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Pinyin: suō, xīHeader: Total Strokes: 14Extra Strokes: 7UTF-8: E8 B6 96
UTF-16: 8D96UTF-32: 00008D96Big 5: E456Cangjie: GOOOGFour Corner Code: 4880.1
One word full code: suo1zouzuoOne word double code: suzozuOne word single code: szzCharacter structure: Enclosing structureLevel of decomposition: 5
Strokes: 一丨一丨一丿㇏丿㇏丿㇏一丨一Stroke sequence: 12121343434121Stroke Description: horizontal, vertical, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, downwards-left, downwards-right, downwards-left, downwards-right, downwards-left, downwards-right, horizontal, vertical, horizontalOthers' sequence: 12121343434121
Structure of components: 走(土(十(一丨)一)龰(⺊(丨一)丿㇏))坐(从(人(丿㇏)人(丿㇏))土(十(一丨)一))
Simple Explanation
  Suo suō away; Mobile: "cardamom Hua Suo late date." Stroke: 14; radical: go; Stroke Order Number: 12121343434121
Detailed Explanation
  Going very fast 〖run; walkfastly〗. Such as: Suo West (dusk)
More Simple Explanation
  Suo xī 1. Laughter. 2. The idea was funny.
More Detailed Explanation
  1.走意。 2.走貌。 3.指太陽星辰偏西下斜。 4.走疾。
Kangxi Dictionary
Centralized unitary  Su Guang Yun】 【cut】 【Ji Yun Su Wo cut, ???? sound Lufthansa. Meaning that the text】 【go. Guangyun】 【go sick.
Explain Word
ID: 1004  Intended to go. Go ride from the sound. Su and cut

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