_Delete_ shān trimmed some of the words in the diction: _Delete_. Excision. Deletion. Be _delete_d. Deletions. _Delete_ Yi (also known as "_delete_ mow"). Shanfanjiujian. Increasing number of strokes: 7; radicals: Dao; stroke number: 3535122
Detailed Explanation
_Delete_ _Delete_ shān 【Activity】 (Knowing. From the knife from the album. Book is Jane books, the number of slips prepared to wear together is called a "book." Booklet, the contents of the issue to a knife to get rid of, so from the "knife." Original meaning: slashing) Trimmed; outlined out 〖_delete_; leaveout〗 _Delete_d, Chi also. - "Said the text" _Delete_d, with the exception too. - "Three Cang" _Delete_d, will be also. - "Sound class" _Delete_d, publications as well. - "Han Study of Law," Note _Delete_, cut too. - "Han Bing Ji Chuan," Note Nor can make the world of people, chop straight, cut close, hoe is to yao Mei Mei disease money order for the industry. - Qing Gong Zizhen "disease Mei Museum in mind" Another example: deletions (increase and deleting); _delete_ stored (retained after deletion); _delete_ cut (_delete_); _delete_ abandoned (_delete_, _delete_); _delete_d cutting (deleting); _delete_ fan (remove cumbersome words) ; _delete_ wipe (_delete_, check off) Deletion, modification 〖bowdlerize; revise〗. Such as: _delete_ repair (excision Amendment); _delete_d Syria (excision cumbersome narrative essence of leaving); _delete_ the (modified Compilation); deletion of the positive (change to correct) _Select_ed, copy or quote〗 〖extract Poems in the three hundred. - "Porous order book" To _delete_ the current to prepare Pianji. - "Han Dynasty History" Another example: _delete_ this (through the abridged version); _delete_ to (be omissions sacrificing Essentials) Eliminate〗 〖dispel. Such as: _delete_ Yi, _delete_ Kariya (slashing; eradication) _Delete_ shānchú 〗 〖_Delete_ _delete_ Remove duplicate section _Delete_d shāndiào 〖Blackout; strikeoff〗 _delete_, remove Some sections of this book was _delete_d Be _delete_d shāndìng 〖〗 Omissions rescheduled prune _Delete_ the document _set_ Ethical Functions shānfán-jiùjiǎn 〖Simplifysth.bycuttingoutthesuperfluous; simplifythecomplicatedmaterial; reducetobareessentials〗 deleting complicated, so that the text concise Excision shāngǎi 〗 〖Prunt omissions changes Excision article Abridge shānjié 〗 〖Abridge text minor or _delete_ unnecessary parts of the text to shorten Slightly abridged newspaper The article is too long, been abridged when published Ellipsis shānlüè Remove omitted〗 〖leaveout Deleting shānqù _Delete_ _delete_〗 〖; removed Deleting the third paragraph Deletion eliminated shāntài _Delete_ _delete_〗 〖out Elimination of the original slightly removed Omissions shānxuē 〗 〖Reduce the text by deleting unnecessary _Delete_ rule shānzhì 〗 〖Prune dressing Governance The bush, Mengrong foothills, those without the deletion of rule now is no doubt. - 〖English〗 Huxley a, Yan Fu translated "Evolution and Ethics"
More Simple Explanation
_Delete_ (knowing. From the knife from the album. Book is Jane books, the number of slips prepared to wear together is called a book. "Booklet, the contents of the issue to a knife to get rid of, so from the knife." Slashing the original meaning) trimmed; outlined out deletion, Chi also. - "Said the text" _delete_, in addition to also. - "Three Cang" _delete_, will be also. - "Sound class" _delete_d, publications as well. - "Han Study of Law," note _delete_, cut too. - "Han Bing Ji Chuan," Note not make the world of people, chop straight, cut close, hoe is to yao Mei Mei disease money order for the industry. - Qing Gong Zizhen "disease Mei Museum in mind," and if additions and deletions (increase and deleting); _delete_ stored (retained after deletion); _delete_ cut (_delete_); _delete_ abandoned (_delete_, _delete_); _delete_d cutting (deleting ); _delete_ fan (remove red tape of the statement); _delete_ wipe (_delete_, check off) deletion, modification deletion (del) shān removed, remove inappropriate text or part of ~ cut red tape. ~ Festival. ~ Fan to Jane.
