To wǎng go to: round-trip. Back and forth. Dealings (hu Fei). Exchanges. Exchanges. Longing. Go forward. Past: past. Past. Past. To the ancient. Usual. In the past. As always. With the "look" ⑤. Come back to stroke rehabilitation: 8; radicals: left foot; stroke ID: 33241121
Detailed Explanation
(Knowing. Oracle shape, from only from the soil. Means to the destination from this place. Original meaning: to go to ... go)
With the original meaning 〖depart (head, leave, start) for; gotosomewhere〗
To, s also. - "Said the text"
Has been to the doctor. - "Book of Rites Tamamo"
Moving to and fro between. - "Easy Ham"
Mark me past carry on. - "Mandarin Jin"
To not return. - "Happy Excursion"
To see the Old Dan. - "Zhuangzi Heaven"
Jump to help it. - "Lie Zi Tang asked"
With its go. - Jin Tao "Peach Blossom Spring"
Pleased to go.
He relies on the child to. - Qing Peng Duanshu "said a nephew to school"
Another example: Go (go; to); to build (went to visit); to teach (teacher to student teach at); to the rotation (back and forth swing); to Jian to connect to (both are difficult); to the people ( sent to the person); go to (visit); to the process (go away); to the husband (an indomitable warrior)
〗 〖Contact between each other
Back and forth between the matter in January, after city has been fixed. - "Chivalric Heroes"
Another example: back (round trip; round-trip); often come to (multiple entry)
Death to die〗 〖
Is not to build the go and can not stop also. - "Right to repair the tube." Note: "that death to the people."
Another example: to the of the (death)
Give, give give〗 〖
He gives me ashamed thick, ashamed to matter in this light. - Taijia "gifts woman left County Three Poems"
Turn to〗 〖inclineto
Implementation of the elephant, the world go. - "I"
Yore; past〗 〖thepast
Mu does not go. - "Zi Exposed." Note: The "wonders of ancient people."
To the philosophy is. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book"
Wen Yong Shu to the south. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "Liu Dong _Set_"
See past the ear. - "Mirror Han Dynasty"
Call-in the past. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary"
Another example: no past injustice, recently Wu Chou (saying. Has never been enmity); to Philosophy (ancient philosopher); to time (yore); to generation (previous generation); to the old (previous years); Wang Li (precedent); to the (past the law)
〗 〖Thedead dead
Get past home. - "Zuo Xi public nine years." Du Yu Note: "to the deceased. Home, the living."
After; after〗 〖afterwards
Yoshiro body is not married, the cloud to Yuhe? - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
In addition, more than a certain limit or scope of the outward〗 〖
Yangshan the past, both the North false also. - "Waterways River"
With the "hope." That the direction of an action, the equivalent of "Chao", "to" 〖toward; to〗
Deviates from the fingers to the owner, his face just beat up, put the owner, played staggered. - "Water Margin"
Another example: in the probe into the tiger's mouth (saying. Refers to the bold and dangerous move); to children on the high-flying branch (refer to attachment by the elite, but also the meaning of the climb)
〖Habituallyinthepast; asoneusedtodoformerly〗 past general; usually
He returned late today than usual
〖Gothereandback; journeytoandfro〗: one to the one; back and forth
From forty miles
〗 〖Movebackandforth: repeated
〖Movebackandforth; reciprocate〗: return; repeated
The cycle
〗 〖Contact: contacts
Communication back and forth
To ancient
〗 〖Inancienttimes ancient; ancient times
Since ancient times to today
From now on〗 〖fromnowon
The days become better friends
〖Contact; intercourse; dealings〗 go and come; contacts
To trace
〗 〖Pastevents past; thing of the past
All have become to the track
〗 〖Comeandgo: go and to
Between species as. - Jin Tao "Peach Blossom Spring"
Exchanges as the. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "three-ring"
Between Xi suddenly. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "to small Qiuxi small sokdam mind"
Exchanges rather than absolute. - Song Ouyang Xiu, "Drunkard Pavilion"
〗 〖Dealings: communication; collected from
Never in contact with. - "Historical Records"
For honest dealings. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "Liu Dong _Set_"
〖Guest; visitor〗: contact person
No exchanges Ding Bai. - Tang Liu Yuxi "Lou Shi Ming"
To shame
〗 〖Losesomeone'sface so disgraced, so embarrassing
To step on the mud
〖Attackorbelittlesb.〗 That hurt people, demeaning
In previous years
〖(In) formeryears〗 previous years; past
〖(In) formerdays; inbygonedays〗 past days; past
No past injustice, recently Wu Chou: never had a rancor
