All quán complete, complete, complete, not missing: complete. Completely. Wise and brave. Demand perfection. The whole, over: all. The country. Universal. Concentration. Wholeheartedly. Are: representing the whole came. So without injury: preservation. Name. Qi is the number of strokes: 6; radicals: income; stroke order code: 341121
Detailed Explanation
All quán 【Name】 (One for the same. Knowing. Zhuanwen from the entry, from the King (Jade). Cover that pay the jade intact. Original meaning: Pure Jade) 〗 〖Purejade with the original meaning Full, complete also. - "Said the text" Emperor with full, on the common dragon. - "Systematic Research of the king who" Ancient state name. 〗 〖Quanprefecture the state. Where this rule county in Guangxi Name All quán 【Form】 Completely 〖whole; entire〗 Its meaning is unknown, Jun were incomplete. - "Book of Rites Festival system." Note: "still a people." World without full power. - "Lie Zi Shui" CD round to it. - "Zi Geng Sangchu" Full competition in the world. - "Grandson seek to attack" Almost all the tombs of five people. - Pu-Ming Zhang, "five tombstones in mind" Complete complete complete〗 〖 Law of injustice, so incomplete, is also missing bit of the Road wins the handle also. - "Ren Guan" Three years later, a bad idea, see the whole ox. - "Zhuangzi health master" The whole castle is not prepared, not automorphic. - "Seven patients Mozi" At the expense of incomplete fertilizer. - "Ghost Under Mo Ming" The whole land of Wu. - "Mirror" That the end of the whole rock. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "to small Qiuxi small sokdam mind" Body armor. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind" Another example: All posts (a total of ten surface ritual posts, with red paper folded, for a grand ceremony); full points (full _set_; _set_); all linked sub (complete _set_); manuscript incomplete; all cattle ( Complete cattle); full feather (the full color Toba); all clothing (full dress); all with (for the worship of the body intact animals); full-fat (animal sacrifice and a full, rich); all livestock (full of livestock); full gas (refined gas complete); full power (perfect exploits); Chuen (successful peace); All Road (successfully master the King and the Road) 〗 〖Perfect perfect. Such as: full power (exploits perfect, Zepi things); the whole line (character perfectly); completely destroyed (perfect with the black sheep); whole of Germany (moral perfection); full sound (perfect sound) Pure, pure. And "Miscellaneous" relatively pure〗 〖 Husband of incomplete knowledge is not pure enough for the United States also. - "Zi" All quán 【Activity】 〗 〖Preserve security Footer how stingy a taste of me and almost all micro-life? - Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" Do no longer whole. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" Gouquanxingming. - Another "Inst" 〗 〖Maintain maintained. Such as: full justice (to maintain moral integrity); all fine (keep the spirit) Through "recover from illness," recovered〗 〖pullthrough Shi Quan is on. - "Zhou, MD." Note: The "still more people." The whole of the complex. - Qing Gong Zizhen "disease Mei Museum in mind" All quán Vice】 【 Fully, are wholly〗 〖 Wisdom is, and not others, but all in my youth. - Qing Liang "Eat Ice Room Collection Collection" Full-like quánbān Throughout the entire〗 〖; comprehensive; all Full-like men Whole picture quánbào 〖Overalsituation; wholepicture〗 metaphor the whole picture of things Art lead a suitable, no glimpse of the whole picture. - "Strange" All of this, all the children quánběn, quánběnr 〖(Oftraditionalopera) withacompleteplot, lastingacomparativelylongtime〗: a performance a long time, the complete story (drama) All of the Journey to the West 〗 〖Completeedition: Uncut; version intact All quánbù 〖Whole; comple; total; all〗 the category; not missing any part of the number of parts or components, collections or general All literature All quánbù 〗 〖Wholly complete All relocating Audience quánchǎng 〖Thewholeaudience; allthosepresent〗: All those present Won the audience applause 〗 〖Full-court: The entire event venue The wording of his statement and the circumflex tone rang audience Full name quánchēng 〗 〖Fullname organs, organizations such as the full official name of address The full name is the Young Pioneers Young Pioneers Full quánchéng 〗 〖Wholecourse all away Throughout the 120 km bicycle race All quándōu 〖All; withoutexception〗 