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Simplified Chinese: Traditional Chinese:  (???? ???? ???? )Pinyin: jiān, jiàn, kànHeader: Total Strokes: 14Extra Strokes: 9
UTF-8: E7 9B A3UTF-16: 76E3UTF-32: 000076E3GB 12345: 2864Big 5: BACACangjie: SIBT
Four Corner Code: 7810.7One word full code: jian1chenrenzhuminOne word double code: jiceremiOne word single code: jcrmCharacter structure: Top (overlapping)-bottomLevel of decomposition: 5
Strokes: 一丨????一丨????丿一丶丨????丨丨一Stroke sequence: 12512531425221Stroke Description: horizontal, vertical, turning, horizontal, vertical, turning, downwards-left, horizontal, downwards-right, vertical, turning, vertical, vertical, horizontalOthers' sequence: 12512531425221
Structure of components: 臣(丅(一丨)(????一)丨????)(????(丿一)丶)皿(????(冂(丨????)丨丨)一)
Simple Explanation
  See all monitor jiān monitoring jiàn "supervisor." Stroke: 14; radical: dish; stroke order number: 12512531425221
Detailed Explanation
  (Knowing. Pan head Jie knowing. Elephant Man kneeling on the basin edge into the water to see his own shadow. Is "Kam" of the word)
  Ancient mirror. Also as "Kam" mirror〗 〖
  Jade suddenly shake with financial oversight. - "The severity of the tube has been"
  That the supervisor, so according to the shape also, to know that this is so ancient. - Han Jia Yi's "book Prenatal"
  The name of the ancient government offices (the director also known as "prison" or "less prison")〗 〖animperialoffice. Such as: Wrangler supervisor; Astronomical; Imperial College
  Ancient Guan Ming. Multi-fingered officials in charge of monitoring〗 〖anancientofficialname
  〖〗 _Set_ around a large monitor the Yellow Emperor. - "Records of the Historian five emperors of the Millennium"
  Another example: prison officer (Imperial College, will be monitored, Chin-day supervision of officials and other government offices); supervisor candidates (feudal official astronomical government offices)
  Eunuch 〖(court) eunuch〗
  〖〗 By Jing Jian Wei Yang asked to see Xiao Gong. - "Qin Shi Ji"
  Refers to the officials in charge of a particular transaction〗 〖official. Such as: supervisors (low-level government offices court officials)
  Zhou Xiang Gong existing scholarship, why not donate a monitoring approach him? - "The Scholars"
More Simple Explanation
  1.古代盛水或冰的大盆。後作「鑑」。 2.古代用來照視自己形象的器具。後代叫鏡。也作「鑑」。 3.照視。也作「鑑」。 4.借鑑;參考。也作「鑑」。 5.視;視察;考察。 6.明;明白。也作「鑑」。 7.古代特指主管察的官員。 8.古代太的簡稱。 9.古代官署名。 10.古代國子生的省稱。 11.量詞。用於書。 12.唐宋時行政區劃名。 13.通「嚂」。貪求。 14.姓。 15.視;督察。 16.禁;關押。 17.獄。 18.率領;統領。 19.掌管;主管。 20.古代特指太子或近親大臣代掌朝政。 21.古代諸侯方伯的代稱。 22.古代稱赤雲氣在日旁如冠珥者叫。 23.春秋時地名。也作「闞」。
Kangxi Dictionary
Afternoon focus  〔古文〕????????譼【唐韻】【正韻】古銜切【集韻】【韻會】居銜切,????減平聲。【說文】臨下也。【徐曰】安居以臨下,之也。【揚子·方言】察也。【廣韻】領也。【詩·小雅】何用不。【箋】女何用爲職,不察之。【禮·王制】天子使其大夫爲三於方伯之國。【註】使佐方伯,領諸侯,臨而督察之也。上去聲,下平聲。【周禮·天官·大宰之職】邦國立其。【註】謂公侯伯子男,各一國。【莊子·天運篇】臨下土,天下戴之,此謂上皇。 又【韻府】攝也。【左傳·閔二年】君行則守,守曰國。 又【韻會小補】觀也。【魯語】長于世。 又寐,猶寤寐也。【後漢·桓帝紀】寐寤嘆。【註】言雖寢而不寐也。 又雲氣臨日也。【周禮·春官】眂祲掌十煇之灋,四曰。【疏】謂有赤雲氣在日旁,如冠珥。珥,卽耳也。 又星名。【史記·天官書】歲隂在寅,歲星居丑,正月晨出東方,名曰德。 又【唐韻】格懺切【集韻】【韻會】居懺切【正韻】古陷切,????減去聲。義同。 又【爾雅·釋詁】視也。【書·太甲】天厥德,用集大命。【詩·大雅】觀四方,求民之莫。 又官名。【史記·五帝紀】黃帝置左右。又【唐書·百官志】官寺之別曰寺,曰。又【韻會】牧苑及鹽鐵官所治皆曰。 又宦寺亦曰。【史記·秦本紀】衞鞅因景求見孝公。【註】,奄人也。 又姓。【風俗通】衞康叔爲連屬之,其後氏焉。【史記·田齊世家】止爲齊????公相。【註】,一作闞。 又【韻會】通作鑑鍳。【書·酒誥】人無于水,當于民。【班倢伃·自傷賦】????女圖以鏡。 又,如金之而明察也。【靈樞經】陽明之上然。 又【集韻】苦濫切,音闞。地名,在東平郡。【史記·封禪書】蚩尤在東平陸鄉,齊之西境也。【註】,音闞。 又【前漢·韋孟諫詩】我王如何,曾不斯覽。黃髮不近,胡不時叶覽,覽音濫。 又叶古嫌切,音蒹。【韓愈·子產頌】在周之興,養老乞言。及其已衰,謗者使。 【六書正譌】从臨省聲,兼意。从血者,與????同義。古者歃血爲????,書其辭曰:明神之。故????與皆从血,會意。考證:〔【左傳·閔二年】君行則有守,守曰國。〕 謹照原文 省有字。〔【史記·天官書】歲隂在寅,歲星居丑,正月辰出東方,名曰德。〕 謹照原文辰出改晨出。
Explain Word
Number: 5221  臨下也。从臥,䘓省聲。 古銜切

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