Soldiers bīng weapons: weapons. Weaponry. Without firing a shot (no blood on weapons above, means without a fight and win.) Soldiers, the army: soldiers. Pawns. Soldiers. War against each other (referring to the armed conflict). With the military or war-related things collectively: Art of War. Military commander. Military machine. Bing blood in sacrifice (war dispute.) Art of war. Soldiers remonstrance (plain speaking threatened to use force when force must be from.) Hurried retreat. Precious in war. Stroke Death: 7; radicals: eight; stroke ID: 3212134
Detailed Explanation
Soldier bīng 【Name】 (Knowing. From European allies, from the burden. Oracle shape, the above is the "burden" is hatchets, or something the like; The following is the "European allies" (gǒng, hands), as the hands holding pounds. Original meaning: weapons, weapon) With the original meaning 〖arm; weapon〗 Soldiers, armed also. - "Said the text" Palm five soldiers. - "Zhou Division soldiers." Secretary for Agriculture Note: "Ge, Shu, Ji, Emirates spear, spear barbarian people." Chen Wubing. - "Guliang Zhuang twenty-five years." Note: The "spear, halberd, Yue, Dun, bows and arrows also." That the five parties of soldiers, spear East, South crossbow, Xige, North spear, the sword is also central. "-" Peter is absurd customs " Ge from the soldiers. - "Easier said Gua" Seoul traveling repair, bow and arrow Rong soldiers. - "Poetry Taiga suppression" Ancient soldiers, Ge, spears, bows, arrows and that is all. - "Zi Yee soldiers" Weaponry only then, Qijiayebing and go. - "King Hui of Liang on Mencius" Soldiers who, weapon also. - "The more Mandarin language" Soldiers who ominous device. - "I" Soldiers who have claws country. - "Seven patients Mozi" The soldiers received the world, gather the Xianyang. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin" Cheng Mu Gong so as the Guest House, the beam loading, Li Bing, Moma carry on. - "Thirty-three years of public Zuo Xi" Nailing riding are dismounted foot soldier holding a short engagement. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" Another example: the cut and thrust; forfeit; Activity sword; Jianjialibing; Bingge (weapons armor in general. Extension refers to the war); military solution (studied with the ancient alchemist who died in that Weaponry for Weaponry free shell to become immortal, known as the Bing solution); Bingge (arms. to refer to war) Groups of soldiers, that the whole army 〖army; troop〗 The more the soldiers, although many also benefit from the victory or defeat Xi Zai? - "Lie Zi actual situation" Chang-jun as necessary to quality, soldiers are out. - "Warring Zhao policy IV" Xu Bing Fa held, then destroy it. - "Han Feizi" Let soldiers be Qin Zhao Yisheng, Qin did not dare move. - "Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju" Zhao Bing fruit defeat. - Chinese Liu Xiang "Biographies for Women" Such as: soldiers handle (military power); Bingbei Road (Guan Ming Ming Dynasty. The head of Road Patrol, also responsible for military affairs, responsible for managing the region's security); Barracks (county government in one of six rooms, palm Bingshi); military forces home system (ie Zhizhi Shi. Tang sized home before five years, responsible for the border guards service. Song is not permanent, after the battle of gold, _set_ an increasing) Shizu〗 〖soldier Soldiers learned to lean grass fill in the negative, is riding too. - "Mirror" Yu was fifty thousand elite troops. - "Mirror" Also look Bagong mountain vegetation, are thought Jinbing. - "Mirror" Another example: Xiongbing million; panic; soldiers; soldiers to the enemy soil water weir (no matter what strategy the other party to use all their own way to deal with) Military; force; war 〖militaryaffairs; war, warefare〗 Soldiers who, affairs of state. - "The Art of War total posts" Cardiff soldiers, still the fire. - "Zuo implicit public four-year" Seeking to use it is for, and soldiers from this. - "Book of Rites, Li Yun" Another example: soldiers pay (war); soldier side (the originator of the war); Bingxian (burning destruction caused by war); Bing bar (fence around the barracks); Bing Ji (military events); of the combatants (military hub) Military forces and strategy of 〖tactics; strategy〗 So the soldiers cutting plan, followed by cross-cutting. - "Grandson seek to attack" Therefore, the potential impermanence