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Simplified Chinese:  ()Traditional Chinese:  (???? ???? )Pinyin: rì, mì
Header: Total Strokes: 4UTF-8: E6 97 A5
UTF-16: 65E5UTF-32: 000065E5GB 2312: 4053
GB 12345: 4053Big 5: A4E9Cangjie: A
Four Corner Code: 6010.0One word full code: ri4jiongerOne word double code: rijier
One word single code: rjeCharacter structure: Enclosing structureLevel of decomposition: 3
Strokes: 丨????一一Stroke sequence: 2511Stroke Description: vertical, turning, horizontal, horizontal
Others' sequence: 2511
Structure of components: 冂(丨????)二(一一)
Simple Explanation
  Day rì nearest star from Earth (also known as the "sun"): the moon and stars. Sundial (gu?) (Ancient shadow cast by the sun to determine the time of the device). Prominence. Twilight (the sun was going down, Yu aging or something close to death decadent). During the day, and "night" relative: the day shift. Day, a day and night: not seen for many days. Today. Schedule. A day: Day. Calculation of the time unit, usually eight hours or six hours a day. Time: spring. Past. Every day, day by day: diary. Growing. Specifically "Japanese." Night stroke: 4; radicals: Day; stroke order number: 2511
Detailed Explanation
  (Pictograms. Oracle and Xiaozhuan shape. As the sun shape. Contour round like the sun, a cross or a point that the sun's light. Original meaning: the sun)
  〗 〖Sun with the original meaning
  Day, the sun is also fine. One from the imports of pictograms. - "Said the text"
  Off for the day, as the fire. - "Easier said Gua"
  To Tugui of the law, is seeking land in the daytime. - "Zhou Tai Situ"
  Day goes on and the sun. - "Mencius"
  The beginning of the day, as big as a car cover. - "Lie Zi Tang asked"
  Another example: at the crown (the light of the sun above the body); at Jackson (at ramp, day off at noon); at children Yang (sun; sunlight); moon eclipse (head; fighting each other); sun put Shan (Sun downhill); sun Suo West (dusk); at home all month (sun_set_ moonrise, day after day)
  During the day, day daytime〗 〖
  Summer day. - "Wind Ge Sheng Tang Poetry"
  Day and night. - "Under Lou Mencius"
  After three days and three nights, the village that are dead. - "Shi rehabilitation"
  Another example: Japanese Die (day passed afternoon); days to months to go (as time went by); on the day of (day); on the day of the (day); day length Shen Juan (Summer days are long, people easily drowsiness); Day sun_set_ (sun_set_. getting late); diurnal (daytime); day and night
  Season; for the purpose for which the special day 〖day; date〗
  Saigon revealed autumn. - Wei Yi School "nuclear boat in mind"
  Another example: the rent day; Monday was laundry day; your wedding anniversary; million shares held; lunar day; mean solar day; at south (winter solstice); at the foot ([dialect]: time; time) ; date (time); diurnal (day; date)
  〗 〖Daytime one day and night
  Extravagant day does not think. - "Poetry Bei Feng spring"
  Moon and stars and the sun. Years Day, that said day. - "Book fan"
  To teach the child a few days. - "In the Book of Rites"
  Another example: Japanese forces (the day of the effort); at End (day doing); day degrees (day by day in the past)
  Time, time time〗 〖
  Another example: the day light (short time); date (time); drawn out for years; date dark; at not I (time waits for no man); at moment (time)
  〗 〖ShortforJapan Japan's short. Such as: the Sino-Japanese cultural exchange
  Vice】 【
  Daily, every day everyday〗 〖
  I three times daily. - "The Analects"
  Today all students to learn in the Imperial College, the magistrate for a little at a granary. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
  Love a good day so close and bright. - "Three Kingdoms"
  Another example: sparse at aphelion, the pro-Japanese in recent days (and often close to natural affection, otherwise it will alienate); at Yan Kun-day (daily audience with the Emperor); become increasingly poor Organisation (hard distress situation day by day); at no time sundial (all day no idle); day-by-(daily; daily); to-day (daily; a day); on the matter of money (daily wage); at e (days); eclipse of money (on the matter of money)
  Future, another day〗 〖theotherday
  Day and both years, and if my view of both. - "Lie Zi Tang asked"
  Past, the former〗 〖thebygonedays
  Odds on satellite, so whichever way. - "Zuo wengong Decade"
  Good day
  〗 〖Good-day meet in person or with others during the day when the terms were. Also known as "Hello"
  Day shift
  〗 〖Dayshift: work during the day shift workers
  〗 〖Daywork: the work done in a day shift. Also known as "day shift"
  That is〗 〖sunspot sunspot
  〗 〖Daily newspaper published every day
  〖Decliningrapidlyasthesunis_set_tingbeyondthewesternhills; nearingone'send〗 thin: approximation. The sun was going down. The decline of things or people close analogy to old age, near death
  Chen has been _set_ting sun, the corner of the same, pay ex serve the country, is when Adams. - "History of the Song Pu Zhao Chuan"