To time
〗 〖Inthepast time past; past
He also as talkative as to when
〖History; thepast; pastevents〗 things past
Vivid memories
To age
〗 〖Informeryears previous years
To age up to. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary"
〖Often; frequently〗: often; often
Often compared by the deceased. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "snake say"
Old Lee often stayed up late into the night
〗 〖Everywhere: everywhere; everywhere
Hill is often a chess _set_. - "Historical Records"
Stroke is often language. - "Historical Records Chenshe family"
Often you win. - Song Wang "You praise Zen Mountain in mind"
〗 〖Oneafteranother: have
King of death has abandoned its military, the military then collapse, often decreased slightly Qiu, Liang Jun. - "Historical Records Wu Wangbi Biography"
Literature Bin Bin is a little forward, between poetry and literature are often out. - "Qian Han Chuan"
〖Yesterday; informertimes〗 old; past
Chu-Yang past years. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
Far away in the dim past months and years
More Simple Explanation
To (agree. Oracle shape, from only from the soil. Means to the destination from this place. Literal, to ... go) with the original meaning to, the also. - "Said the text" has been to the doctor. - "Book of Rites Tamamo" moving to and fro between. - "Easy salty" Mark me past carry on. - "Mandarin Jin" to not return. - "Happy Excursion," to see the Old Dan. - "Zhuangzi Heaven" jump to help it. - "Lie Zi Tang asked," with its go. - Jin Tao "Peach" is pleased to visit. He relies on the child to. - Qing Peng Duanshu "said a nephew to learn to" Another example is to (go; to); to build (went to visit); to teach (teacher to student teach at); to spin (reciprocating back to wǎng ⒈ go to there to there ~. fly ~ Guangzhou. ⒉ once in the past ~ Xi. both ~ do not blame. ⒊ pass "look." North Korea, walked to the ~. ~ here to see. ⒋ to wàng 1. finalities. 2 . preposition. DPRK to.
More Detailed Explanation
To wang
Radical radical left foot 03 total strokes 08 strokes
go; past; previous; toward; wend; fro;
To; back; complex;
(Knowing. Oracle shape, from only from the soil. Means to the destination from this place. Literal, to ... go)
With the original meaning of [depart (head, leave, start) for; go to somewhere]
To, s also. - "Said the text"
Been to the doctor. - "Book of Rites Tamamo"
Moving to and fro between. - "Easy Ham"
Mark me past carry on. - "Mandarin Jin"
To not return. - "Happy Excursion"
To see the Old Dan. - "Zhuangzi Heaven"
Jump to help it. - "Lie Zi Tang asked"
With its go. - Jin Tao "Peach Blossom Spring"
Pleased to go.
He relies on the child to. - Qing Peng Duanshu "said a nephew to school"
Another example is to (go; to); to build (went to visit); to teach (teacher to student teach at); to the rotation (back and forth swing); to Jian to connect to (both are difficult); to the people (send to the people); go to (visit); to the process (go away); to the husband (an indomitable warrior)
Each other and from the [contact]
Back and forth between the matter in January, after city has been fixed. - "Chivalric Heroes"
Another example is the back (back and forth; round-trip); often come to (multiple entry)
Death to go [die]
Is not to build the go and can not stop also. - "Right to repair the tube." Note that the death to the water. "
Another example to the of the (death)
Give, give [give]
He gives me ashamed thick, ashamed to matter in this light. - Taijia "gifts woman left County Three Poems"
Turn to [incline to]
Implementation of the elephant, the world go. - "I"
Yore; over [the past]
Mu does not go. - "Zi Exposed." Note the wonders of ancient too. "
To the philosophy is. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book"
Wen Yong Shu to the south. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "Liu Dong _Set_"
See past the ear. - "Mirror Han Dynasty"
Call-in the past. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary"
Another example is no past injustice, recently Wu Chou (saying. Has never been enmity); to Philosophy (ancient philosopher); to time (yore); to generation (previous generation); to the old (previous years); Wang Li ( precedent); to the (past the law)
The deceased [the dead]
Get past home. - "Zuo Xi public nine years." Du Yu note to the deceased. Home, the living. "
After; after [afterwards]
Yoshiro body is not married, the cloud to Yuhe? - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
In addition, more than a certain limit or scope of the [outward]
Yangshan the past, both the North false also. - "Waterways River"
With hope. "Behavior that the direction of motion, equivalent to North Korea" to "[toward; to]
