Let (Let) shè layout, arrangement: the establishment. _Set_ (a. establishment; b. installation). Banquet. Planning: Design. Try. If: Suppose. _Set_ or. Put ourselves. Stroke: 6; Radicals: Yan; stroke order code: 453554
Detailed Explanation
_Set_ _Set_ shè 【Activity】 (Knowing. From the words, from Shu. Original meaning: decoration; display) With the original meaning 〖display; findaplacefor〗 _Set_, Shi Chen also. - "Said the text" Three hundred only _set_. - "Poetry Xiaoya Tong bow" Whole at the door. - "The Book of Rites that." Note: "Chen also." Custom furnishings. - "Book of Rites by the solution" Zhang Le _set_ to drink. - "Qin Warring States policy" Into their homes, the Chamber of Secrets Vertical Blind, curtain peripheral Hong few. - "Strange Cricket" Let the tree obstacles. - "Huainanzi the Classics" Let the wine kill a chicken for food. - Jin Tao "Peach Blossom Spring" Another example: display (display); _set_ ritual repair Rang (monk except for the limitless designed disaster Tsung Dao); _set_ Achillea (divination. Achillea: yarrow, the ancients used their fortune); Let arc (bow wood furnishings. That sons); _set_ handkerchief (display wear towels. that a girl); _set_ laying (furnishings offerings, mourning the dead); Let li (_set_ luscious Lijiu. metaphor courtesy Magi) Create, create, create 〖create; establish; _set_up〗 Established rights. - "Duke Huan Gongyangzhuan eleven years." Note: "_set_, Shi also." The results are based on the Yu. - "Book of Poetry and Yin Wu" Qi in the subsequent decline of the pipe repair, _set_ the severity of nine House. - "Historical Records order" Another example: attached (with _set_tings); _set_ order (Facilities imperative); _set_ bit (standing position, location); design officer (office _set_ting); based Branch (established disciplines taught; _set_ to take the Official _Select_ion of the subjects with disabilities); _set_ account (opened professor disciples); based version (and build fortifications to prepare for the enemy); based insurance (in the advantageous place to _set_ defense); _set_ cover (_set_ ambush) Planning; secret plan 〖workout; plot〗 Designed to attack Song. - "Huainanzi repair services" In addition I will design the first two. - "Three Kingdoms" Another example: Let well (framed by someone else); trying; _set_ plan (_set_ strategy); design (calculations; plan); Let Board (_set_ scam; arrangements trap); facilities (arrangements; correction measures); located at the (planning arrange) Proposed; _set_ 〖_set_up; install〗 Qi Tao Jun solid case based almost? - Qing xi "Yuanjun" Another example: _Set_ up question (question); based on the (style name. Discussed the proposed questions and answers to expound and propagate the intention); _set_ hard (laying on formulating words to embarrassment each other); based defense (the proposed argue); Let statement asked Italy (ignited the proposed language to mind) Implemented to achieve〗 〖carryout Each one is not _set_. - "Lu" Another example: the church was (the purposes of enlightenment) Arrangement, the deployment 〖arrange; fixup〗 Soldiers _set_ to be Qin Zhao Yisheng, Qin did not dare move. - "Historical Records" _Set_ _Set_ shè Even】 【 Assuming that relationship, the equivalent of "if", "if" if〗 〖 Let the gun to, I almost crushed by the village does not? - Qingxu Ke "class warfare clean barnyard class notes" Another example: And if the; Sheshi _Set_ _Set_ shè 【Form】 〗 〖Complete complete Housing, Samurai and even _set_ up. - "Historical Legends of Assassins" 〗 〖Large large Interest margin instead of being long. - "Easy to under copulative" Worship _set_ shèbài 〗 〖Salute salute Let Yi worship, Jun also worship, sat in the spiritual life under virtual. - Tang Li Zhaowei "Liu Yi Chuan" Equipment shèbèi 〗 〖_Set_up: equipment used to supply The new stadium is very modern equipment 〗 〖_Set_updefenses: fortification; _set_ of arms 〗 〖Equipment: refers to the _set_ of buildings or equipment Metallurgical Equipment 〖Try; prepare〗: trying to prepare Equipment stick Try shèfǎ 〖Try; manage; strive; makeanattemptto〗 think of ways