  Japan〗 〖country name. Islands of eastern Asia
  Too busy to date
  〗 〖Befullyoccupiedeveryday describe too many things, time is not enough
  Although too busy to date, regulation G Hongyuan carry on. - "Under Ji Han Gotti"
  〖Ordinary; day-to-day; everyday〗 usual, regular
  Daily life
  〗 〖Dayshow screening performed in the daytime entertainment
  〗 〖Programme: the order arranged by date
  Travel Schedule
  〗 〖Itinerary: a day or a day trip
  〗 〖Calendar arranged by date and content of the sequence of activities forms
  Sunrise〗 〖refers to the sun rising out of the sun above the horizon or seeing the emergence of the first
  Sunrise Three pole
  〗 〖Lateinthemorning means sunrise is already high, the hour is late
  Three-pole spring sunrise mist elimination, Jiang Shu-off in blue radial head. - Tang Liu Yuxi "Zhuzhici"
  Day after day
  〗 〖Dayafterday day after day
  Day after day, looking at the horizon waiting for the vessel
  Day laborers
  〗 〖Daywork: day shift, day shift; or work done in a day shift
  〗 〖Daylabourer: number of days wages by temporary workers; also refers to this temporary work
  Day High Day
  〗 〖Groweveryday high up day by day, every day growing upward
  Its stems and leaves of both students, then again at high-Day. - Ming Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji planting Ministry"
  Japanese concept of peak
  〗 〖Riguanpeak rocks in the East Peak of Mount Tai, is the view of the sunrise Taishan
  Japanese concept of Pavilion
  〗 〖Riguankiosk Pavilion name view of the peak in Japan
  〗 〖Sunshine: the sun, neither scattered nor reflected rays of the sun orientation
  〗 〖Daylight: day light, and instead of the darkness of night. Add the sky the sun light, and the moonlight and artificial light contrast
  Toru sunlight, shadow cloth stone. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "to small Qiuxi small sokdam mind"
  Fluorescent lamp
  〗 〖Daylightlamp a fluorescent
  〗 〖Sun'sshadow: the shadow of the sun
  Both a long stalemate, sundial gradually shift. - Ming Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography"
  〗 〖Sundial: the shadow cast by the sun to determine the time of the device. Also called "sundial."
  〖Inthefuture; indaystocome〗 later; future
  This is what the future may need it
  Annular eclipse
  〗 〖Solarannulareclipse a solar eclipse. Sun, Moon, Earth in the same line, the moon center, cover the center of the sun, the formation of halo
  Over time
  〗 〖Accumulateoveralongperiod a day in January that the long accumulated January
  Qin Zhong is satisfied by the effective sale of its sinister meaning which the rape How eloquent. Over time, momentum Zhang Yi. - "Joe the line biography Song"
  〗 〖Diary daily or often happens, dealing with the affairs of the things written down or observation records, especially the personal activities of daily records of thinking or feeling
  〖Inthedaytime; duringtheday〗 day
  Become increasingly
  〖Witheachpassingday; daybyday〗 one day at a show
  An increasing decline
  〖Witheachpassingday; daybyday〗 gradually day by day
  Increasingly strong
  The course of time
  〖Withthepassingoftime; in (the) courseoftime〗 day long
  Man knows, time will tell
  Time will tell
  〗 〖Timerevealsaperson'sheart a long time to get along to see the good and bad people
  Walker: "The time will tell 。"--" Journey to the West"
  Falling-year-old deep
  〗 〖Long years: years. Depth: long-term mean. Meaning that age-old
  Rollover think about, look at the course of time have aged naturally deep into the road. - Song Puji "Wen Wu Deng Hui Yuan Xiaoyan Master Cloud Gate"
  Course of time
  〖In (the) courseoftime〗 means a long time
  One day, in front of them slaves, how thigh says the mouth it? - "Dream of Red Mansions"
  May Day will be on
  〖Havegradualadvances; makesteadyandcontinialprogress〗 some achievements every day, every month of the advance. Described add up
  That son was also really a stay at home, the eye does not glimpse Park, Sunday to be months, a large effort into. - "Heroic"
  〗 〖Dailypublication daily publication
  Japanese lessons
  〗 〖Lesson: when church sermons and Readings of the "Bible" section
  First lesson has been read at
  〗 〖Everydayhomework: Daily homework
  Children watching TV has become the daily lesson
  〗 〖Beoccupiedwithamyriadofstateaffairs day to handle thousands of pieces of affairs. Describes the rush of those in power dealing with the Chief
  Emperor Ming better tomorrow, what free kung fu to study esoteric Buddhism that? - "Popular Romance of the Later Han"
  〗 〖Calendar year in accordance with said one day; on the day of each month to determine the week; often important astronomical information is also given; sometimes indicate the festivals, holidays and special days and other events related to the booklet
  〗 〖Calendarwatch week calendar and calendar display and the hours, minutes, seconds, watch, and sometimes also display other images - also known as "dual calendar"
