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Simplified Chinese:  ()Traditional Chinese:  ( )Pinyin: jièHeader: Total Strokes: 8Extra Strokes: 5
UTF-8: E5 B1 86UTF-16: 5C46UTF-32: 00005C46Big 5: A9A1Cangjie: SUGFour Corner Code: 7727.2
One word full code: jie4shikuaiOne word double code: jisikuOne word single code: jskCharacter structure: Enclosing structureLevel of decomposition: 5Strokes: ????一丿一丨一????丨
Stroke sequence: 51312152Stroke Description: turning, horizontal, downwards-left, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, turning, verticalOthers' sequence: 51312152
Structure of components: 尸((????一)丿)凷(土(十(一丨)一)凵(????丨))
Simple Explanation
  Session jiè with "th." Strokes: 8; radical: dead; stroke order number: 51312152
Detailed Explanation
  1.同「届」。 2.至、到。 3.量詞。①計算定期舉行的會議或活動的單位。②計算具有某種身分或擔任某種職務期間的單位。
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Kangxi Dictionary
寅集上  〔古文〕曁艐【廣韻】古拜切【集韻】【正韻】居拜切【韻會】居隘切,????音戒。【說文】,行不便也,从尸????聲。????卽塊字。一曰極也。【註】極卽至也。【書·大禹謨】惟德動天,無遠弗。【詩·魯頌】致天之。【註】猶言窮極也。 又叶居吏切,音記。【詩·小雅】不知所。叶下寐。 又【何晏·景福殿賦】鳥企山峙,若翔若滯,峨峨嶫嶫,罔識所。 俗作届,从由,非。
Explain Word
编号:5380  行不便也。一曰極也。从尸凷聲。 古拜切

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