all, all All the trees planted last year survived Full _set_ quánfèn A complete〗 〖complete_set_; full share of the Full _set_ of lists Heavily quánfù Complete package of 〖〗; all; overall Heavily energy Armed National quánguó 〗 〖Wholecountry: the whole country 〗 〖Preservecountry: preservation of the country The country a chess game quánguóyīpánqí 〗 〖Coordinatealltheactivitiesofthenationlikepiecesinachessgame chess from the overall focus, compared the country to be balanced, reasonable arrangements I said, elsewhere grow food in the place, a game of chess country mile, not long ago when a small country is conservative, and a small village in what also have to complete all together. We do not cotton production team, not the cloth you can buy Plenary session quánhuì 〖Fullmeeting; plenarymeeting; plenarysession〗 〖political parties, groups, referred to the plenary〗 One-fourth plenary All activities quánhuó 〗 〖Saveone'slife save or save lives Mi Ge only soldiers, all live many All live, all job quánhuó, quánhuór 〖Alltheprocessesinaservicetrade, suchashaircutting〗 a work in some of the services sector all the steps, such as the barber said haircut, shampoo, shaving, hair, and all program activities for the whole Complete works quánjí 〖Collectededition; collectedworks〗 an author (and sometimes two or more closely related to the author), a genre collection of writings compiled all the books (more for the title) The Complete Works of Ba Jin Family portrait quánjiāfú 〗 〖Aphotographofthewholefamily: photo of the family 〖Hotchpotch (asadish)〗: meat for chowder Wipe out quánjiān 〖Annihilatecompletely; wipeoutcompletely (thoroughly) all eliminated〗 Wipe 守敌 Panoramic quánjǐng 〖Panorama; fullview; wholescene〗 View all Lake Panorama Intake of whole body motion picture camera or hundred and eighty degree portrait view of a screen within the landscape, rich and realistic three-dimensional Panoramic Film Global quánjú 〖Overallsituation; pictureofthewhole〗 the whole situation Global impact Entire army quánjūn 〗 〖Thewholearmy: The entire army PLA officers and men 〗 〖Preservethestrengthofthearmy: preservation of the strength of the armed forces The anti-military, the male name earthquake. - "Appreciative" Full quánkāi 〗 〖Astandard-sizedsheet entire printing refers to the base paper Full poster General quánkē 〗 〖Complete [dialect]: complete, complete He can Chuilatanchang, but also tailor starched, but also cooking cooking, really general skills All subjects were children quánkērénr 〖Aperfectperson-awomanwhoseparents, husbandandchildrenareallalive〗 means parents, spouses, children, people who are still alive (especially women). Also called "all child welfare people", "almost all human child" All labor quán-láodònglì Physically able-bodiedfarmworker〗 〖strong, light and heavy manual labor can be in person. Also called "all labor" Full quánlì 〖Doeverythinginone'spower; withallone'sstrength; all-out〗 full force; all the forces Make every effort to Go all out Full support All tracked vehicles quánlǚdàichē A full-trackvehicle〗 〖entirely covered with ground support, drive and steering of the vehicle (such as tanks) Anesthesia quánmá 〗 〖Generalanesthesia the ministry said general anesthesia (as distinguished from "local anesthesia") Complete picture quánmào 〖Completepicture; fullview〗 the face of all things; all the circumstances Clear picture of the problem Comprehensive quánmiàn 〖Overall; comprehensive; all-round〗 complete; well Complete collapse Whole people quánmín 〖Thewholepeople; theentirepeople〗 people across the country; all the people All were soldiers All-around quánnéng 〖All-around; all-out; beallpowerfull〗 With respect to all No all-around sage Within the specified everything, Pentathlon champion Year quánnián 〖Allyear; alltheyear; wholeyear〗 full year Overall quánpán 〖Overall; comprehensive; wholesale〗 general, all; comprehensive Holistic Negated Block quánpiào 〗 〖Full-priceticket: full price ticket, tickets, etc. 