soldiers. - "Grandson actual situation" Name〗 〖pawn card game 16 pieces chess pawn in the value of the minimum Chinese chess in the value of the red side of one of the smallest of the five pieces - the blue side corresponding to "death" Soldier bīng 【Activity】 Attacks with weapons, assassinations kill〗 〖 For about soldiers. - "Bo Historical Biography" Another example: soldiers to punish (with weapons Heaven) 〗 〖Injure injury Anti-self-soldiers. - "Lu extravagant music" Another example: Bing shortage (famine caused by war and other disasters); soldiers Kou (marauders or marauders of the intrusion) Bingbei Road bīngbèidào 〗 〖OfficialsofrectifyingarmedforceinMingDynasty Guan Ming. Important place in the provinces next system design straighten Bingbei the Road members. _Set_ along the Qing Dynasty To Bingbei Road (this refers to the Bingbei Road Yamen) before killed. - Qing Shao Changheng "Green left the door draft" Mutiny bīngbiàn 〗 〖Mutiny command of the army did not listen, do not record the garrison mutinied things Forfeit bīngbùxuèrèn 〖Withouthavingtofight; withoutfiringashot〗 soldiers: weapons; Blade: Blade. There is no blood on weapons. Did not describe the battle to victory So recently, pro-the good, the distance Muqi De, without firing a shot, much near to services. - "Zi Yee soldiers" Fair in war bīngbùyànzhà 〖Allisfairinwar; nothingistoodeceitfulinwarcraft〗 soldiers: military, war; tire: never enough; fraud: deception, seeking surgery. Unlimited use of troops fighting the enemy confused with the plot Things you should drive, fair in war. - "Northern Qi Book" Ministry of War bīngbù 〗 〖DepartmentofWarinfeudalChina ancient official signature, the national military officer in charge of _select_ion and Conscript accreditation, ordnance, military orders of the government, Executive for the Bingbushangshu, sometimes referred to as Wu Department of the Ministry of Qing Dynasty to the Army Poor soldiers bīngchāi 〗 〖Conscriptlabour old people forced to do hard labor for the army Military vehicles bīngchē 〗 〖Chariot: the ancient fighting vehicles 〗 〖Militarytrain: refers to a train carrying troops Warship bīngchuán 〖Warship; gunboat〗 warship Soldiers bīngdīng 〖〗 Rank-and-filesoldier formerly soldiers Console name of the soldiers killed, not too big deal of this. - Qing Li Baojia "Bureaucrats" Art of war bīngfǎ 〖Militarytactics; artofwar〗 Military forces fighting methods, strategies A military books since childhood, quite known art of war. - "Three Kingdoms" Refers to the "Art of War" Therefore, avoid the Art of War. (Art of War, refers to the "Art of War "。)--" Mirror" Bing fee bīngfèi 〖Militaryexpense; fundsofWar〗 military, war funding To give back to the line of soldiers within the fee and the company lost a total cargo of silver 4202000, limit 六日 _set_tle. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind" Easily intimidated bīngfú 〗 〖Commander'stally: the disposal of the army in ancient times the certificate Wen Jin rustic win the easily intimidated often lying in the king. - "Records of Wei Gongzi Biography" 〗 〖BookontheartofWar: art of war The following day sent Xuannv by Huangdi Bing Fu, Fu Chi. - "Historical Records Wudi" INDUSTRY bīnggōng 〗 〖Warindustry military industry; military Ordnance Production Arsenal bīnggōngchǎng 〖Munitionsfactory; arsenal〗 weapons and other military equipment factory Turmoil and chaos of war bīnghuāng-mǎluàn 〗 〖Confusionanddisorderbroughtaboutbywar social unrest during the war scenes described Bing Huo bīnghuǒ 〗 〖War: war Binghuo the pressure of the time day and night. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind" 〗 〖Fireaccidentcausedbywar: refers to a fire caused by war I think these translations, Bing Huo may have been burned last year. - Lu Xun, "Remember To Forget" Bing Huo bīnghuò 〗 〖Disasterofwar disaster caused by the war Suffered a 兵祸 Military commander bīngjiā 〗 〖ThinkerofancientChinaspecializingintheartofwar: ancient school of military issues 〗 〖Militarycommander: refers to the use of troops or military strategist who Familiar with the famous victory or defeat Contested Bing Jia bīngjiǎ 〗 〖Weapons: arms and armor, weapons and equipment refers to Southern speech is scheduled today, Bing Jia is enough, when the award rate of the three services, scheduled for the North Central Plains. - Another "Inst" 〗 〖War: that war Zhang made it clear that management, Bingjia more from. - "A policy of Qin Warring States" Warship bīngjiàn 〖Warship; gunboat〗 warships Soldiers remonstrance bīngjiàn 〗 〖Armedremonstrance way to stress the use of force plain speaking to the authorities Troops bīnglì 〗 〖Militarystrength Certain military personnel on the roster or the number of troops Each side lost about one third of the troops Military strength. Including personnel and equipment. Usually formed unit or the number of statements. Will rely on military strength to do great things. