Against the disobedient wǔ, disobedience: disobedient ears (unpleasant). Go against (a. back committed in violation; b. do not obey their parents). Disobedient, as the (inverse as, anti-TV, face phase to see). Stroke: 7; radical: 忄; stroke order number: 4423112
Detailed Explanation
Disobedient [Fixed] Complex disobedient guests. - Don Li Chaowei "Liu Yi Chuan" wǔshì
More Simple Explanation
Disobedient (shaped sound from the heart, afternoon sound. The original meaning of resistance, disobedience) disobedient guests with the original meaning of the complex. - Don Li Chaowei "Liu Yi Chuan" touch disobedient when the dead. - Qing Zhang Tingyu "Ming Dynasty" and if disobedient right (do not succumb to elite); disobedient materials (committed people; incompatible with others); disobedient resentment (resentment born of conflict); disobedient hate (the wrong side; against); disobedient Italy (the wrong side of mind); disobedient Man (disobedient slow. defy neglect); disobedient touch (committed); disobedient scales (bluntly guilty) touched the Wind Mourn, disobedient unhappy heart, birds Hezhou on horses. - Ming Wang Daokun "Lo sad" staggered yin and yang scattered disobedient. - "Spring Yuan life package" rebelling against childhood disobedience disobedient disobedient wǔ as against the violation of ~ reverse.