to We are trying to solve the problem of leaking water tank Fortification shèfáng 〖_Set_updefences; fortify; garrison defense forces _set_〗 Layers of fortification Ambush shèfú 〖Waylay; layanambush〗 pre-arranged ambush Destroy the enemy ambush Shegang shègǎng 〗 〖Postasentry layout sentry Investigation Team, along Shegang, search passers-by _Set_ or shèhuò If if〗 〖 Man can _set_ or opportunities to go through, pass by Zhao nursing homes there, it would be redoubled. - Li?? People "before the storm" Design shèjì 〖Design; project; scheme〗 in accordance with the purpose of the mission and requirements of the pre-_set_ work program and plans, draw patterns To address this problem and a specially designed logo Let Board shèjú Trap _set_〗 〖_set_atrap Let Bureau snookered Established shèlì 〗 〖_Set_up was established; established The establishment of institutions Spider shèquāntào 〗 〖Shill trick to make people be taken to impose And if the shèruò If if〗 〖 And if the sun is alone, that's Suanbu Le surprising. - "Winter in Jinan" Coloured shèsè 〗 〖Colour painting; coloring And color pictures of those with watercolors, Chinese and foreign are the same too. - Cai "picture" Put ourselves shèshēn-chǔdì 〖Putoneselfinsomebodyelse'sposition; beconsiderate; beconsideratetojudgeothersasweshouldifwewereintheirplaces〗 if their status or situation in others. Refers to the situation for the sake of others Facilities shèshī 〗 〖Installations: a need for the establishment of institutions, systems, organizations, construction Military facilities Health facilities Flood control facilities 〗 〖Plan: arrange; layout She Shi shèshǐ If if〗 〖; if Restrictions shèxiàn 〗 〖Limit _set_ limits, to limit The United States to protect their own textile industry, restrictions on the input goods Envisaged shèxiǎng 〖Assume; imagine; conceive; envisage; suppose; presume〗: imagination; imaginary Disastrous 〗 〖Haveconsiderationfor: sake More ideas to the masses Banquet shèyàn 〖Giveadinner; giveabanquet banquet _set_〗 Hosted a dinner for guests Quartering shèyíng 〖Quartering; encamping; billeting arrangements〗 army camp _Set_ shèzhì 〖_Set_up; install; emplace〗: the establishment of Establish special organs 〗 〖Interpose: place; device Obstacles
More Simple Explanation
Let (knowing. From the words, from Shu. The original meaning of furnishings; display) with the original meaning Yao, Shi Chen also. - "Said the text" bells and drums, both located. - "Poetry Xiaoya Tong bow," the whole at the door. - "The Book of Rites that." Note Chen also. "Display rules. -" Book of Rites by the solution, "Zhang Le _set_ to drink. -" Qin Warring States policy "into their homes, the Chamber of Secrets Vertical Blind, curtain peripheral Hong few. -" Strange Cricket " obstacles _set_ up the tree. - "Huainanzi this by the" _set_ wines chickens for food. - Jin Tao "Peach Blossom Spring," and if display (display); _set_ ritual repair Rang (Rang except for the disaster haunting monk designed dojo); _set_ Achillea (divination. Achillea yarrow, the ancients used their fortune); Let arc (decorative wooden bow. that birth to a boy); _set_ handkerchief (display wear towels. that _set_ shè ⒈ furnishings, fittings, arrangements ~ home. ~ established. ~ anti. ⒉ planning, planning, programming, design, etc. ~ law. ~ think. ~ dollars. ⒊ if, if, if, if the hypothetical ~. ~ as. ~ or. false ~. ⒋ ① work, production on life and other needed facilities and equipment supplies. ② _set_ to prepare for application. ⒌
More Detailed Explanation