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography" A battalion, a thousand troops War-torn bīnglián-huòjié 〗 〖War-ridden war and disaster after another War-torn, thirty years Under siege bīnglín-chéngxià 〗 〖Citybeingundersiege to the city under enemy attack. Described the critical situation of soldiers arrives Bingluan bīngluàn 〗 〖Sufferingcausedbywarfare war Military force bīngmǎ 〗 〖Militaryforces refers to the military Move troops and horses, forage ahead bīngmǎwèidòng, liángcǎoxiānxíng 〗 〖Supplygoesbeforetroops starting operations in the armed forces, you must first prepare food and supplies Terracotta Warriors bīngmǎyǒng 〗 〖Terracottawarriorsandhorses made of mud and wood body statue of soldiers and horses, lined up row as funerary objects in graves; especially in the Qin tomb near Xi'an, the terracotta warriors and horses unearthed Soldier of fortune bīngpǐ 〖Soldieroffortune; armyriffraff〗 old refers to the long-term military service, vulgar, bad reputation, who fails to comply with customs Weapon bīngqì 〖Weapons; arms〗 contains a variety of military struggle, lethal, destructive devices unit Best players together bīngqiáng-mǎzhuàng 〗 〖Well-trainedarmywithstrongsoldiersandstudyhorses strong force, strong horses. Described as full of combat troops An Xiang Han Yanshou where the best players together, can only outsmart, difficult to seize power. - "Hao Tian Yuan Tower elections Anonymous" Military power bīngquán 〗 〖Militarypower refers to the power of command of the army Han yet to know leave a large military power. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography" 杯酒释兵权 Weaponry bīngrèn 〖Weapon; arm〗 refers to weapons such as swords spears Weaponry phase Resort bīngróng 〖Weapons; arms refers to weapons or military〗 To war To war bīngróng-xiāngjiàn 〗 〖Resorttoarms launched an armed conflict, the opposing sides to resolve disputes and conflicts Barracks bīngshè 〖Militarycamp; barracks housing military homes〗 Soldiers bīngshì 〗 〖Privatesoldier soldiers Bing Shi bīngshì 〗 〖War fighting; war Military potential bīngshì 〗 〖Militarystrenth the strength of the armed forces Art of war bīngshū 〗 〖Bookontheartofwar book about the art of war. Such as "grandchildren", "Wu", etc. Botanical bīngtóu 〗 〖Judgeadvocate leaders and soldiers, officers One person said the head of Western soldiers. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind" Corps bīngtuán 〖Largemilitaryunit; corps; formation〗: Army; refers to large forces, such as the main corps, local corps, guerrilla Corps 〗 〖Army: a unit composed of several military Soldiers without fighting bīngwúdòuzhì 〗 〖Lackofmorale a state army. Means a lack of combat forces soldiers the determination and courage Bing blood in sacrifice bīngxìn 〗 〖War dispute conflict Blood in sacrifice to provoke soldiers Military service bīngyì 〗 〖Militaryservice: refers to the obligation of military service Military service 〗 〖War: that war Successive years of military service Military service law bīngyìfǎ 〗 〖Militaryservicelaw States under the Constitution stipulates that citizens fulfill military obligations of the legal system Military service bīngyìzhì 〗 〖Systemofmilitaryservice see "Military Service" Military camp bīngyíng 〖Militarycamp; barracks〗 barracks; army barracks living Soldiers in bīngyǒng 〗 〖Old soldier of soldiers Troops bīngyuán 〖Soldiers; troops〗 soldiers, soldiers (general) Additional troops Manpower bīngyuán 〖Manpowerresources; asourceofconscription〗 Add new recruits to the force of human resources The source of the soldiers Military depot bīngzhàn 〖Militarydepot; armyservicestation〗 logistics division tissue and sent security agencies. Divided into the base depot and field depot. Generally _set_ up in the transport line. Responsible for reserves, supply and transit of goods, shelter, and treatment of sick and wounded after the transfer, organization of technical repairs, arranging accommodation for the past, receiving, storage and evacuation seized, recycling materials, etc. Military System bīngzhì Military System〗 〖militaryregulation Change the military system Soldiers battle bīngzhàng 〗 〖Weapon refers to weapons old Soldiers battle workshops Arms bīngzhǒng 〗 〖Armsoftheservices classification within the armed services. Such as: infantry; artillery; air; radar and other Pawns bīngzú Formerly a soldier soldier〗 〖