More Detailed Explanation
_Delete_ shan Radical Radical Dao total strokes 07 strokes 02 _Delete_ cutout; __delete__; _Delete_ (1) _Delete_ (2) (Knowing. From the knife from the album. Book is Jane books, the number of slips prepared to wear together is called a book. "Booklet, the contents of the issue to a knife to get rid of, so from the knife." Trimmed the original meaning) (3) Trimmed; outlined out [__delete__; leave out] _Delete_d, Chi also. - "Said the text" _Delete_d, with the exception too. - "Three Cang" _Delete_d, will be also. - "Sound class" _Delete_d, publications as well. - "Han Study of Law," Note _Delete_, cut too. - "Han Bing Ji Chuan," Note Nor can make the world of people, chop straight, cut close, hoe is to yao Mei Mei disease money order for the industry. - Qing Gong Zizhen "disease Mei Museum in mind" (4) Another example is the deletion (increase and deleting); _delete_ stored (retained after deletion); _delete_ cut (_delete_); _delete_ abandoned (_delete_, _delete_); _delete_d cutting (deleting); _delete_ fan (remove red tape of the statement); erase any (_delete_, check off) (5) Deletion, modification [bowdlerize; revise]. Such as the deletion of repair (excision Amendment); _delete_d Syria (excision cumbersome narrative essence of leaving); _delete_ the (modified Compilation); deletion of the positive (change to correct) (6) _Select_ed, copy or quote [extract] Poems in the three hundred. - "Porous order book" To _delete_ the current to prepare Pianji. - "Han Dynasty History" (7) Another example is the deletion of this (through the abridged version); _delete_ to (be omissions sacrificing Essentials) (8) Elimination of [dispel]. If _delete_d Yi, _delete_ Kariya (slashing; eradication) _Delete_ shānchú [__delete__] Deleting Remove duplicate section _Delete_d shāndiào [Black out; strike off] to _delete_, remove Some sections of this book was _delete_d Be _delete_d shāndìng [Prune] omissions rescheduled _Delete_ the document _set_ Ethical Functions shānfán-jiùjiǎn [Simplify sth. By cutting out the superfluous; simplify the complicated material; reduce to bare essentials] by deleting the complex, so that the text concise Excision shāngǎi [Prunt] omissions changes Excision article Abridge shānjié [Abridge] by deleting the text in the secondary or unnecessary parts of the text to shorten Slightly abridged newspaper The article is too long, been abridged when published Ellipsis shānlüè [Leave out] remove omitted Deleting shānqù [__delete__] _Delete_d; removed Deleting the third paragraph Deletion eliminated shāntài [__delete__] Remove out Elimination of the original slightly removed Omissions shānxuē [Reduce] the text by deleting unnecessary _Delete_ rule shānzhì [Prune] trim control The bush, Mengrong foothills, those without the deletion of rule now is no doubt. - [English] Huxley a, Yan Fu translated "Evolution and Ethics" _Delete_ shān ㄕ ㄢ ˉ Diction trimmed away some of the words ~ addition. ~ Change. ~ Cut. ~ Fixed. ~ Festival. ~ Yi (also known as _delete_ mow "). ~ Fan to Jane. Zheng code qqak, u5220, gbkc9be 7 number of strokes, radical Dao, Stroke No. 3535122
Kangxi Dictionary
Sub_set_ of the next 〔〕 ???? Ancient Tang Yun】 【cut the rape】 【【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 teacher rape is cut, ???? sound Shan. 【】 Chi Wen also said. Book from the tool. Books, the book also. Ancient times ???? Du, Gu Yue Confucius deletion of poems, the words are trade-offs. Agree. In addition to cutting Guangyun】 【they are. 【Notes】 Li Han law before the deletion of its pseudo-words, take just book in the articles.
Explain Word
Delete Chi also. From the knife ????. ????, the book also. Note the rape〗 〖???? cut. Volumes.