She _set_ Radical Radical Yan 02 total strokes 06 strokes _Set_ found; if; _set_ up; suppose; work out; _Set_ (1) Yao shè (2) (Knowing. From the words, from Shu. The original meaning of furnishings; display) (3) With the original meaning [display; find a place for] Yao, Shi Chen also. - "Said the text" Three hundred only _set_. - "Poetry Xiaoya Tong bow" Whole at the door. - "The Book of Rites that." Note Chen also. " Custom furnishings. - "Book of Rites by the solution" Zhang Le _set_ to drink. - "Qin Warring States policy" Into their homes, the Chamber of Secrets Vertical Blind, curtain peripheral Hong few. - "Strange Cricket" Let the tree obstacles. - "Huainanzi the Classics" Let the wine kill a chicken for food. - Jin Tao "Peach Blossom Spring" (4) Another example is the display (display); _set_ ritual repair Rang (monk except for the limitless designed disaster Tsung Dao); _set_ Achillea (divination. Achillea yarrow, the ancients used their fortune); Let arc (bow wood furnishings. That birth to a boy) ; _set_ handkerchief (display wear towels. that a girl); _set_ laying (furnishings offerings, mourning the dead); Let li (_set_ luscious Lijiu. metaphor courtesy Magi) (5) Create, create, create [create; establish; _set_ up] Established rights. - "Duke Huan Gongyangzhuan eleven years." Note _set_, Shi also. " The results are based on the Yu. - "Book of Poetry and Yin Wu" Qi in the subsequent decline of the pipe repair, _set_ the severity of nine House. - "Historical Records order" (6) Another example is attached (with _set_tings); _set_ order (Facilities imperative); _set_ bit (standing position, location); design officer (office _set_ting); based Branch (established disciplines taught; _set_ to take the Official _Select_ion of the subjects with disabilities); _set_ off (Professor opened the disciples); based version (and build fortifications to prepare for the enemy); based insurance (in the advantageous place to _set_ defense); _set_ cover (_set_ ambush) (7) Planning; secret plan [work out; plot] Designed to attack Song. - "Huainanzi repair services" In addition I will design the first two. - "Three Kingdoms" (8) Another example is well established (framed by someone else); trying; _set_ plan (_set_ strategy); design (calculations; plan); Let Board (_set_ scam; arrangements trap); facilities (arrangements; correction measures); located at the (planning, arrangements) (9) Proposed; _set_ [_set_ up; install] Qi Tao Jun solid case based almost? - Qing xi "Yuanjun" (10) Another example is located the suspect (question); based on the (style name. Discussed the proposed questions and answers to expound and propagate the intention); _set_ hard (laying on formulating words to embarrassment each other); based defense (the proposed argue); care _set_ting Introduction Italy (ignited the proposed language to mind) (11) Implemented to achieve [carry out] Each one is not _set_. - "Lu" (12) Another example for Education (Effective indoctrination) (13) Arrangement, the deployment [arrange; fix up] Soldiers _set_ to be Qin Zhao Yisheng, Qin did not dare move. - "Historical Records" _Set_ (1) Yao shè (2) Assuming that relationship, the equivalent of if the "if" [if] Let the gun to, I almost crushed by the village does not? - Qingxu Ke "class warfare clean barnyard class notes" (3) Again And if the; Sheshi _Set_ (1) Yao shè (2) Complete [complete] Housing, Samurai and even _set_ up. - "Historical Legends of Assassins" (3) Large [large] Interest margin instead of being long. - "Easy to under copulative" Worship _set_ shèbài [Salute] salute Let Yi worship, Jun also worship, sat in the spiritual life under virtual. - Tang Li Zhaowei "Liu Yi Chuan" Equipment shèbèi (1) [_Set_ up]: equipment used to supply The new stadium is very modern equipment (2) [_Set_ up defenses]: fortification; _set_ of arms (3) [Equipment]: refers to the _set_ of buildings or equipment Metallurgical Equipment (4) [Try; prepare]: trying to prepare Equipment stick Try shèfǎ [Try; manage; strive; make an attempt to] try to We are trying to solve the problem of leaking water tank Fortification shèfáng [_Set_ up defences; fortify; garrison] force to _set_ defense Layers of fortification Ambush shèfú [Waylay; lay an ambush] pre-arranged ambush Destroy the enemy ambush Shegang shègǎng [Post a sentry] layout sentry Investigation Team, along Shegang, search passers-by _Set_ or shèhuò [If] If Man can _set_ or opportunities to go through, pass by Zhao nursing homes there, it would be redoubled. - Li?? People "before the storm" Design shèjì [Design; project; scheme] in accordance with the purpose and requirements, pre-_set_ work program and