More Simple Explanation
Soldiers (knowing. From European allies, from the burden. Oracle shape, the above is jin "is hatchets, or something the like; Here is European allies" hands), like hands holding pounds. The original meaning of weapons, weapons) with the original meaning of soldiers, armed also. - "Said the text" Exercising five soldiers. - "Zhou Division soldiers." Secretary for Agriculture Note Ge, Shu, Ji, Emirates spear, spear also razed. "Chen Wubing. -" Guliang Zhuang twenty-five years. "Note spear, halberd, Yue, Su, bows and arrows also." That the five parties of soldiers, spear East, South crossbow, Xige, North spear, the central the sword also. "-" Peter is absurd customs "from the Ge soldiers. -" Easier said Gua "repair Seoul traveling, bow and arrow Rong soldiers. -" Poetry Taiga suppression "ancient soldiers, Ge, spears, bows, vector that is all. - "Zi Yee soldiers" Weaponry only then, Qijiayebing and go. - "Meng
More Detailed Explanation
Bing bing Radical Radical eight total strokes 07 strokes 02 Soldier arms; soldiers; Soldier bīng (1) (Knowing. From European allies, from the burden. Oracle shape, the above is the burden "is the hatchets, or something the like; The following are European allies" (gǒng, hands), as the hands holding pounds. The original meaning of weapons, weapons) (2) With the original meaning [arm; weapon] Soldiers, armed also. - "Said the text" Palm five soldiers. - "Zhou Division soldiers." Secretary for Agriculture Note Ge, Shu, Ji, Emirates spear, spear also razed. " Chen Wubing. - "Guliang Zhuang twenty-five years." Note spear, halberd, Yue, Su, bows and arrows too. " That the five parties of soldiers, spear East, South crossbow, Xige, North spear, the sword is also central. "-" Peter is absurd customs " Ge from the soldiers. - "Easier said Gua" Seoul traveling repair, bow and arrow Rong soldiers. - "Poetry Taiga suppression" Ancient soldiers, Ge, spears, bows, arrows and that is all. - "Zi Yee soldiers" Weaponry only then, Qijiayebing and go. - "King Hui of Liang on Mencius" Soldiers who, weapon also. - "The more Mandarin language" Soldiers who ominous device. - "I" Soldiers who have claws country. - "Seven patients Mozi" The soldiers received the world, gather the Xianyang. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin" Cheng Mu Gong so as the Guest House, the beam loading, Li Bing, Moma carry on. - "Thirty-three years of public Zuo Xi" Nailing riding are dismounted foot soldier holding a short engagement. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji" (3) Another example is the cut and thrust; forfeit; Activity sword; Jianjialibing; Bingge (weapons armor in general. Extension refers to the war); military solution (studied with the ancient alchemist who died in that Weaponry for Weaponry free shell to become immortal, said solution for the soldiers); Bingge (arms. to refer to war) (4) Groups of soldiers, that the military [army; troop] The more the soldiers, although many also benefit from the victory or defeat Xi Zai? - "Lie Zi actual situation" Chang-jun as necessary to quality, soldiers are out. - "Warring Zhao policy IV" Xu Bing Fa held, then destroy it. - "Han Feizi" Let soldiers be Qin Zhao Yisheng, Qin did not dare move. - "Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju" Zhao Bing fruit defeat. - Chinese Liu Xiang "Biographies for Women" (5) If soldiers handle (military power); Bingbei Road (Guan Ming Ming Dynasty. The head of Road Patrol, also responsible for military affairs, responsible for managing the region's security); Barracks (county government in one of six rooms, palm Bingshi); soldiers MA system is _set_ (ie Zhizhi Shi. Tang sized home before five years, responsible for the border guards service. Song is not permanent, after the battle of gold, _set_ an increasing) (6) Shizu [soldier] Soldiers learned to lean grass fill in the negative, is riding too. - "Mirror" Yu