  〗 〖Sun_set_ sun goes down
  〗 〖Sun_set_ sun fell on the Western Hills, that when the dusk. A metaphor for the decline in the period
  Little red sun_set_. - "Zheng Xue Rengui East"
  〗 〖Solar corona thin outermost part of the atmosphere by the sun's surface stretching out a few million kilometers, contains iron, nickel and other very highly ionized gas atoms, indicating that the temperature of several million degrees, the total solar eclipse the naked eye to view it The moon looks like a black disk surrounded by rings pearl gray, but at other times be observed to use coronagraph
  〗 〖Atdusk the sun go down when
  Dusk, smoke curl
  Higurashi, without taking into account the hundreds of people who kill. - Qingxu Ke "clean barnyard class notes class war"
  Higurashi wherewithal
  〗 〖Beonitslastlegs the sun _set_s, the road to the end. Metaphor in dire straits
  Grass in spring break a few years, today evening wherewithal. - Tandoori just "cast twenty gift Geshu Khai Han Yun"
  〖Inafewdays; inadayortwo; inacoupleofdays〗 recently; these days
  Partial eclipse
  〗 〖Partialsolareclipse a solar eclipse, the moon between the sun and the earth, covering part of the sun
  〗 〖Agreed date and time of the day
  Date on the postmark blurred
  Day Air
  〗 〖Heatemitedbysun solar heat emitted
  Date steaming cloud. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind"
  〖Afewdaysago; theotherday〗 the past few days; a few days ago
  〖Witheachpassingday; daybyday〗 go day by day; become more and more; more ...
  Environmental pollution is worsening
  Total solar eclipse
  〗 〖Totalsolareclipse a solar eclipse, the moon to the sun and the earth, covered all of the sun
  〗 〖Everyday: every day
  Another day as I fear thy concern. - Qing Lin Chueh people "with his wife and the book"
  〖Dayafterday; daybyday〗: day by day
  Excessive luxury of the popular day for long. - Jia Yi "sparse storage of product"
  Day and night
  〗 〖Dayandnight day and night, day and night continuously. Describe the long duration
  The first day and night, like a heart rope tight beam article go again
  〗 〖Sunlight sunlight
  Rise late, hurry hurry it
  〗 〖Thesunisthreepoleshigh-it'slateinthemorning sun from the horizon to three high bamboo pole, about the morning of eight, nine, described the hour is late, get up late also described
  Xiao Rishangsangan sun about to rise sun about to rise, off to the east King Yilan. - Song Su "title Tanzhou Chunhui Xu Ting-shih"
  〗 〖Insolation of sunlight exposure
  Day upon day
  〗 〖Gettingmoreserious even: better, is worth. Described as powerful every day
  Needless to say such silly idea of ​​God, day upon day. - Song Mai "Huang birth rate"
  Solar eclipse
  〗 〖Solareclipse cover the sun by the moon, the earth caused by the phenomenon of shooting
  Japanese thousand words
  〗 〖Rapidityinwriting million words written on the day the article. Described as talented, quick thinking
  Will be high if the connection of the feast, the longitudinal to talk, please try thousand words on, Homer could wait. - Tang Li Bai, "and Han Jingzhou"
  〗 〖Day: days; days (more common in the early vernacular)
  I have looking forward to his sun
  〗 〖Daytime: refers to the day (more common in the early vernacular)
  Half sun
  〗 〖Sun [dialect]: the sun
  Day care
  〗 〖Day child care daycare
  Day to months
  〗 〖Dayswentandmonthcame describe the passage of time
  Months to the day, month to the day, the sun and the moon phase to push the Ming-sheng Yan. - "Easy to under copulative"
  Day to months, the summer retreat cold spell. - Jin Pan, "Jaap Attendants Dirge"
  〗 〖Dayandnight: day and night
  Rixi horse, right by the door Hou. - Ming Zong Chen, "reported that Liu Yi Zhang book"
  〗 〖Evening: Near dusk; evening
  Hill Air Rixi good. - Jin Tao "Drinking"
  〗 〖Atpresent: current; now
  Kusakabe weather has been cool
  〗 〖Capital: old "day" means king, "Value" means the Kyoto
  〗 〖Sun_set_: Day into. Sun_set_. Sun went down
  Kusakabe Xishantou
  〗 〖Godowneveryday: fading day by day; daily decline
  Renxinbugu, Moral Degeneration
  〗 〖Changewitheachpassingday new atmosphere every day every month, described the rapid progress of things
  UNESCO of the book, with each passing day. - Qing Wu Jian "pain history of Syria"
  〗 〖Dailywage salaries paid daily
  Day and night
  〗 〖Dayandnight day and night
  Binghuo the pressure of the time day and night. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind"
  General look to the day and night. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji"
  Day and night
  〗 〖Passfromnighttomorning day and night in their way
  Alert day and night
  〖Watchandward, watchingandwarding〗 constantly guard or surveillance day and night
  A gang guarded day and night the Iroquois (American Indians)
  Flies day and night
  〗 〖Dayandnightpassquicklyasashuttle as day and night as a result of a shuttle to describe the time passes quickly. Said, "Riyuerusuo."
