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Simplified Chinese:  ()Pinyin: rén, dì, tūHeader: Total Strokes: 7Extra Strokes: 2
UTF-8: E7 A7 82UTF-16: 79C2UTF-32: 000079C2Cangjie: HDOOne word full code: ren2heren
One word double code: rehereOne word single code: rhrCharacter structure: Top-(middle)-bottomLevel of decomposition: 5Strokes: 丿一丨丿㇏丿㇏
Stroke sequence: 3123434Stroke Description: downwards-left, horizontal, vertical, downwards-left, downwards-right, downwards-left, downwards-rightOthers' sequence: 3123434
Structure of components: 禾(丿木(十(一丨)八(丿㇏)))人(丿㇏)
Simple Explanation
  Ren Wo will rén strong. Stroke count: 7; radical: Wo; stroke order number: 3123434
Detailed Explanation
  1. Wo will be strong.
More Simple Explanation
  Ren dì 1. ﹑ Princes of the ancient emperors held a variety of big name festival of the total. Where Sitian ﹑ ancestral festival when the big festival and Ancestral are known as "Ren."
Kangxi Dictionary
Afternoon _set_ under  [_Set_s] and neighborhood cut rhyme, sound people. Wo For knot.

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