  • 物理学中研次原子粒子与其作用的分支。
    the branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions.
  • 这题目的任务是判断他们看到的竟是什么,观察时间极短以致他们不能肯定看到的是哪幅图。
    The subject's task was to decide which of the three pictures they saw. The subjects saw the pictures for such a short period of time that they could not be sure which picture they saw.
  • 现象学研人的经历中所有可能出现情况的学问,在此期间,并不考虑客观现实和纯粹的主观反应
    The study of all possible appearances in human experience, during which considerations of objective reality and of purely subjective response are left out of account.
  • 然而竟能否确定地保卫不失,不决定于主观的愿望,而决定于具体的条件。
    But whether we can be certain of holding them depends not on our subjective desires but on concrete conditions.
  • 这里所说的好坏,竟是看动机(主观愿望),还是看效果(社会实践)呢?
    How can we tell the good from the motive (the subjective intention) or by the effect (social practice)?
  • 我们讲解放思想,是指在马克思主义指导下打破习惯势力和主观偏见的束缚,研新情况,解决新问题。
    It means that, guided by Marxism, we should break the fetters of habit, subjectivism and prejudice, and study new situations and solve new problems.
  • 以新加坡来说,有些东南亚研所只订阅《联合早报》,顶多加《海峡时报》。
    In the case of Singapore, for instance, some institutes subscribe only to Lianhe Zaobao, or , at most, The Straits Times as well.
  • 弗林德斯,马修1774-1814英国探险家,曾航行到新南威尔士州(1795年),随后对澳大利亚的海岸作了详尽的研
    British explorer who sailed to New South Wales(1795) and subsequently made a thorough study of the Australian coast.
  • 许多大学资助研和出版。
    Many universities subsidize research and publications.
  • 详细地推事物之间的细微差别,如同义词之间的差别。
    mark fine distinctions and subtleties, as among words.
  • 作为该研的一部分,当局为两种选定的技术进行实地测试,以确定它们在香港应用是否适合和可靠。
    Field evaluation of two selected technology options was conducted to confirm their suitability and reliability for application in Hong Kong.
  • 维多利亚时期总是希望求婚者向女方的父亲保证他能供养其女,让她过上和她以往一样的舒适讲的生活。
    A Victorian suitor would be expected to satisfy a girl's father that he could support her in the manner to which she was accustomed.
  • 最后给出了结论和未来研工作。
    Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized.
  • 例子之一是《岩间圣母》,它是列奥纳多对解剖学、植物学和地质学研的总结,画得也十分出色。
    An example is The Virgin of the Rocks which is the summation of Leonardo s studies in anatomy, botany, geology as well as being superbly painted.
  • 通常我们都知道阴霾的天气会让人们感到心情忧郁,但是最近一些研表明这样的天气还会引起一种叫做"驾驶综合症"的行为,就是当人们在公路上驾驶汽车时一种争强好斗的挑衅行为,通常的症状是骂人或者打架。
    While cloudy days have been known to bring on an occasional bout of the blues in some, new study findings suggest that sunless days may actually play a role in "road rage"--the highway phenomenon of aggressive driving marked by verbal or physical abuse.
  • 关于太阳黑子的记载已保持100年左右,但这些记录很少支持今天天文学家们的研,相反,对于太阳黑子这一现象仍有许多广阔的研空间。
    Records of sunspots have only been kept for the last 100 years or so, leaving astronomers with little to back their research and much yet to discover about this phenomenon.
  • 天文学家们还在研太阳黑子及其对人类的影响,但他们相信,这种早在1610年就由伽利略用望远镜观察到的太阳表面的黑斑,其本质上属于电的范畴。
    Astronomers are still learning about sunspots and about their affect on us, but believe that the spots on the sun, which were first observed through a telescope by Galileo in 1610, are electrical in nature.
  • 中情局的科学家正在研超乎寻常的超级计算机程序和人工智能,这可能有助于分析人员把几十万个名字、地址和银行账号联系起来。
    CIA scientists are investigating exotic supercomputer programs and artificial intelligence that might help analysts link hundreds of thousands of names,places and bank accounts.
  • 这种研在世界上最快的巨型机上也需好几天的计算机机时。
    This type of search would need days of computer time on the world's fastest supercomputers.
  • 电子学的一个分支,研超导和其它低温现象及它们在电子设备和系统中的应用。
    A branch of electronics concerned with the study and application of superconductivity and other low-temperature phenomena for electronic devices and systems.
  • 但是马克思在他所研的每一个领域——他研了许多领域,而且都进行了深人研——甚至在数学领域,都有独到的发现。
    But in every single field which Mark investigated and he investigated very many fields, none of them superficially in every field, even in that of mathematics, he made independent discoveries.
  • 神秘学研超自然的学科
    The study of the supernatural.
  • 在一个研中心的管理人。
    a supervisor in a research center.
  • 整直学,矫正学一门研如何利用特定机械装置支撑或填补退化或畸形的关节或四肢的科学
    The science that deals with the use of specialized mechanical devices to support or supplement weakened or abnormal joints or limbs.
  • 支援应用研、科技转移和应用;
    supports applied research, technology transfer and application;
  • 基础科学前沿发展极快,要赶上去,而且要超越世界级的研中心,不是容易的事。
    Development in the basic sciences is extremely rapid, but to catch up with and surpass the world-class research institutes is a difficult task.
  • 他说,动物行为和交际领域对稀有和外地物种进行了丰富的研,但是令人吃惊的是,却很少有关于猫的资料。
    He says the field of animal behavior and communication is rich with studies on rare and exotic species, but contains surprisingly very little data on cats.
  • 英国萨瑞大学的研人员对40名女性进行了调查,研了她们的饮食对情绪的影响。这些女性既非"非情绪化饮食者"也不是"情绪化饮食者"。
    Researchers from the University of Surrey in the UK investigated the effects of eating on mood in 40 women who were either non-emotional or emotional eaters.
  • ”像美国地质勘测局的科学家迈克尔·卡尔,他认为海洋覆盖了火星的大部分地区。他的观点现在也面临着来自全球监测机构研结果的挑战。
    Scientists like Michael Can at the U.S. Geological Suwey who believe oceans once covered much of Mars face a serious challenge from the Global Surveyor studies.
  • 别再让我们蒙在鼓里了,结局竟怎麽样?
    Don't keep us in suspense any longer-- what happens at the end of the story?
  • 进行二十一世纪可持续发展顾问研
    carrying out the Study on Sustainable Development for the 21st Century;
  • "二十一世纪持续发展顾问研"已于一九九七年九月展开,研为期约30个月,将制订一套持续的发展制度,以便结合环境、经济及社会三方面的政策。
    A Study on Sustainable Development for the 21st Century began in September 1997. It will take about 30 months, and will produce a sustainable development system to integrate environmental, economic and social policies.