  Day and night
  〗 〖Nightandday dry during the day and then night. Described the day and night
  〗 〖Daybyday day gain of more than a day has
  Growing our team
  〗 〖Shadowscastbythesun the sunlight into the shadow of the object
  〗 〖Dailyexpenses: the cost of daily living
  〗 〖Ofeverydayuse: daily applications
  〗 〖Articlesofeverydayuse everyday items such as towels, soap, vacuum bottle, etc.
  〗 〖Japanese language Japanese people
  〗 〖Yen
  Basic unit of Japanese currency
  On behalf of a yen coins or banknotes
  Sun and Moon
  〖Life; livelihood〗: livelihoods; life
  Comfortable in the sun and the moon
  〗 〖Sunandmoon: the sun and the moon
  Sun and Moon Chung-kwong
  〗 〖Thesunandthemoonshineagain heavy sun and the moon shine. Changes in the situation metaphor
  Royal made the Song, Sun and Moon Chung-kwong, Xuanji may order, the five-star obedient. - "Song Shuxiao Emperor Wu Ji"
  Sun and Moon wasted
  〗 〖Daysandmonthsareslippingaway that the passage of time, nothing achievements
  Wasted while the veteran Zhiyi sun and the moon. - Song Chenliang "the first book on the Emperor Hsiao Tsung"
  〗 〖Thesunandthemoonmovebackandforthlikeashuttle-timeflies like the sun and the moon shuttle back and forth as to describe the time flies
  Time as an arrow, Riyuerusuo, there are over a year. - "Beijing popular novel. Jade Goddess of Mercy on the grind "
  〗 〖Varioushouseholdsupplies groceries
  〗 〖Sunshine day time the sunlight which
  〗 〖Dailyrecord diary (especially collective, is the nature of work)
  Work Log
  〗 〖Midday sun Just Lunch; noon
  Cool will be fine as early as possible, Japan will break when hot. - "Water Margin"
  Japan and the Jackson
  〗 〖Declineafterreachingthezenith Jackson: It was dusk. The middle of the sun over the west will skew. Most will decline compared Wei
  Japan and the Jackson, Yue Ying is food. - "Yi Feng"
  〖Day; date〗: one day the date fixed
  Today is the day of her marriage
  〖Days; time〗: the number of days
  He went on for several days
  〖Life; livelihood〗: refers to the life, livelihood
  Fared far better now
  Day ride 愁城
  〗 〖Indeepworryeveryday Choucheng: metaphor is surrounded by sorrow. Every day in an atmosphere of anxiety
  Cross-border invasion of the poor and sick, it is also at sit Choucheng Oliver. - High Wing "To Yan Xun Fu book"
More Simple Explanation
  Day (pictograms. Oracle and Xiaozhuan shape. As the sun shape. Contour round like the sun, a cross or a point that the sun's light. The original meaning of the sun) with the original meaning, the Sun of the fine also. One from the imports of pictograms. - "Said the text" from the Japanese for fire. - "Easier said Gua" to Tugui of the law, is seeking land in the daytime. - "Zhou Tai Situ" Heaven goes for the day and the sun. - "Mencius" early out day, as big as a car cover. - "Lie Zi Tang asked," and if at the crown (the light of the sun above the body); at Jackson (at ramp, day off noon); at Xu children (the sun; sunlight); moon eclipse (head; fighting each other) ; sun put Hill (sun); sun Suo West (dusk); at home all month (sun_set_ moon, day after day) during the day, the day of the summer day. - "Poetry Tang and Sun Ge birthday rì ⒈ ~ out. ~ Down. ⒉ day, with "Night" by following the relative night ~. ⒊ day, a day and night today ~. Ming ~.    of a natural ~. Memorial ~. ⒋    some time in summer ~. Xi ~. To ~, longer. ⒌ ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ① ~ child too busy these days. ② ~ sub-life will get better. ③ Today is the day that she had a raw ~ son.