〗 〖Byaunanimousvote: refers to the election of all votes He was unanimously elected as the Workshop Director Full attendance quánqín 〗 〖Fullworkattendance workers during a period of time (month, quarter, year) does not absent Global quánqiú 〗 〖Thewholeworld world; refers to the whole of human society on earth and the natural world Awards Full quánquán 〖Plenipotence; hawefullpowers〗 all the powers of the transaction Plenipotentiary Completely quánrán 〖Completely; entirely〗 all the land; entirely Completely uninformed Holistic quánrén 〖Saint; perfectperson〗: Sage; perfect 〗 〖Able-bodiedperson: the people with full body Full-time quánrìzhì 〗 〖Full-time day hours are arranged on the afternoon of the teaching system Panchromatic quánsè 〗 〖Panchromatic range of visible wavelengths of light are all sensitive feel - and with that in emulsions, film, or dry version Body quánshēn 〖Alloverthebody; thewholebody〗: whole body Her whole body ached 〗 〖Endash: Foreign type one letter in length (m word-wide), half of the dash for the dash Concentrate quánshén-guànzhù 〗 〖Beabsorbedin fully concentrate on Absorbed in thinking of poetry Victory quánshèng 〗 〖Wincompletely: a complete victory; complete victory 〗 〖Winall: all win Victory Prime quánshèng 〖Flourishing; infullbloom〗 very prosperous; very strong The heyday of Lu Xun Total eclipse quánshí 〗 〖Totaleclipse a celestial object's shadow completely overshadowed the other food Total solar eclipse All quánshù 〗 〖Wholeamount can count all the things〗 〖; thoroughly Money paid in full Full speed quánsù 〖Fullspeed; topspeed〗: the highest or the maximum speed 〗 〖Swing: Fast degrees A train approaching at full speed Complete _set_ quántào 〗 〖Complete_set_ all of the unit or equipment, parts Complete _set_ of equipment All quántǐ 〗 〖Entirebody: whole body Sunburn of the whole 〖All; entire; whole〗: refers to all things All staff The cast 〗 〖Wholeperson: refers to all persons in a collective Of all All day quántiān 〗 〖Wholeday day All-weather quántiānhòu 〗 〖All-weather for a variety of weather; all weather conditions are suitable, are effective or can be run All-weather aircraft Boarding quántuō 〖Putone'schildinaboarding (full-time) nursery〗 the child all day on child care institutions, only days before the break out of their own care access Text quánwén 〗 〖Fulltext refers to articles, all text documents Reads as follows Holographic quánxī Hologram〗 〖case the entire space of all objects in the information Across the board quánxiàn 〗 〖Allfronts: The entire front Grab 〗 〖Thewholeline: all routes The opening of this railway line has been 〗 〖Allalongtheline: along the whole front The collapse of the enemy line has been School quánxiào 〗 〖School, including school staff and students of all members, including Whole-heartedly quánxīn-quányì 〖Whole-heartedly; heartandsoul; withcompletedevotion; withallone'sheartandsoul〗 all the energy and feelings Allegiance to the Government has pledged to serve New quánxīn 〗 〖Completelynew change all the old faces The new state All off quánxiū 〗 〖Completerest illness or other reasons that employees do not work during a given period Complete rest for two weeks Whole tone quányīn 〗 〖Wholetone similar to the two fundamental frequency than the square root of two of the six-way sound audio Full video quányǐng 〗 〖Umbra will be given all the light from a light source ruled out of the shadows A straight quányōu 〗 〖Generalexcellence excellent all-round excellent or Dare to create a straight Metallurgical Company, won the gold medal Full quányuán 〗 〖Theentirepersonnel all staff; all employees; all members of the Full labor contract system Full rhyme quányùn 〗 〖Rimesuffisante with the vowel after the final re-read the last one or more consonants (if any) arising from the voice the same rhyme Omniscient quánzhī-quánnéng 〗 〖Omniscientandomnipotent know all the circumstances, to deal with any problems
More Simple Explanation
All <name "(one for the same. Knowing. Zhuanwen from the entry, from the King (Jade). Cover that pay the jade intact. The original meaning of a solid color of jade) with the original meaning of the whole, complete as well. - "Wen said," Son of Heaven with the whole, the public long. - "Systematic Research of the king were" ancient state name. All across the state last name <form> completely unknown its meaning, Jun were incomplete. - "Book of Rites Festival system." Note still with also. "The world without full power. -" Lie Zi Shui "the only round to it. -" Zhuangzi Gengsang Chu "to full competition in the world. -" Grandson plan to attack "almost all the tombs of five people . - Ming Zhang Pu, "five tombstones in mind," and if all equipment consistent with (heavily armed); fully (full); family; all A (all disclosed all quán ⒈ complete, complete, not lack of Qi ~. End ~. Ten ~ ten United States. ⒉ the ~ department. ~ school. ~ Army. ~ force to go. ⒊ all ~ to. ⒋ save, take care of, so that security is not compromised ~. into ~. two ~ the United States. ⒌
