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Traditional Chinese: Pinyin: yǒuHeader: Total Strokes: 11Extra Strokes: 6
UTF-8: E99395UTF-16: 94D5UTF-32: 000094D5One word full code: you3jinyouOne word double code: yojiyo
One word single code: yjyCharacter structure: Left-(middle)-rightLevel of decomposition: 5Strokes: 丿一一一????一丿丨????一一Stroke sequence: 31115132511
Stroke Description: downwards-left, horizontal, horizontal, horizontal, turning, horizontal, downwards-left, vertical, turning, horizontal, horizontalOthers' sequence: 31115132511
Structure of components: 钅(????(丿一)二(一一)????)有(????(一丿)⺝(冂(丨????)二(一一)))
Simple Explanation
  Europium (Eu) yǒu a metallic element, silver and white. Phosphor for color television _set_s, laser materials and atomic energy have important applications in industry. Eueuropium stroke: 11; Radicals: Jin; stroke order number: 31115132511
Detailed Explanation
  Divalent or trivalent metallic element, atomic number 63, is a rare earth, very few exist in the quantities of monazite in〗 〖europium - Eu element symbols
More Simple Explanation
  Eu divalent or trivalent metallic element, atomic number 63, is a rare earth, very little quantity of europium present in the monazite yǒu 1. Lead. 2. Metallic elements. Symbol eu. Is at least one rare earth metals in the stock. Used in atomic reactors for neutron absorbing material.
More Detailed Explanation
  Europium you
  Radical Radical Jin total strokes 11 strokes 05
  eu; europium;
  Divalent or trivalent metallic element, atomic number 63, is a rare earth, rare in the quantity found in monazite [europium] - element symbols eu
  yǒu ㄧ ㄡ
  A metallic element, silver and white. Phosphor for color television _set_s, laser materials and atomic energy have important applications in industry.
  Zheng code pgq, u94d5, gbkeef0
  11 number of strokes, radical Jin, stroke number 31115132511

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