More Detailed Explanation
  At ri
  Radical total 04 strokes at 04 strokes radicals
  daily; day; run; sun; time;
  (Pictograms. Oracle and Xiaozhuan shape. As the sun shape. Contour round like the sun, a cross or a point that the sun's light. The original meaning of the sun)
  With the original meaning of [sun]
  Day, the sun is also fine. One from the imports of pictograms. - "Said the text"
  Off for the day, as the fire. - "Easier said Gua"
  To Tugui of the law, is seeking land in the daytime. - "Zhou Tai Situ"
  Day goes on and the sun. - "Mencius"
  The beginning of the day, as big as a car cover. - "Lie Zi Tang asked"
  Another example is at the crown (the light of the sun above the body); at Jackson (at ramp, day off at noon); at Xu children (the sun; sunlight); moon eclipse (head; fighting each other); sun put Hill (sun ); sun Suo West (dusk); at home all month (sun_set_ moonrise, day after day)
  During the day, the day [daytime]
  Summer day. - "Wind Ge Sheng Tang Poetry"
  Day and night. - "Under Lou Mencius"
  After three days and three nights, the village that are dead. - "Shi rehabilitation"
  Another example is at Die (day passed afternoon); days to months to go (as time went by); on the day of (day); on the day of the (day); day length Shen Juan (Summer days are long, people easily drowsiness); at sun_set_ (sun_set_. getting late); diurnal (daytime); day and night
  Season; for the special purpose for the day [day; date]
  Saigon revealed autumn. - Wei Yi School "nuclear boat in mind"
  Another example is rent day; Monday was laundry day; your wedding anniversary; million shares held; lunar day; mean solar day; at south (winter solstice); at the foot ([square]: time; time); date (a period); diurnal (day; date)
  A day and night [daytime]
  Extravagant day does not think. - "Poetry Bei Feng spring"
  Moon and stars and the sun. Years Day, that said day. - "Book fan"
  To teach the child a few days. - "In the Book of Rites"
  Another example is the Japanese force (one-day effort); at End (day doing); day degrees (day by day in the past)
  Time, time [time]
  Another example is the day of light (short time); date (time); drawn out for years; date dark; at not I (time waits for no man); at moment (time)
  Japan's short [short for japan]. Such as the Sino-Japanese cultural exchange
  Daily, every day [every day]
  I three times daily. - "The Analects"
  Today all students to learn in the Imperial College, the magistrate for a little at a granary. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
  Love a good day so close and bright. - "Three Kingdoms"
  Another example is sparse at aphelion, the pro-Japanese in recent days (and often close to natural affection, otherwise it will alienate); at Yan Kun days (daily audience with the Emperor); become increasingly poor Organisation (hard distress situation day by day); at no time sundial ( No idle all day); day-by-(daily; daily); to-day (daily; a day); on the matter of money (daily wage); at e (days); eclipse of money (on the matter of money)
  Future, some other day [the other day]
  Day and both years, and if my view of both. - "Lie Zi Tang asked"
  Past, the former [the bygone days]
  Odds on satellite, so whichever way. - "Zuo wengong Decade"
  Good day
  rì ān
  [Good-day] during the day and people were met or when the language. Also known as Hello "
  Day shift
  [Day shift]: work during the day shift workers
  [Day work]: the work done in a day shift. Also known as the day shift "
  [Sunspot] that sunspot
  [Daily] newspaper is published every day
  [Declining rapidly as the sun is _set_ting beyond the western hills; nearing one's end] thin approximation. The sun was going down. The decline of things or people close analogy to old age, near death
  Chen has been _set_ting sun, the corner of the same, pay ex serve the country, is when Adams. - "History of the Song Pu Zhao Chuan"
  [Japan] country names. Islands of eastern Asia
  Too busy to date
  [Be fully occupied everyday] to describe things too much, not enough time
  Although too busy to date, regulation G Hongyuan carry on. - "Under Ji Han Gotti"
  [Ordinary; day-to-day; everyday] normal, regular
  Daily life
  [Day show] entertainment in the screening performed during the day
  [Programme]: the order arranged by date
  Travel Schedule
  [Itinerary]: a day or a day trip
  [Calendar] activities arranged by date and content of the order form
  [Sunrise] refers to the sun rising out of the sun above the horizon or seeing the emergence of the first
  Sunrise Three pole
  [Late in the morning] refers to the sun is already high, the hour is late
  Three-pole spring sunrise mist elimination, Jiang Shu-off in blue radial head. - Tang Liu Yuxi "Zhuzhici"
  Day after day
  [Day after day] day after day
  Day after day, looking at the horizon waiting for the vessel
  Day laborers
  [Daywork]: day shift, day shift; or work done in a day shift
  [Day labourer]: number of days wages by temporary workers; also refers to this temporary work
  Day High Day
  [Grow every day] day by day, high up, up the long day by day
  Its stems and leaves of both students, then again at high-Day. - Ming Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji planting Ministry"
  Japanese concept of peak
  rìguān fēng