was fifty thousand elite troops. - "Mirror" Also look Bagong mountain vegetation, are thought Jinbing. - "Mirror" (7) Another example Xiongbing million; panic; soldiers; soldiers to the enemy soil water weir (no matter what strategy the other party to use all their own way to deal with) (8) Military; force; war [military affairs; war, warefare] Soldiers who, affairs of state. - "The Art of War total posts" Cardiff soldiers, still the fire. - "Zuo implicit public four-year" Seeking to use it is for, and soldiers from this. - "Book of Rites, Li Yun" (9) Another example is the soldiers pay (war); soldier side (the originator of the war); Bingxian (burning destruction caused by war); Bing bar (fence around the barracks); Bing Ji (military events); of the combatants (military hub) (10) Military forces and strategy of [tactics; strategy] So the soldiers cutting plan, followed by cross-cutting. - "Grandson seek to attack" Therefore, the potential impermanence soldiers. - "Grandson actual situation" (11) Card game name [pawn] (12) 16 pieces chess pawn in the value of the minimum (13) Chinese chess in the value of the red side of one of the smallest of the five pieces - the blue side corresponding to Death " Soldier bīng (1) With a weapon attack, the assassination of [kill] For about soldiers. - "Bo Historical Biography" (2) Another example is the soldiers to punish (with weapons Heaven) (3) Damage [injure] Anti-self-soldiers. - "Lu extravagant music" (4) Another example is the soldier shortage (famine caused by war and other disasters); soldiers Kou (marauders or marauders of the intrusion) Bingbei Road bīngbèidào [Officials of rectifying armed force in ming dynasty] Guan Ming. Important place in the provinces next system design straighten Bingbei the Road members. _Set_ along the Qing Dynasty To Bingbei Road (this refers to the Bingbei Road Yamen) before killed. - Qing Shao Changheng "Green left the door draft" Mutiny bīngbiàn [Mutiny] do not listen to the military command, discipline and no garrison mutinied things Forfeit bīngbùxuèrèn [Without having to fight; without firing a shot] military weapon; edge blade. There is no blood on weapons. Did not describe the battle to victory So recently, pro-the good, the distance Muqi De, without firing a shot, much near to services. - "Zi Yee soldiers" Fair in war bīngbùyànzhà [All is fair in war; nothing is too deceitful in warcraft] soldiers, military, war; tire never enough; fraud deceit, seeking surgery. Unlimited use of troops fighting the enemy confused with the plot Things you should drive, fair in war. - "Northern Qi Book" Ministry of War bīngbù [Department of war in feudal china] ancient official signature, the national military officer in charge of _select_ion and Conscript accreditation, ordnance, military orders of the government, Executive for the Bingbushangshu, sometimes referred to as Wu Department of the Ministry of Qing Dynasty to the Army Poor soldiers bīngchāi [Conscript labour] old people forced to do hard labor for the army Military vehicles bīngchē (1) [Chariot]: ancient fighting vehicles (2) [Military train]: refers to a train carrying troops Warship bīngchuán [Warship; gunboat] warship Soldiers bīngdīng [Rank-and-file soldier] soldiers formerly Console name of the soldiers killed, not too big deal of this. - Qing Li Baojia "Bureaucrats" Art of war bīngfǎ (1) [Military tactics; art of war] (2) Military forces fighting methods, strategies A military books since childhood, quite known art of war. - "Three Kingdoms" (3) Refers to the "Art of War" Therefore, avoid the Art of War. (Art of War, refers to the "Art of War "。)--" Mirror" Bing fee bīngfèi [Military expense; funds of war] military, war funding To give back to the line of soldiers within the fee and the company lost a total cargo of silver 4202000, limit 六日 _set_tle. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind" Easily intimidated bīngfú (1) [Commander's tally]: the disposal of the army in ancient times the certificate Wen Jin rustic win the easily intimidated often lying in the king. - "Records of Wei Gongzi Biography" (2) [Book on the art of war]: art of war The following day sent Xuannv by Huangdi Bing Fu, Fu Chi. - "Historical Records Wudi" INDUSTRY bīnggōng [War industry] military industry; military Ordnance Production Arsenal bīnggōngchǎng [Munitions factory; arsenal] weapons and other military equipment factory Turmoil and chaos of war bīnghuāng-mǎluàn [Confusion and disorder brought about by war] described the scene of social unrest during the war Bing Huo bīnghuǒ (1) [War]: the war Binghuo the pressure of the time day and night. