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Pinyin: lángHeader: Total Strokes: 12Extra Strokes: 7UTF-8: E7 A1 A0
UTF-16: 7860UTF-32: 00007860Big 5: DAC5Cangjie: MRIAVFour Corner Code: 1763.2
One word full code: lang2shiliangOne word double code: lasiliOne word single code: lslCharacter structure: Left-(middle)-rightLevel of decomposition: 6
Strokes: 一丿丨????一丶????一一????丿㇏Stroke sequence: 132514511534Stroke Description: horizontal, downwards-left, vertical, turning, horizontal, downwards-right, turning, horizontal, horizontal, turning, downwards-left, downwards-rightOthers' sequence: 132514511534
Structure of components: 石(丆(一丿)口(冂(丨????)一))良(丶艮(彐(????二(一一))????丿㇏))
Simple Explanation
  Lang láng [Lang Lang] a. Stone percussion; b. Strong, such as "generous generous ponies, Lang Lang Gao Zhi." Stroke: 12; Radical: Stone; stroke number: 132514511534
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  láng 1.见""﹑"磕"。 2.见""。
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Kangxi Dictionary
午集下  【唐韻】魯當切【集韻】【韻會】盧當切【正韻】魯堂切,????音郞。【說文】石聲。【司馬相如·子虛賦】礧石相擊,礚礚。 又雷,大聲。【左思·吳都賦】菈擸雷。 又磅。【張衡·思????賦】伐河鼓之磅。 又【集韻】里黨切,音悢。【博雅】,堅也。 又郞宕切,音浪。砊。詳砊字註。
Explain Word
编号:5995  石聲。从石良聲。 魯當切

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