  [Riguan peak] in the top of East Rock Mountain is the place Taishan sunrise
  Japanese concept of Pavilion
  rìguān tíng
  [Riguan kiosk] kiosk name on the Japanese concept of peak
  [Sunshine]: the sun, neither scattered nor reflected rays of the sun orientation
  [Daylight]: the light during the day, and instead of the darkness of night. Add sun light the sky, and the moonlight and artificial light contrast
  Toru sunlight, shadow cloth stone. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "to small Qiuxi small sokdam mind"
  Fluorescent lamp
  [Daylight lamp] A fluorescent
  [Sun's shadow]: the shadow of the sun
  Both a long stalemate, sundial gradually shift. - Ming Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography"
  [Sundial]: the shadow cast by the sun to determine the time of the device. Also called on the regulation. "
  [In the future; in days to come] later; future
  This is what the future may need it
  Annular eclipse
  [Solar annular eclipse] of a solar eclipse. Sun, Moon, Earth in the same line, the moon center, cover the center of the sun, the formation of halo
  Over time
  [Accumulate over a long period] that day by day, month long accumulated from January
  Satisfied by the ground effect the meaning of loyalty and sales of its insidious evil How eloquent. Over time, momentum Zhang Yi. - "Joe the line biography Song"
  [Diary] every day or often happens, dealing with the affairs of the things written down or observation records, especially the personal activities of daily records of thinking or feeling
  [In the daytime; during the day] day
  Become increasingly
  [With each passing day; day by day] one day at a show
  An increasing decline
  [With each passing day; day by day] day by day, gradually
  Increasingly strong
  The course of time
  [With the passing of time; in (the) course of time] the day long
  Man knows, time will tell
  Time will tell
  rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn
  [Time reveals a person's heart] a long time to get along to see the good and bad people
  Walker Road, time will tell. "-" Journey to the West "
  Falling-year-old deep
  [Long] years of age years. Deep long-term mean. Meaning that age-old
  Rollover think about, look at the course of time have aged naturally deep into the road. - Song Puji "Wen Wu Deng Hui Yuan Xiaoyan Master Cloud Gate"
  Course of time
  [In (the) course of time] that a long time
  One day, in front of them slaves, how thigh says the mouth it? - "Dream of Red Mansions"
  May Day will be on
  [Have gradual advances; make steady and continial progress] every day, some achievements, the progress every month. Described add up
  That son was also really a stay at home, the eye does not glimpse Park, Sunday to be months, a large effort into. - "Heroic"
  [Daily publication] daily publication
  Japanese lessons
  [Lesson]: when church sermons and Readings of the "Bible" section
  First lesson has been read at
  [Everyday homework]: daily homework
  Children watching TV has become the daily lesson
  [Be occupied with a myriad of state affairs] a day to handle thousands of pieces of affairs. Describes the rush of those in power dealing with the Chief
  Emperor Ming better tomorrow, what free kung fu to study esoteric Buddhism that? - "Popular Romance of the Later Han"
  [Calendar] year's time by one day, said; on the day of each month to determine the week; often important astronomical information is also given; sometimes indicate the festivals, holidays and special days and other events related to the booklet
  [Calendar watch] Show week calendar and calendar as well as hours, minutes, seconds, watch, and sometimes also display other images - also known as dual calendar "
  [Sun_set_] sun goes down
  [Sun_set_] The sun fell on the Western Hills, that when the dusk. A metaphor for the decline in the period
  Little red sun_set_. - "Zheng Xue Rengui East"
  [Corona] the outer solar atmosphere thin part of the surface by the sun, stretching out a few million kilometers, contains iron, nickel and other very highly ionized gas atoms, indicating that the temperature of several million degrees, the total solar eclipse the naked eye to view it The moon looks like a black disk surrounded by rings pearl gray, but at other times be observed to use coronagraph
  [At dusk], when the sun go down
  Dusk, smoke curl
  Higurashi, without taking into account the hundreds of people who kill. - Qingxu Ke "clean barnyard class notes class war"
  Higurashi wherewithal
  [Be on its last legs] the sun goes down, the road to the end. Metaphor in dire straits
  Grass in spring break a few years, today evening wherewithal. - Tandoori just "cast twenty gift Geshu Khai Han Yun"
  [In a few days; in a day or two; in a couple of days] recently; these days
  Partial eclipse
  [Partial solar eclipse] of a solar eclipse, the moon between the sun and the earth, covering part of the sun
  [Date] the day and time agreed
  Postmark date on the condensate is unclear
  Day Air
  [Heat emited by sun] Solar heat emitted
  Date steaming cloud. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind"
  [A few days ago; the other day] over the past few days; a few days ago
  [With each passing day; day by day] day by day to; gradually become; more ...