More Detailed Explanation
All quan Radicals into the radical strokes, total strokes 06 02 All complete; entirely; full; whole; All quán <Name> (1) (One for the same. Knowing. Zhuanwen from the entry, from the King (Jade). Cover that pay the jade intact. The original meaning of solid jade) (2) With the original meaning of [pure jade] Full, complete also. - "Said the text" Emperor with full, on the common dragon. - "Systematic Research of the king who" (3) Ancient state name. The state [quan prefecture]. Where this rule county in Guangxi (4) Name All quán <Form> (1) Completely [whole; entire] Its meaning is unknown, Jun were incomplete. - "Book of Rites Festival system." Note still with also. " World without full power. - "Lie Zi Shui" CD round to it. - "Zi Geng Sangchu" Full competition in the world. - "Grandson seek to attack" Almost all the tombs of five people. - Pu-Ming Zhang, "five tombstones in mind" (2) (3) Comprehensive, complete [complete] Law of injustice, so incomplete, is also missing bit of the Road wins the handle also. - "Ren Guan" Three years later, a bad idea, see the whole ox. - "Zhuangzi health master" The whole castle is not prepared, not automorphic. - "Seven patients Mozi" At the expense of incomplete fertilizer. - "Ghost Under Mo Ming" The whole land of Wu. - "Mirror" That the end of the whole rock. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "to small Qiuxi small sokdam mind" Body armor. - "Guangdong Military Affairs in mind" (4) Another example is the full quote (total of ten surface ritual posts, with red paper folded, for a grand ceremony); full points (full _set_; _set_); all linked sub (complete _set_); manuscript incomplete; the whole cow (full cattle); full feather (the full color Toba); all clothing (full dress); all with (for the worship of the body intact animals); full-fat (animal sacrifice and a full, rich); all livestock ( complete livestock); full gas (refined gas complete); full power (perfect exploits); Chuen (successful peace); All Road (successfully master the King and the Road) (5) Perfect [perfect]. If full power (exploits perfect, Zepi things); full line (character perfectly); completely destroyed (perfect with the black sheep); whole of Germany (moral perfection); full sound (perfect sound) (6) Pure, pure. And miscellaneous "relative [pure] Husband of incomplete knowledge is not pure enough for the United States also. - "Zi" All quán <Action> (1) Preservation of the [preserve] Footer how stingy a taste of me and almost all micro-life? - Ma Zhongxi "Zhongshan Lang Biography" Do no longer whole. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" Gouquanxingming. - Another "Inst" (2) (3) To maintain [maintain]. If all meaning (to maintain moral integrity); all fine (keep the spirit) (4) Pass recover from illness, "recovered [pull through] Shi Quan is on. - "Zhou, MD." Note also still more. " The whole of the complex. - Qing Gong Zizhen "disease Mei Museum in mind" All quán <Vice> Fully, are [wholly] Wisdom is, and not others, but all in my youth. - Qing Liang "Eat Ice Room Collection Collection" Full-like quánbān [Entire] whole; comprehensive; all Full-like men Whole picture quánbào [Overal situation; whole picture] metaphor of the whole picture of things Art lead a suitable, no glimpse of the whole picture. - "Strange" All of this, all the children quánběn, quánběnr (1) [(Of traditional opera) with a complete plot, lasting a comparatively long time]: a performance a long time, the complete story (drama) All of the Journey to the West (2) [Complete edition]: Uncut; version intact All quánbù [Whole; comple; total; all] the entire category; not missing any part of the number of parts or components, collections or general All literature All quánbù [Wholly] completely All relocating Audience quánchǎng (1) [The whole audience; all those present]: All those present Won the audience applause (2) [Full-court]: the entire event venue The wording of his statement and the circumflex tone rang audience Full name quánchēng [Full name] organs, organizations such as the official name of the complete title The full name is the Young Pioneers Young Pioneers Full quánchéng [Whole course] all away Throughout the 120 km bicycle race All quándōu [All; without exception] of all, all All the trees planted last year survived Full _set_ quánfèn [Complete _set_] a complete; full share of the Full _set_ of lists Heavily quánfù [Complete] package; all; overall Heavily energy Armed National quánguó (1) [Whole country]: the whole country (2) [Preserve country]: national security The country a chess game quánguó yī pán qí [Coordinate all the activities of the nation like pieces in a chess game] to play chess from the overall focus, compared the country to be balanced, reasonable arrangements I said, elsewhere grow food in the place, a game of chess country mile, not long ago when a small country is conservative, and a small village in what also have to complete all together. We do not cotton production team, not the cloth you can buy Plenary session quánhuì [Full meeting; plenary meeting; plenary session] [political parties and organizations] referred to the plenary One-fourth plenary All activities quánhuó [Save one's life] the preservation or save lives Mi Ge only soldiers, all live many All live, all job quánhuó, quánhuór [All the processes in a service trade, such as hair cutting] a work in some of the services sector all the steps, such as the barber said haircut, shampoo, shaving, hair, and all program activities for the whole Complete works quánjí [Collected edition; collected works] an author (and sometimes two or more closely related to the author), a genre collection of writings compiled all the books (more for the title) The Complete Works of Ba Jin Family portrait quánjiāfú (1) [A photograph of the whole family]: the family's photo (2) [Hotchpotch (as a dish)]: meat for chowder Wipe out quánjiān [Annihilate completely; wipe out completely (thoroughly)] wiped Wipe 守敌 Panoramic quánjǐng (1) [Panorama; full view; whole scene] (2) View all Lake Panorama (3) Intake of whole body motion picture camera or hundred and eighty degree portrait view of a screen within the landscape, rich and realistic three-dimensional Panoramic Film Global quánjú [Overall situation; picture of the whole] the whole situation Global impact Entire army quánjūn (1) [The whole army]: the whole army PLA officers and men (2) [Preserve the strength of the army]: the strength of security forces The anti-military, the male name earthquake. - "Appreciative" Full quánkāi [A standard-sized sheet] means the entire printing base paper Full poster General quánkē [Complete] [side]: complete, complete He can Chuilatanchang, but also tailor starched, but also cooking cooking, really general skills All subjects were children quánkērénr [A perfect person-a woman whose parents, husband and children are all alive] refers to the parent, spouse, children who are still alive (especially women). Also called the whole child welfare people, "almost one whole child" All labor quán-láodònglì [Able-bodied farm worker] physically strong, light and heavy manual labor can be in person. All labor is also called " Full quánlì [Do everything in one's power; with all one's strength; all-out] all the power; all the forces Make every effort to Go all out Full support All tracked vehicles quánlǚdàichē [Full-track vehicle] with a ground cover all the support, drive and steering of the vehicle (such as tanks) Anesthesia quánmá [General anesthesia] Province, known as general anesthesia (as distinguished from local anesthesia ") Complete picture quánmào [Complete picture; full view] all the appearance of things; all the circumstances Clear picture of the problem Comprehensive quánmiàn [Overall; comprehensive; all-round] complete; well Complete collapse Whole people quánmín [The whole people; the entire people] of the National People; all the people All were soldiers All-around quánnéng (1) [All-around; all-out; be all powerfull] (2) With respect to all No all-around sage (3) Within the specified everything, Pentathlon champion Year quánnián [All year; all the year; whole year] the full year Overall quánpán [Overall; comprehensive; wholesale] Overall, all; comprehensive Holistic Negated Block quánpiào (1) [Full-price ticket]: full-price tickets, tickets, etc. (2) [By a unanimous vote]: refers to the election of all votes He was unanimously elected as the Workshop Director Full attendance quánqín [Full work attendance] workers in the period (month, quarter, year) does not absent Global quánqiú [The whole world] all over the world; refers to the whole of human society on earth and the natural world Awards Full quánquán [Plenipotence; hawe full powers] all the powers of the transaction