  • 浴缸上方的医药箱
    A medicine chest above the bathroom sink.
  • 太阳正慢慢地利西沈落。
    The sun was slowly sinking in the west.
  • 一种形体大,顶部圆形的栎树,树枝伸展,叶薄,叶片具深波状边缘,木材类似于北红栎;从新泽西州到伊利诺伊州,并向南分布。
    large round-topped deciduous tree with spreading branches having narrow falcate leaves with deeply sinuate lobes and wood similar to that of northern red oaks; New Jersey to Illinois and southward.
  • 沃特敦美国南达科他州东北部城市,在苏福尔斯西北偏北向。是农业区的商业中心。人口17,592
    A city of northeast South Dakota north-northwest of Sioux Falls. It is a commercial center in an agricultural region. Population,17, 592.
  • sip支持建立和终止多媒体通信的五个面:用户定位、能力与可用性、通话建立和通话处理。
    SIP supports five facets of establishing and terminating multimedia communications: user location, capabilities and availability, call setup and call handling.
  • 为了达到高度简化,ietf制定了sip及有关的姐妹协议,因为他们相信h.323协议扩缩面不太好。
    To oversimplify, the IETF created SIP and its brethren protocols because of a belief that H.323 would not scale well.
  • 哦,那是装闪光灯的地
    Oh, that holds the flash.
  • 紧腰肉连带两侧腰肉的牛肉
    A cut of beef consisting of a double sirloin.
  • 我想坐在你坐的地,我们对换一下好吗?
    I want to sit where you're sitting; shall we swap round?
  • 另一面,观看制作认真的记录片和时事节目的观众,在人数上远不及环境剧和武打连续剧。
    Serious documentaries and current affairs television programmes have much less viewers, compared with the slapdash sitcoms and gungfu drama serials.
  • 突然改变方向
    To change direction suddenly.
  • 某物停止或暂停的地
    a spot where something halts or pauses.
  • 这是个好地方。
    Ah, this is a pretty spot.
  • 公司想把总部设在北
    The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north
  • 位于不可达到的地或者处于不可达到的情况。
    inaccessibly located or situated.
  • 定向东方的
    Situated toward the east.
  • 邮局位於便的地点。
    The post office is conveniently situated.
  • 坐落在或者位于东
    lying toward or situated in the east.
  • 朝西坐落或者位于西
    lying toward or situated in the west.
  • 后面的位于下部或内侧的;下
    Situated beneath or on the underside; inferior.
  • 位于或朝向东北的。
    situated in or oriented toward the northeast.
  • 的,向东的处于、朝向或面对东部的
    Situated in, toward, or facing the east.
  • 我对他安排社交聚会的式表示佩服。
    I take my hat off to him for the way he arranged the party.
  • 在西方的,向西的
    Situated in, toward, or facing the west.
  • 同时,世界并不太平,不少地人民生活动荡不安,人权状况令人十分担忧。
    However, the world is still not a peaceful world. In many places people are still living in turbulent situations, and the general situation of human rights is far from worry-free.
  • 财政工作的六条方针
  • 立方体有六个面.
    A cube has six surfaces.
  • 这里是建房的好地
    This is a nice spot for a house.
  • 2的四次方等于16。
    Two to the fourth power is sixteen.
  • 16的平方根等于4。
    The square(or second) root of sixteen is four.
  • 贵公司所提案不充分,未被采纳,但主要原因是投资规模过于庞大,尽管该案对这点有所说明。
    Your proposal rejected as inadequate but true reason lay in sizable investment involved which though explained
  • 如贵订货量大,我们可以考虑给佣金。
    If your order is a sizable one, we'll consider allow you a commission.