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind" (2) [Fire accident caused by war]: refers to a fire caused by war I think these translations, Bing Huo may have been burned last year. - Lu Xun, "Remember To Forget" Bing Huo bīnghuò [Disaster of war] caused by the scourge of war Suffered a 兵祸 Military commander bīngjiā (1) [Thinker of ancient china specializing in the art of war]: the ancient school of military issues (2) [Military commander]: refers to the use of troops or military strategist who Familiar with the famous victory or defeat Contested Bing Jia bīngjiǎ (1) [Weapons]: weapons and armor, weapons and equipment refers to Southern speech is scheduled today, Bing Jia is enough, when the award rate of the three services, scheduled for the North Central Plains. - Another "Inst" (2) [War]: refers to the war Zhang made it clear that management, Bingjia more from. - "A policy of Qin Warring States" Warship bīngjiàn [Warship; gunboat] Warships Soldiers remonstrance bīngjiàn [Armed remonstrance] coercive means to force plain speaking to the authorities Troops bīnglì (1) [Military strength] (2) Certain military personnel on the roster or the number of troops Each side lost about one third of the troops (3) Military strength. Including personnel and equipment. Usually formed unit or the number of statements. Will rely on military strength to do great things. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography" A battalion, a thousand troops War-torn bīnglián-huòjié [War-ridden] war and disaster after another War-torn, thirty years Under siege bīnglín-chéngxià [City being under siege] to the city under enemy attack. Described the critical situation of soldiers arrives Bingluan bīngluàn [Suffering caused by warfare] war Military force bīngmǎ [Military forces] means the armed forces Move troops and horses, forage ahead bīngmǎ wèi dòng, liángcǎo xiān xíng [Supply goes before troops] in the army before starting operations, you must first prepare food and supplies Terracotta Warriors bīngmǎyǒng [Terracotta warriors and horses] made of mud and wood body statue of soldiers and horses, lined up row as funerary objects in graves; especially in the Qin tomb near Xi'an, the terracotta warriors and horses unearthed Soldier of fortune bīngpǐ [Soldier of fortune; army riffraff] refers to a long old soldier, vulgar, bad reputation, who fails to comply with customs Weapon bīngqì [Weapons; arms] contains a variety of military struggle, lethal, destructive devices unit Best players together bīngqiáng-mǎzhuàng [Well-trained army with strong soldiers and study horses] forces strong, strong horses. Described as full of combat troops An Xiang Han Yanshou where the best players together, can only outsmart, difficult to seize power. - "Hao Tian Yuan Tower elections Anonymous" Military power bīngquán [Military power] refers to the power of the military command of Han yet to know leave a large military power. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography" 杯酒释兵权 Weaponry bīngrèn [Weapon; arm] refers to the sword, spears and other weapons Weaponry phase Resort bīngróng [Weapons; arms] weapons or military means To war To war bīngróng-xiāngjiàn [Resort to arms] launched an armed conflict, the opposing sides to resolve disputes and conflicts Barracks bīngshè [Military camp; barracks] troops living in the house Soldiers bīngshì [Private soldier] soldiers Bing Shi bīngshì [War] War; War Military potential bīngshì [Military strenth] the strength of the armed forces Art of war bīngshū [Book on the art of war] a book about the art of war. Such as "grandchildren", "Wu", etc. Botanical bīngtóu [Judge advocate] soldiers, chiefs, officers One person said the head of Western soldiers. