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Pinyin: páng, bǎngHeader: Total Strokes: 16Extra Strokes: 10UTF-8: E8 9E 83UTF-16: 8783
UTF-32: 00008783GB 2312: 8306GB 12345: 8306Big 5: BFC0Cangjie: LIYBSFour Corner Code: 5012.7
One word full code: pang2chongbangOne word double code: pacobaOne word single code: pcbCharacter structure: Left-(middle)-rightLevel of decomposition: 7Strokes: 丨????一丨一丶丶一丶丿丶乛丶一????丿
Stroke sequence: 2512144143454153Stroke Description: vertical, turning, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, downwards-right, downwards-right, horizontal, downwards-right, downwards-left, downwards-right, turning, downwards-right, horizontal, turning, downwards-leftOthers' sequence: 2512144143454153
Structure of components: 虫(????(中(口(冂(丨????)一)丨)一)丶)旁(((亠(丶一)丷(丶丿))冖(丶乛))方(丶万(一(????丿))))
Simple Explanation
  Crab crab páng 〔〕 see "crab." Stroke: 16; radicals: insects; stroke order code: 2512144143454153
Detailed Explanation
  Commonly known as crab crab〗 〖. Marine carnivorous, with large coarse like any of the crustaceans
  Months time when the orange crab, King Chrysanthemum days when the new wine. - Ming Xu Yuan "Eight Heroes"
More Simple Explanation
  Months time when the orange crab crab, King Chrysanthemum days when the new wine. - Ming Xu Yuan "Eight Heroes" crab páng
More Detailed Explanation
  Crab pang
  Radical total insect radical strokes 06 strokes 16
  [Crab], commonly known as crabs. Yang carnivorous, with large coarse like any of the crustaceans
  Months time when the orange crab, King Chrysanthemum days when the new wine. - Ming Xu Yuan "Eight Heroes"
  páng ㄆ ㄤ
  〔〕 See crab ~ crab. "
  Zheng code isws, u8783, gbkf3a6
  The number of 16 strokes, radical insects, stroke number 2512144143454153
Kangxi Dictionary
Application focus  Tang Yun】 【step cut light, sound side. Crabs, only the name of the crab, crab words Popular increase. 】 【Ji Yun and crab trilobata, crab genus. Also Guangyun】 【North Langqie, audio and tablet. Lu is also home frog. Also sad】 【Ji Yun Meng cut, sound Beng. Make Kuang cut, sound slander. Po wave cut, sound waterfront. The same meaning ????.

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