Deviates from the fingers to the owner, his face just beat up, put the owner, played staggered. - "Water Margin"
Another example is in the probe into the tiger's mouth (saying. Refers to the bold and dangerous move); to children on the high-flying branch (refer to attachment by the elite, but also the meaning of the climb)
[Habitually in the past; as one used to do formerly] the general situation in past; usually
He returned late today than usual
[Go there and back; journey to and fro]: one to the one; back and forth
From forty miles
[Move back and forth]: repeated
[Move back and forth; reciprocate]: return; repeated
The cycle
[Contact]: contacts
Communication back and forth
To ancient
[In ancient times] ancient; ancient times
Since ancient times to today
[From now on] from now on
The days become better friends
[Contact; intercourse; dealings] go and come; contacts
To trace
[Past events] past; thing of the past
All have become to the track
[Come and go]: to go and to
Between species as. - Jin Tao "Peach Blossom Spring"
Exchanges as the. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "three-ring"
Between Xi suddenly. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "to small Qiuxi small sokdam mind"
Exchanges rather than absolute. - Song Ouyang Xiu, "Drunkard Pavilion"
[Dealings]: communication; collected from
Never in contact with. - "Historical Records"
For honest dealings. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "Liu Dong _Set_"
[Guest; visitor]: what the person
No exchanges Ding Bai. Tang - Liu Yuxi "Lou Shi Ming"
To shame
wǎng liánshàng mǒ hēi
[Lose someone's face] so disgraced, so embarrassing
To step on the mud
wǎng nílǐ cǎi
[Attack or belittle sb.] Refers to the fight against people, demeaning
In previous years
[(In) former years] years past; past
[(In) former days; in bygone days] days of the past; past
No past injustice, recently there has never been rancor Wu Chou
To time
[In the past] the last time; past
He also as talkative as to when
[History; the past; past events] things past
Vivid memories
To age
[In former years] in previous years
To age up to. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary"
[Often; frequently]: often; often
Often compared by the deceased. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "snake say"
Old Lee often stayed up late into the night
[Everywhere]: everywhere; everywhere
Hill is often a chess _set_. - "Historical Records"
Stroke is often language. - "Historical Records Chenshe family"
Often you win. - Song Wang "You praise Zen Mountain in mind"
[One after another]: have
King of death has abandoned its military, the military then collapse, often decreased slightly Qiu, Liang Jun. - "Historical Records Wu Wangbi Biography"
Literature Bin Bin is a little forward, between poetry and literature are often out. - "Qian Han Chuan"
[Yesterday; in former times] old; past
Chu-Yang past years. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
Far away in the dim past months and years
wǎng ㄨ ㄤ
Go to ~ back. ~ Complex. ~ Also (huán). ~ To. AC ~. To ~. Yong ~ straight before.
Over the past ~ Xi. ~ Day. ~ Things. ~ Ancient. ~ Constant. To ~. As always ~.
With the hope "⑤.
Zheng code oisc, u5f80, gbkcdf9
8 number of strokes, radical left foot, stroke order number 33241121
Kangxi Dictionary
Yin _set_ under 〔〕 ???? ???? Ancient Tang Yun】 【cut in two】 【Ji Yun Yun Yu are both cut】 【cut feather in vain, ???? king rising tone. Chih-Wen】 【said. Jade articles】 【line also, to the water. 【】 Su Yi Lu Lu to Gua Without Harm. 【Code】 Emperor Shun book, saying: Yu, Yu to Kazuya. Li Song Li】 【reciprocity. To not come, reciprocate. Friendship can not also reciprocate. 】 【Ancient jade articles and to also. Guangyun】 【go, past also. 【】 Fu Yi Chang Yi Xi Ci to the police come. 【Before】 JI Han Ji Zhu to the ancient, the system should be today. Said they are often about things before the move. 【】 To Presbyterian Records of Five Emperors century are often called Huangdi Yao Shun the Service, Teaching with solid-Shu Yan wind. All the things they said to cause. Cao and Yang Xiu】 【book written by Fu I left this to the servant of a pass, phase and TV _set_ also. Wang】 【posts one end of this fiscal to unlined silk, said to pay tribute. 】 【Ji Yun and cut in place, the king falling tone. Turn to also. Like】 【Records family of Confucius, although not to, yet Xiang to it. Yin startled and leaves cut, sound brave. Seven remonstrance】 【Dongfang Shuo Palace and Palace should knock Xi, playing the angles and the angular momentum. The Valley Tigers Come wind, Long and Kam Wan to go.
Explain Word
ID: 1228 S also. From the left foot 㞷 sound. Cut in two