. - "Su asked the wind on the articles'
  [Ge Jin] water were [ge river]. Originated in Hebei, Shandong, into the
  See lì
Kangxi Dictionary
亥集上  〔古文〕䰜【廣韻】郞擊切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】狼狄切,????音歷。【說文】鼎屬,實五觳,斗二升曰觳。【爾雅·釋器】鼎款足謂之。【註】鼎曲脚也。【疏】款,闊也。謂鼎足相去疎闊者名。【前漢·郊祀志】其空足曰。【註】蘇林曰:足中空不實者,名曰也。【揚子·方言】鍑,吳揚之閒謂之。 又【廣韻】【正韻】各核切【集韻】【韻會】古核切,????音隔。【禮·喪大記】陶人出重。【疏】縣重之罌也。是瓦瓶。又姓。 又【儀禮·士喪禮】苴絰大。【註】,搤也,中人之手,搤圍九寸,絰之差自此出焉。【釋文】,又作搹。 又國名。【左傳·襄十四年】靡奔有氏。【註】,國名。今平原縣。 又【爾雅·釋水】津,九河之一。【註】水多阨狹,可隔以爲津。 又與隔同。【前漢·五行志】閉門戸。【註】師古曰:與隔同。 又【集韻】乙革切,音戹。與軶同。【周禮·冬官考工記·車人】凡爲轅,長六尺。【註】謂轅端厭牛領者。 【五經文字】說文作,經典相承作字原从????作。
Explain Word
编号:1844  鼎屬。實五觳。斗二升曰觳。象腹交文,三足。凡之屬皆从。 郎激切

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