Simplified Chinese: | (庋䃽) | Pinyin: | guǐ, jǐ | Header: | 广 | Total Strokes: | 10 | Extra Strokes: | 7 | | UTF-8: | E5 BA AA | UTF-16: | 5EAA | UTF-32: | 00005EAA | Big 5: | D177 | Cangjie: | IQJE | | Four Corner Code: | 0024.7 | One word full code: | gui3guangji | One word double code: | guguji | One word single code: | ggj | Character structure: | Enclosing structure | | Level of decomposition: | 5 | Strokes: | 丶一丿一亅一一丨????㇏ | Stroke sequence: | 4131211254 | Stroke Description: | downwards-right, horizontal, downwards-left, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, horizontal, vertical, turning, downwards-right | Others' sequence: | 4131211254 | | Structure of components: | 广(丶厂(一丿))技(扌((一亅)一)支(十(一丨)又(????㇏))) |