plans, draw patterns To address this problem and a specially designed logo Let Board shèjú [_Set_ a trap] _set_ the trap Let Bureau snookered Established shèlì [_Set_ up] established; established The establishment of institutions Spider shè quāntào [Shill] trick to make people be taken to impose And if the shèruò [If] If And if the sun is alone, that's Suanbu Le surprising. - "Winter in Jinan" Coloured shèsè [Colour] coloring; coloring And color pictures of those with watercolors, Chinese and foreign are the same too. - Cai "picture" Put ourselves shèshēn-chǔdì [Put oneself in somebody else's position; be considerate; be considerate to judge others as we should if we were in their places] If your status or situation in others. Refers to the situation for the sake of others Facilities shèshī (1) [Installations]: a need for the establishment of institutions, systems, organizations, construction Military facilities Health facilities Flood control facilities (2) [Plan]: arrangements; layout She Shi shèshǐ [If] if; if Restrictions shèxiàn [Limit] _set_ the limits, restrictions on The United States to protect their own textile industry, restrictions on the input goods Envisaged shèxiǎng (1) [Assume; imagine; conceive; envisage; suppose; presume]: imagination; imaginary Disastrous (2) [Have consideration for]: the sake of More ideas to the masses Banquet shèyàn [Give a dinner; give a banquet] _set_ the feast Hosted a dinner for guests Quartering shèyíng [Quartering; encamping; billeting] army camp arrangements _Set_ shèzhì (1) [_Set_ up; install; emplace]: the establishment of Establish special organs (2) [Interpose]: Place; device Obstacles _Set_ (Yao) shè ㄕ ㄜ ╝ (1) Layout, arrangement ~ Li. ~ _Set_ (a. establishment; b. installation). ~ Dinner. (2) Planning ~ dollars. ~ Method. (3) If false ~. ~ Or. ~ Put ourselves. Zheng code sqx, u8bbe, gbkc9e8 6 number of strokes, radical Yan, Stroke No. 453554
Kangxi Dictionary
Unitary _Set_ Tang Yun】 【【Ji Yun know cut out rhyme will】 【】 【】 type rhyme columns are cut, ???? fan entering tone. 【】 Facilities ???? also said the text. From the statement from the SHU. Shu, people also. 】 【Xu Shu said, so get rid of people too. Agree. Burson-Marsteller】 【together also. 【Home】 jade articles as well. Yi Xi Ci】 【_set_ diagram to view as saints. 【Facilities】 is its sparse diagram, there are all like this too. Xiaoya】 【poems _set_ carry this banner. 【Note】 ???? also. Solutions】 【rules by Cheng Li and shall not be bullied by party won. 【Note】 painted shells that also. 】 【Sparse _set_ that is _set_. 【Rhyme will erect another also. Emperor Wen of Han Ji】 【Gotti before _set_ting it, to ask the Four Seas. 【Note】 home stand also. That established this law also. Big also. Zhou Dong 【】 Kaogongji officer for the 劒 Peach's, in its stem, located behind. 】 【Sparse _set_, big too. That is slightly larger from the following large system is also in the prone. Also under the guise of the speech. Mr. Warring】 【_set_ this is not official. 【Note】 Let those of false speech. 【Fax】 before the hook from the Han Zhao Guanghan who _set_ For maggia, then ask the dog. And the Department of Code Do not Turk soldiers Zheyue _set_. 【Fax】 Tang Turks plums and child and for the housing benefit department _set_ting. 【Note】 housing benefit who is also a _set_ of numbers. Tang Yun will】 【another system, give a bonus Jiang Li Yan Zhu Jun said that the mid-_set_, something that _set_ this 㕔 㕔, said the public kitchen design kitchen. And surname, see Court】 【name. And quality of cut leaves of books, audio loss. Poetry Xiaoya】 【Ji bells and drums _set_ up, give pay Yat Plaza. Let Ye Yi. Officials and leaf cutting, music again. 【】 Ms. Wang Zanxun Lei Ting extravagant funeral care, a few hypothetical feast. Bow when the coma, something no shortage of stagnation. Liu Shu】 【also be <made ????>. Shop ???? words to say. Research: 〔】 【Warring kings _set_ this is not official. 〕 Would like to change according to the original kings President.
Explain Word
Set Shi Chen also. From the statement from the SHU. Shu, people also. Cut out knowledge