  Environmental pollution is worsening
  Total solar eclipse
  [Total solar eclipse] of a solar eclipse, the moon to the sun and the earth, covered all of the sun
  [Everyday]: every day
  Another day as I fear thy concern. - Qing Lin Chueh people "with his wife and the book"
  [Day after day; day by day]: one day at a
  Excessive luxury of the popular day for long. - Jia Yi "sparse storage of product"
  Day and night
  [Day and night] night and day, day and night continuously. Describe the long duration
  The first day and night, like a heart rope tight beam article go again
  [Sunlight] Sunshine
  Rise late, hurry hurry it
  [The sun is three poles high ╠ it's late in the morning] the sun from the horizon, there are three poles to high, the morning about eight or nine, described the hour is late, get up late also described
  Xiao Rishangsangan sun about to rise sun about to rise, off to the east King Yilan. - Song Su "title Tanzhou Chunhui Xu Ting-shih"
  [Insolation] too much sun
  Day upon day
  [Getting more serious] even better, is worth. Described as powerful every day
  Needless to say such silly idea of ​​God, day upon day. - Song Mai "Huang birth rate"
  Solar eclipse
  [Solar eclipse] fired at the sun by the moon to cover the phenomenon caused by Earth
  Japanese thousand words
  [Rapidity in writing] million words written on the day the article. Described as talented, quick thinking
  Will be high if the connection of the feast, the longitudinal to talk, please try thousand words on, Homer could wait. - Tang Li Bai, "and Han Jingzhou"
  [Day]: time; days (more common in the early vernacular)
  I have looking forward to his sun
  [Daytime]: refers to the day (more common in the early vernacular)
  Half sun
  [Sun] [side]: the sun
  Day care
  [Daycare] day child care services
  Day to months
  [Days went and month came] to describe the passage of time
  Months to the day, month to the day, the sun and the moon phase to push the Ming-sheng Yan. - "Easy to under copulative"
  Day to months, the summer retreat cold spell. - Jin Pan, "Jaap Attendants Dirge"
  [Day and night]: day and night
  Rixi horse, right by the door Hou. - Ming Zong Chen, "reported that Liu Yi Zhang book"
  [Evening]: Near dusk; evening
  Hill Air Rixi good. - Jin Tao "Drinking"
  [At present]: current; now
  Kusakabe weather has been cool
  [Capital]: old days "refers to the emperor, Value" means the Kyoto
  [Sun_set_]: at entry. Sun_set_. Sun went down
  Kusakabe Xishantou
  [Go down every day]: the decline day by day; daily decline
  Renxinbugu, Moral Degeneration
  [Change with each passing day] day, every month a new atmosphere, described as things progress quickly
  UNESCO of the book, with each passing day. - Qing Wu Jian "pain history of Syria"
  [Daily wage] of salaries paid daily
  Day and night
  [Day and night] night and day
  Binghuo the pressure of the time day and night. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind"
  General look to the day and night. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji"
  Day and night
  [Pass from night to morning] day and night in their way
  Alert day and night
  [Watch and ward, watching and warding] keep guard or surveillance day and night
  A gang in the day and night guarded the Iroquois person (North American Indians)
  Flies day and night
  [Day and night pass quickly as a shuttle], like day and night as a result of a shuttle to describe the time passes quickly. Said Riyuerusuo. "
  Day and night
  [Night and day] day and night, then dry. Described the day and night
  [Day by day] day gain of more than a day has
  Growing our team
  [Shadows cast by the sun] the sunlight into the shadow of the object
  [Daily expenses]: the cost of daily living
  [Of everyday use]: the application of daily life
  [Articles of everyday use] everyday items such as towels, soap, vacuum bottle, etc.
