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Simplified Chinese:  ()Traditional Chinese:  ( )Pinyin: sān, cān, shēn, cēn, sā, sàn
Header: Total Strokes: 8Extra Strokes: 6
UTF-8: E5 8F 81UTF-16: 53C1UTF-32: 000053C1
GB 2312: 4094GB 12345: 4094Cangjie: IKMMM
Four Corner Code: 2310One word full code: san1cansanOne word double code: sacasa
One word single code: scsCharacter structure: Top-(middle)-bottomLevel of decomposition: 5
Strokes: ????丶一丿㇏一一一Stroke sequence: 54134111Stroke Description: turning, downwards-right, horizontal, downwards-left, downwards-right, horizontal, horizontal, horizontal
Others' sequence: 54134111
Structure of components: (厶(????丶)大(一人(丿㇏)))三(一二(一一))
Simple Explanation
  Triple sān "three" in capitals. Stroke: 8; radicals: Si; stroke ID: 54134111
Detailed Explanation
  Three〗 〖
  Parameters, the three also. - "Guang Ya." Made after "Triple."
  Tall and lean on the two numbers. - "Gua Yi said." Yu Note: "Participation, the three also."
  However, one of most participants. - "Hidden Zuo AD years." Note: The "one-third of the country town."
  Wu parameter to change. - "Yi Xi Ci on." Shu: "Participation, the three also."
  Notes to speak, the words to the letter to aspire, to _set_ the parameters. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty years." Note: "Notes with three words and deeds, and then keep the body safe."
  Heaven has its time, to have their money, who have their governance, that is why it is able to participate. - "Zi s Theory." Note: "one can rule in the fiscal and used from time to time, it is participating in the world."
  Come participate in the independent world. - "Han Yang Xiong passing on." Old Master said: "Three words are also participating."
More Simple Explanation
  Triple <number> parameter, the three also. - "Guang Ya" ◇ as a Triple. "Tall and lean on the two numbers. -" Gua Yi said. "YU Note reference, the three also." Mostly, but one of participation. - "Hidden Zuo AD years." Note one-third of the country town. "Shen Wu to change. -" Yi Xi Ci on. "Sparse reference, the three also." Chi to speak, the words in a letter to determined, the Senate to determine. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty years." Note the three words and deeds of a blog, then keep the body safe. "Heaven has its time, to have their money, who have their governance, that is why it is able to participate. -" Zi Tianlun. "Injection can cure in the fiscal and used from time to time, it is participating in the world. "Come participate in the independent world. - "Han Yang Xiong passing on." Ancient said teachers also participate in three words. "Triple (San) sān" three "in capitals.
More Detailed Explanation
  Triple san
  Radical Radical Si 02 total strokes 08 strokes
  Parameters, the three also. - "Guang Ya" ◇ as a Triple. "
  Tall and lean on the two numbers. - "Gua Yi said." Yu injection parameters, the three also. "
  However, one of most participants. - "Hidden Zuo AD years." Note one-third of the country town. "
  Wu parameter to change. - "Yi Xi Ci on." Sparse reference, the three also. "
  Notes to speak, the words in a letter to determined, the Senate to determine. - "Zuo Xianggong twenty years." Note the three words and deeds of a blog, then keep the body safe. "
  Heaven has its time, to have their money, who have their governance, that is why it is able to participate. - "Zi s Theory." Note one can rule in the fiscal and used from time to time, it is participating in the world. "
  Come participate in the independent world. - "Han Yang Xiong passing on." Ancient said teachers also participate in three words. "
  sān mi fa ㄢ ˉ
  Three "in capitals.
  Zheng code zsgc, u53c1, gbkc8fe
  Stroke number 8, Si radicals, stroke order number 54134111

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