Simplified Chinese: (焦 ) Traditional Chinese: (嶕 ) Pinyin: jiāo Header: 石 Total Strokes: 17 Extra Strokes: 12 UTF-8: E7 A4 81 UTF-16: 7901 UTF-32: 00007901 GB 2312: 2924 GB 12345: 2924 Big 5: C147 Cangjie: MROGF Four Corner Code: 1063.1 One word full code: jiao1shijiao One word double code: jisiji One word single code: jsj Character structure: Left-(middle)-right Level of decomposition: 7 Strokes: 一丿丨????一丿丨丶一一一丨一丶丶丶丶 Stroke sequence: 13251324111214444 Stroke Description: horizontal, downwards-left, vertical, turning, horizontal, downwards-left, vertical, downwards-right, horizontal, horizontal, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, downwards-right, downwards-right, downwards-right, downwards-right Others' sequence: 13251324111214444 Structure of components: 石(丆(一丿)口(冂(丨????)一))焦(隹(亻(丿丨)(丶三(一二(一一))丄(丨一)))灬((丶丶丶)丶))
礁 jiāo 在海里或江里的岩石或珊瑚虫遗骸堆积成的岩状物:礁 石。暗礁 。珊瑚礁 。触礁 。 笔画数:17; 部首:石; 笔顺编号:13251324111214444 jiāo With the original meaning 〖rock; reef〗. Such as: reef (sea rock edge. By means of life insurance purposes); reef Reef 〗 〖Reef rivers, ocean rocks, near the top of the water, impede the sailing ship 礁 〈名〉
(形声。从石,焦声。本义江海中隐现于水面上下的岩石。如暗礁 )
礁 石
礁 jiāo海洋里或江里的岩石暗~。触~。 More Detailed Explanation Reef