Plenipotentiary Completely quánrán [Completely; entirely] all the way; entirely Completely uninformed Holistic quánrén (1) [Saint; perfect person]: Sage; perfect (2) [Able-bodied person]: the people with full body Full-time quánrìzhì [Full-time] hours of the day are arranged on the afternoon of the teaching system Panchromatic quánsè [Panchromatic] the range of visible wavelengths of light are all sensitive feel - and with that in emulsions, film, or dry version Body quánshēn (1) [All over the body; the whole body]: the whole body Her whole body ached (2) [Endash]: the length of foreign type a letter (m word-wide), half of the dash for the dash Concentrate quánshén-guànzhù [Be absorbed in] fully concentrate on Absorbed in thinking of poetry Victory quánshèng (1) [Win completely]: a complete victory; complete victory (2) [Win all]: all win Victory Prime quánshèng [Flourishing; in full bloom] very prosperous; very strong The heyday of Lu Xun Total eclipse quánshí [Total eclipse] of a celestial object's shadow completely overshadowed the other food Total solar eclipse All quánshù [Whole amount] all [the things you can count]; thoroughly Money paid in full Full speed quánsù (1) [Full speed; top speed]: the highest or the maximum speed (2) [Swing]: fast degrees A train approaching at full speed Complete _set_ quántào [Complete _set_] all of the unit or equipment, parts Complete _set_ of equipment All quántǐ (1) [Entire body]: the whole body Sunburn of the whole (2) [All; entire; whole]: refers to all things All staff The cast (3) [Whole person]: refers to all persons in a collective Of all All day quántiān [Whole day] day All-weather quántiānhòu [All-weather] for all kinds of weather; all weather conditions are suitable, are effective or can be run All-weather aircraft Boarding quántuō [Put one's child in a boarding (full-time) nursery] the child all day on child care institutions, only days before the break out of their own care access Text quánwén [Full text] refers to the article, all text documents, etc. Reads as follows Holographic quánxī [Hologram] the situation of the entire space objects, all of the information Across the board quánxiàn (1) [All fronts]: the entire front Grab (2) [The whole line]: all routes The opening of this railway line has been (3) [All along the line]: along the whole front The collapse of the enemy line has been School quánxiào [School], including school staff and students of all members, including Whole-heartedly quánxīn-quányì [Whole-heartedly; heart and soul; with complete devotion; with all one's heart and soul] all the energy and feelings Allegiance to the Government has pledged to serve New quánxīn [Completely new] all the old faces change The new state All off quánxiū [Complete rest] because of illness or other reasons that employees do not work during a given period Complete rest for two weeks Whole tone quányīn [Whole tone] is similar to the two fundamental frequency than the square root of two of the six-way sound audio Full video quányǐng [Umbra] will be given all the light from a light source ruled out of the shadows A straight quányōu [General excellence] all-round excellent or good Dare to create a straight Metallurgical Company, won the gold medal Full quányuán [The entire personnel] all the staff; all employees; all members of the Full labor contract system Full rhyme quányùn [Rime suffisante] Since the last vowel and the subsequent re-read the last one or more consonants (if any) arising from the voice the same rhyme Omniscient quánzhī-quánnéng [Omniscient and omnipotent] know all the circumstances, to deal with any problems All quán ㄑ ㄩ ㄢ (1) Complete, complete, complete, not lack of Qi ~. End ~. Zhiyong double ~. Find ~ blame. (2) The whole, over the ~ department. ~ Country. ~ People. ~ God absorbed. ~ Heart ~ meaning. (3) Represents ~ come. (4) Protection against damage to ~. (5) Name. Zheng code odc, u5168, gbkc8ab 6 number of strokes, radical entry, Stroke No. 341121
Kangxi Dictionary
Sub_set_ of the next 〔〕 ???? Ancient Tang Yun】 【cutting edge disease】 【【Ji Yun Yun will】 【Rhymes from the edge of cutting edge】 before cutting, ???? tone spring. Wen also said】 【End. 【】 Jade articles with also. Zhou Dong 【】 Kaogongji jade official business of the people, the emperor with all. 【Note】 pure jade too. Another name. Wu Yun will】 【big Sima full Cong. Also 【】 state name will rhyme. Han Lingling County, Shanxi home statewide.