  • 一个广布的草本植物大属,被灰色毛,具淡色的花苞。
    large widely distributed genus of coarse hairy herbs with whitish involucres.
  • 当我“坦”的说出自己的父母不会讲英文,或者讲起英文来结结巴巴的,总觉得很不好意思。
    I always felt embarrassed when I “confessed” that my parents spoke no, or at best, halting English.
  • 约翰用玛丽不可否认的实例把观点讲得透彻明
    John hammered his point home with examples that Mary could not deny.
  • 递给她他的干净手帕。
    handed her his pristine white handkerchief.
  • 旧西藏的民族手工业也十分落后,现代工业更是一片空
    The handicrafts industry was also extremely backward and modern industry was nonexistent in old Tibet.
  • 乞丐头朝着站在厨房最里面的几个男人作了一个粗鲁的手势,然后转向格兰瓜尔说:“我不明你为什么不该被绞死。”
    The King of the Beggars made a rude sign to some men at the end of the kichen, and then turned to Gringoire:"I don't see why you shouldn't be hanged."
  • 他说得那么缓慢,仿佛即使经过最艰苦的思索之后,还没有把那显而易见的事实弄明似的。
    Jim asked, slowly, as if he had not yet understood that obvious fact even after the hardest mental labour.
  • 小型圆顶落叶木,顶端有可观赏性花,木材坚硬,产生一种黄色染料。
    small handsome round-headed deciduous tree having showy white flowers in terminal clusters and heavy hardwood yielding yellow dye.
  • 一种美观的东印度常绿树,因其可产香水的芳香花,而通常作为观赏植物被种植,;其木材坚硬、沉实,用作铁路枕木。
    handsome East Indian evergreen tree often planted as an ornamental for its fragrant white flowers that yield a perfume; source of very heavy hardwood used for railroad ties.
  • 北美洲大型的大脚野兔;冬季为色。
    large large-footed North American hare; white in winter.
  • 美洲北极地区的大型野兔,冬天几乎完全为色。
    large hare of Arctic America almost completely white in winter.
  • 引殖如北美洲的大型野兔;冬季不变成色。
    large hare introduced in North America; does not turn white in winter.
  • “他们一直在干这件事,这么久也没人管(即:没受惩罚),”一位哈莱姆区居民“瘦子”孔斯说。“他们对自己族人干这种事时,就是这样。现在他们对一个人妇女干这事,好像天都塌下来了。”
    "They've been doing it and getting away with it for so long," said Walter "slimmo" Koonce, a Harlem resident. "This is when they do it to their own kind. Now they do it to a white lady and all hell breaks loose."
  • 能分泌毒液但无害的小蛇,红色身体上有黑色斑点。
    small venomous but harmless snake marked with black-and-white on red.
  • 除了自己想嫁给奈特利先生之外,她还明,奈特利如和哈里特结合,不但是不相称的婚配,而且也很难带来幸福。
    Aside from the fact that she wanted to marry Mr. Knightley herself, she knew a match between him and Harriet would be an unequal one, hardly likely to bring happiness.
  • 白日有眼夜有耳。
    The day has eyes and the night has ears.
  • 您曾经带领着我,穿过我天充实的旅程到达我夜晚的孤寂之境。
    Thou hast led me through my crowded travels of the day to my evening's loneliness.
  • 生长于温带或热带地区的一个水生草本植物属,叶箭头状或戟形,花具花葶,色花。
    genus of aquatic herbs of temperate and tropical regions having sagittate or hastate leaves and white scapose flowers.
  • 他白忙了。
    All his haste was of no use.
  • 表现得像一个不负责任的痴;草率的不负责任的举动。
    behaved like an irresponsible idiot; hasty and irresponsible action.
  • 起初,它们是很小的色的卵,孵化以后,就出来肥胖的色小虫子。
    They start as tiny white eggs, and when these hatch, out come little fat white worms.
  • [谚]有必有黑,有甜必有苦;事物各有缺陷。
    Every white hath its black, and every sweet its sour.
  • 为了爱情,无钱结婚,夜来欢娱,天悔恨。
    Who marrieth for love without money, hath good nights and sorry days.
  • (凯瑟琳夫人希望达西娶她自己的女儿,一个冷漠、讨厌得可怜的姑娘。)凯瑟琳夫人盛气凌人,要求伊丽莎放弃达西。
    (Lady Catherine wished Darcy to marry her own daughter, a pathetically listless and unattractive girl.) Haughtily she demands that Elizabeth give up Darcy.
  • 这个流浪汉想起自己是睡在一座鬼魂出没的屋子里,吓得脸色苍
    The tramp was so frightened at the idea of sleeping in a haunted house that he was like a waxwork.
  • 你明白了吗?
    You have me, have not you?
  • 海斯夫人叫来儿子小海斯。他对宫的每一角落都了如指掌。
    Mrs.Hayes called her son Hayes Junior who knew every corner and nook of the White House like the palm of his own hand.
  • 他知道根本没有边门和后门可让公使夫人溜出去。于是小海斯想到了宫存放煤、旧家具和其他一些杂物的地下室。
    As there were no back or side doors through which the minister's wife could slip out,Hayes Junior thought of the basement which was used to store coal,old furniture,and other odd things.
  • 在一次宫的正式宴会上,英国公使夫人低声对海斯夫人说,她有急事想早点离席,是否能从边门悄悄溜出去。
    Once in the course of a formal reception at the White House,the British Minister's wife whispered to Mrs.Hayes that she had to leave early and asked whether it was possible for her to slip away unnoticed by a side door.
  • 海斯任总统时,宫还是个又小又挤的地方。
    In the days when Hays was President,the White House was still a small crowded place.
  • 临时香港科学园有限公司现正积极筹备在大埔石角发展占地22公顷的香港科学园。
    The Provisional Hong Kong Science Park Company Limited is now actively planning for the development of a 22-hectare Science Park at Pak Shek Kok, Tai Po.
  • 那头色的小母牛快下崽了。
    The white heifer is big with calf.