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind" Corps bīngtuán (1) [Large military unit; corps; formation]: Army; refers to large forces, such as the main corps, local corps, guerrilla Corps (2) [Army]: composed by several military units Soldiers without fighting bīngwúdòuzhì [Lack of morale] a state of the armed forces. Means a lack of combat forces soldiers the determination and courage Bing blood in sacrifice bīngxìn [Conflict] war dispute Blood in sacrifice to provoke soldiers Military service bīngyì (1) [Military service]: refers to the obligation of military service Military service (2) [War]: refers to the war Successive years of military service Military service law bīngyìfǎ [Military service law] countries, citizens under the Constitution to fulfill military obligations of the legal system Military service bīngyìzhì [System of military service] See Military Service " Military camp bīngyíng [Military camp; barracks] barracks; army barracks living Soldiers in bīngyǒng [Soldier] refers to the old soldiers Troops bīngyuán [Soldiers; troops] soldiers, soldiers (general) Additional troops Manpower bīngyuán (1) [Manpower resources; a source of conscription] (2) Add new recruits to the force of human resources (3) The source of the soldiers Military depot bīngzhàn [Military depot; army service station] Organization and Logistics Division sent security agencies. Divided into the base depot and field depot. Generally _set_ up in the transport line. Responsible for reserves, supply and transit of goods, shelter, and treatment of sick and wounded after the transfer, organization of technical repairs, arranging accommodation for the past, receiving, storage and evacuation seized, recycling materials, etc. Military System bīngzhì [Military regulation] the military system Change the military system Soldiers battle bīngzhàng [Weapon] means the old weapons Soldiers battle workshops Arms bīngzhǒng [Arms of the services] military service within the classification. Such as infantry; artillery; air; radar and other Pawns bīngzú [Soldier] soldiers formerly Soldier bīng ˉ ㄅ ㄧ ㄥ (1) Weapons ~ device. ~ Blade. ~ Do not Xue Ren (no blood on weapons above, means without a fight and win.) (2) Soldiers, the army ~ disabilities. ~ Death. ~ D. ~ Rong meet (referring to the armed conflict). (3) With the military or war-related things collectively ~ law. ~ Home. ~ Machine. ~ Blood in sacrifice (War of the dispute.) ~ Book. ~ Remonstrance (plain speaking threatened to use force when force must be from.) ~ Wild horse chaos. ~ You rapidly. Zheng code pdao, u5175, gbkb1f8 7 number of strokes, radical eight strokes No. 3212134
Kangxi Dictionary
Sub_set_ of the next 〔〕 ???? ???? Classical】 【Tang Yun Yun Fu Mingqie 【_set_】 【】 Asr Mingqie rhyme will Rhymes】 【make Mingqie, ???? C level tone. Wen also said】 【armed. Jung Yun】 【device is also increasing. 【】 Chi to the world of the Jin Zuobing. Five soldiers, one bow, two Shu, three spears, four Ge, five killer. And executive arms Congrong Zheyue soldiers. 【Order】 command ceremony marshals on _select_ed persons Li Bing. Official】 【Zhou Mid Summer Teaching with Zhibing. Rong Guang Yun】 【too. And attack the enemy soldiers said. 【】 Association Zuo Qi Jinggong given ten years in the Jia Gu, Qi Lai who plow indemnity to the public in order to soldiers robbed. Confucius back to the public, said: Soldier. 【Note】 command sergeant Levin hit people. Li and Qu Li】 【???? said soldiers dead. 【Note】 made to defend the national crisis as ???? those killed, saying that the soldiers also. And I will cut good, sound Bang. Poetry of Wei】 【drumming its boring, active use of troops. Turkmenistan canal city, I alone southbound. Historical Records official books】 【star of the same color, the world Yan Bing, Chang Ning people. 【】 King Wu Bai Hu Tong Wang Yang, is that the camera Young. Head ???? Xu Bing, Fu Cheong world. ◎ by soldiers of ancient sound will be good cut, from "Can the king knife Ming" phase when the yin and yang, the system Beardsley soldiers. Beginning with the Qing, was, shape, and spirit for the rhyme. "???? think Wang Mang Tung, Bobby chapter," military attache commandment field, say travel system soldiers. And Qing, stop the rhyme. "Miriam D Wang Can gift" poem: Wong Zuo Hui Yang days, the whole world not at war. And Qing, city, name and sound for the rhyme. "Emperor Ming bitter cold line" Although Wu Shu ????, Spring Yao foot soldiers. With age, Ying as rhyme. Also make】 【Yun Ye Ben-mo cutting, sound flee. 【Song】 Solutions Taoist sleep with the emperor, stop riding high on the soldiers. Yu Zhen Kai Point section, Yiwei from catching.
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ID: 1759 Mechanical also. Support from European allies pounds, lie at the root of Mao. Make 明切