  [Japanese] the language of the Japanese nation
  Basic unit of Japanese currency
  On behalf of a yen coins or banknotes
  Sun and Moon
  [Life; livelihood]: livelihoods; life
  Comfortable in the sun and the moon
  [Sun and moon]: the sun and the moon
  Sun and Moon Chung-kwong
  [The sun and the moon shine again] Sun and Moon Shine Again. Changes in the situation metaphor
  Royal made the Song, Sun and Moon Chung-kwong, Xuanji may order, the five-star obedient. - "Song Shuxiao Emperor Wu Ji"
  Sun and Moon wasted
  [Days and months are slipping away] that the passage of time, nothing achievements
  Wasted while the veteran Zhiyi sun and the moon. - Song Chenliang "the first book on the Emperor Hsiao Tsung"
  [The sun and the moon move back and forth like a shuttle-time flies] like the sun and the moon shuttle back and forth as to describe the time flies
  Time as an arrow, Riyuerusuo, there are over a year. - "Beijing popular novel. Jade Goddess of Mercy on the grind "
  [Various household supplies] groceries
  [Sunshine] day time the sunlight which
  [Daily record] Diary (especially collective, is the nature of work)
  Work Log
  [Midday] legitimate afternoon sun; noon
  Cool will be fine as early as possible, Japan will break when hot. - "Water Margin"
  Japan and the Jackson
  [Decline after reaching the zenith] Jackson dusk. The middle of the sun over the west will skew. Most will decline compared Wei
  Japan and the Jackson, Yue Ying is food. - "Yi Feng"
  [Day; date]: date of the fixed one day
  Today is the day of her marriage
  [Days; time]: the number of days
  He went on for several days
  [Life; livelihood]: refers to the life, livelihood
  Fared far better now
  Day ride 愁城
  [In deep worry everyday] Choucheng analogy is surrounded by sorrow. Every day in an atmosphere of anxiety
  Cross-border invasion of the poor and sick, it is also at sit Choucheng Oliver. - High Wing "To Yan Xun Fu book"
  rì ㄖ ╝
  Nearest star from Earth (also known as the Sun ") ~ May the stars. ~ Sundial (guī) (ancient shadow cast by the sun to determine the time of the device). ~ Er. ~ Thin Xishan (the sun was going down, people aging Yu something close to death or decay).
  During the day, and night "relative ~ classes.
  Days, more than a day and night ~ disappear. Today ~. ~ Process.
  One day Memorial ~.
  Calculation of the time unit, usually eight hours or six hours a day.
  Spring time ~. To ~.
  Every day, day by day ~ remember. ~ Benefits.
  Especially Japan. "
  Zheng-code ka, u65e5, gbkc8d5
  Stroke number 4, radical days, stroke order number 2511
Kangxi Dictionary
Chen sets  〔〕 ???? Ancient Tang Yun】 【】 【Rhymes Rhyme hostage cut 【_set_】 【】 rhyme will cut into the quality, ???? sound ????. 【】 Fact that the text also. Essence of the sun to break even. Burson-Marsteller】 【jun as well. Name】 【Release Date actuality, the light has Shing real. 】 【Yi Qian Sun and the Moon together with its next. Also】 【Copulative as the next county, a great sun and the moon almost. Gua】 【further away from the fire, said the Japanese. Nine days of official Zhou ???? 【Note】 those days of the date specified. Li Yi】 【day festival for the East. Official Records Book 【Note】 days days, Yang Jing of the cases. 【Notes】 before the Han Dynasty calendar days together in the days of integration. 【Fax】 Xun Shuang Han after the ground for the fire, in the days of the day. Astronomical Institute】 【Huainanzi essence of anger were the days. Shun Code】 【another book on the Society is at the time. 【Fax】 combined seasons of integrity, on the size, date B, the Qi are one. Also Hongfan】 【five brokers, third is day. 【Fax】 record day. Shu】 【middle of the night from the middle of the night and even tomorrow, Chen twelve weeks for a day. And Li Song Li】 【Foreign Affairs in just days, to soft on the matter. 】 【Sparse on the 10th five-five odd couple, a five-odd valproate for newly Ren G, B Ting Hsin Kuei-five even as soft as well. And special offerings】 【rural countryside of the festival also, welcome long day matter to it. 【Note】 welcome long days, day and night construction of Mao and the points, divide and day length also. And seven】 【Zuo Wen Wei at odds. 【Note】 at the old days, too. Also】 【Zuo Huan seventeen years a Japanese emperor officer, a Japanese royal princes. 【Note】 Code enumerate those who were. Records of the Historian at who they 【Note】 divination accounted ???? pass time, generic term on those. Also】 【_set_ rhyme and cut power, audio and Ne. Meaning the same. Also make】 【rhyme leaves and to cut. Song Li, Fu Chi 【】 review the above matter to micro-motor, forget sleep soundly thinking left menu. A little rhyme in the sodium form factors, sincere in day care. 【Class】 Tang Empress Wu for ???? articles.
Explain Word
ID: 4168  Actuality. Essence of the sun to break even. One from the imports. Pictographic. All days are all from the day. Cut hostages

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