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Simplified Chinese:  ()Pinyin: shān, wěiHeader: 艹䒑Total Strokes: 7Extra Strokes: 4UTF-8: E8 8A 9F
UTF-16: 829FUTF-32: 0000829FGB 2312: 6047GB 12345: 6047Big 5: AADFCangjie: THNE
Four Corner Code: 4440.7One word full code: shan1caoshuOne word double code: sacasuOne word single code: scsCharacter structure: Top-(middle)-bottomLevel of decomposition: 4
Strokes: 一丨丨丿乙????㇏Stroke sequence: 1223554Stroke Description: horizontal, vertical, vertical, downwards-left, turning, turning, downwards-rightOthers' sequence: 1223554
Structure of components: 艹(十(一丨)丨)殳(????(丿乙)又(????㇏))
Simple Explanation
  Scythe shān mowing, the idea was to remove: mow grass. Shan Chu (a. weeding; b. omissions text). Mow Yi. Stroke: 7; radicals: Lv; stroke ID: 1223554
Detailed Explanation
  (Knowing. From Shu (shū). Shu, weapons. To Shu weeding. Original meaning: elimination of weeds)
  〗 〖Mowgrass with the original meaning
  Scythe, mowing too. - "Said the text"
  Taste of the day, hand-aged Pu to mow. - "Zhou Stanford Teacher"
  The scythe and Art Chong. - "Zuo hidden public six years"
  Shan of containing oak. - "Poetry Shan of Zhou Song." Note: The "weeding said mow."
  Another example: scythe Yi (weeding, mowing); mow grass (with the "barbarian scythe." Kariya addition); Shan of oak (referring to farming); mow Jian (scythe cut. Cut off; trim); mow 薙 (mow in addition); scythe oak (cut off vegetation); mow dirty (grass cutting. analogy to remove the scourge of post)
  Beheaded; elimination; clear 〖kill; eliminate; clearaway〗
  Scythe wild Tan. - "Huainanzi the Classic." Note: "Killer."
  Yi Cao Shan of this disaster, little has been flat carry on. - "Mirror"
  Another example: scythe discussion (Discussion off the enemy); mow hoe (to remove, eradicate); mow mow (cut, the idea was to kill); mow Yi (eradication; weeding; also refers to the killing); mow _set_ (Binh Dinh)
  Remove 〖_delete_; strikeout〗. Such as: scythe cut (_delete_); mow Jian (scythe cut. _Delete_)
  〗 〖Scythe scythe
  Use of the right section, Lei, plow, some loss, mow. - "Qi Mandarin language"
  Such as: scythe cutting (with sickle)
  〗 〖Used for flood control berm cut the reeds reed〗 〖
  Where cutting reeds that the "cut down", cutting wood Yu Shan Liu branches that the "tip" for the cable braid bamboo correct mow. - "Song"
  Shan Chu
  〗 〖Mow: weeding, mow than
  〖_Delete_〗: _Delete_
  芟除 unorganized
  Mow Autumn
  〖Farmafterautumn; loosensoilandweedgrassinautumn〗 beginning of autumn after the weeding, cultivation, so that crops mature, Seed full
More Simple Explanation
  Scythe <action "(knowing. From Shu. Shu, weapons. To Shu weeding. The original meaning of eradicating weeds) with the original meaning of mow, mower also. - "Said the text" taste of the day, hand-aged Pu to mow. - "Zhou Stanford Teacher" mow and Art of worship. - "Zuo hidden public six years" contained Shan of oak. - "Poetry Shan of Zhou Song." Note mow weeds said. "Another example is the scythe Yi (weeding, mowing); mow weed (Yi with the scythe." Kariya addition); Shan of oak (referring to farming); mow Jian (scythe cut. Cut off; trim); mow Qi (mow in addition); mow oak (cut off vegetation); mow dirty (◇ grass cutting to remove the scourge of metaphor) beheaded; elimination; clear mow wild Fu. - "Huainanzi the Classic." Note Killer. "Yi Shan of this disaster operation, little has been flat carry on. -" Mirror "and if mowing scythe shān. <Argument> In addition to removal of ~. ~ Out.
More Detailed Explanation
  Mow shan
  Radical Radical Lv 03 total strokes 07 strokes
  (Knowing. From Shu (shū). Shu, weapons. To Shu weeding. The original meaning of the Eradication of weeds)
  With the original meaning of [mow grass]
  Scythe, mowing too. - "Said the text"
  Taste of the day, hand-aged Pu to mow. - "Zhou Stanford Teacher"
  The scythe and Art Chong. - "Zuo hidden public six years"
  Shan of containing oak. - "Poetry Shan of Zhou Song." Note mow weeds said. "
  Another example is the scythe Yi (weeding, mowing); mow weed (Yi with the scythe. "Kariya addition); Shan of oak (referring to farming); mow Jian (scythe cut. Cut off; trim); mow Qi (mow in addition); mow oak (cut off vegetation); mow dirty (◇ grass cutting to remove the scourge of metaphor)
  Beheaded; elimination; clear [kill; eliminate; clear away]
  Ye Fu scythe. - "Huainanzi the Classic." Note Killer. "
  Yi Cao Shan of this disaster, little has been flat carry on. - "Mirror"
  Another example is the scythe discussion (Discussion off the enemy); mow hoe (to remove, eradicate); mow mow (cut, the idea was to kill); mow Yi (eradication; weeding; also refers to the killing); mow _set_ (Binh Dinh)
  _Delete_ [__delete__; strike out]. Such as the scythe cut (_delete_); mow Jian (scythe cut. _Delete_)
  Scythe [scythe]
  Use of the right section, Lei, plow, some loss, mow. - "Qi Mandarin language"
  Such as the scythe cuts (with sickle)
  [As a flood control berm] cut the reeds [reed]
  Where the scythe cutting reeds that "mountain wood cutting branches and leaves that the tip Yu Liu," mow the cable braid bamboo correct. - "Song"
  Shan Chu
  [Mow]: weeding, mow than
  [__delete__]: _Delete_
  芟除 unorganized
  Mow Autumn
  [Farm after autumn; loosen soil and weed grass in autumn] beginning of autumn after the weeding, cultivation, so that crops mature, Seed full
  shān ㄕ ㄢ ˉ
  Mowing, the idea was to remove ~ grass. ~ In addition to (a. weeding; b. omissions text). ~ Yi.
  Zheng code eqx, u829f, gbkdccf
  7 number of strokes, radical Lv, Stroke No. 1223554
Kangxi Dictionary
Application _Set_  Tang Yun】 【【_Set_ the title cut Yun Yun】 【】 division title will be cut, ???? tone shirt. 【】 Mower said the text also. Zhou Song】 【Shan of poetry containing oak. Rice to officials who 【】 Zhou Jia Ze where summer mow grass and water exterminate barbarians. 【Language】 Lei Si Qi and flail mow. 【Note】 mow, large sickle, so mow grass. Or for Shan. Posts】 【Yin and hammer cut class. And Inspectors General. Huarong grass also.
Explain Word
Number: 579  Kariya Cottage also. Congcaocongshu. The title cut

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