Simplified Chinese: | 禄 | Traditional Chinese: | (????) | Pinyin: | lù | Header: | 礻示 | Total Strokes: | 12 | Extra Strokes: | 8 | | UTF-8: | E7 A5 BF | UTF-16: | 797F | UTF-32: | 0000797F | Big 5: | B853 | Cangjie: | IFVNE | Four Corner Code: | 3723.2 | | One word full code: | lu4shilu | One word double code: | lusilu | One word single code: | lsl | Character structure: | Left-(middle)-right | Level of decomposition: | 6 | Strokes: | 丶????丨丶????????一亅丶一丿㇏ | | Stroke sequence: | 452455124134 | Stroke Description: | downwards-right, turning, vertical, downwards-right, turning, turning, horizontal, vertical, downwards-right, horizontal, downwards-left, downwards-right | Others' sequence: | 452455124134 | | Structure of components: | 礻((丶????丨)丶)彔(彑((????????)一)氺(亅(冫(丶一)(丿㇏)))) |