  • 不过,很著名的科学家都是虔诚的基督徒。
    However,many well-known scientists are sincere Christians.
  • 不过,很著名的科学家都是虔诚的基督徒。
    However, many well-known scientists are sincere Christians.
  • 但是我叔叔死了好年了。
    But my uncle died yeas ago.
  • 我曾次提出,是真心的。
    I've said on many occasions that I wanted to retire, and I sincerely meant it.
  • 格比如说,我需要喝酒的时候我就喝威士忌,地地道道的苏格兰威士忌,可是吃饭的时候我习惯喝葡萄酒或者一大杯水,就像大数西方人那样;而在中国吃饭的时候却上像茅台(指着他的酒杯)这样的烈性酒。
    Far in stance, I drink whisky - genuine Scotch whisky when I need a drink, but at dinner I would have sine or just a glass of water as most people do in the West; whereas in China strong alcohol such as Maotai (points at his glass) is served at dinner.
  • 你这个作恶端的无赖!
    You sinful old reprobate!
  • 你唱得多好呀!
    How well you sing!
  • 他工作多卖力!
    How hard he work!
  • 一个新加坡的观念是比以前强了。
    Our sense of Singapore is much stronger.
  • 编一部好词典需要年的艰苦工作。
    It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.
  • 问问新加坡人,日本统治新加坡有久?
    How long was the Japanese Occupation of Singapore?
  • 新加坡有很行业也存在同样的挑战。
    Many other industries in Singapore face the same challenge.
  • 来吧!你喜欢住久就住久。
    Come and stay as long as you please.
  • 不能再分但能单独或结合形成所有物质的一百种已知物质(其中种常现)中的任何一种。
    any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 93 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter.
  • 指包含两个单位(与一个单位(单数)及个单位((复数)相对的)的语法数字范畴。
    a grammatical number category referring to two items or units (as opposed to one item (singular) or more than one item (plural)).
  • 一个独特的例子;一个现有的独特的纳笔迹的例子;一份远古手稿唯一的副本;某一类型的问题有它独特的解决方法。
    a singular example; the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting; a unique copy of an ancient manuscript; certain types of problems have unique solutions.
  • 从柏拉图起,政治就是哲学家们感兴趣的问题。但用于其它意思上时,politics则既可接单数形式的动词也可接复数形式的动词。许其它以-ics结尾的名词用法也是如此,使用者最好是查阅具体的词项以获取准确的信息
    Politics has been a concern of philosophers since Plato.But in its other senses politics can take either a singular or plural verb. Many other nouns that end in-ics behave similarly, and the user is advised to consult specific entries for precise information.
  • 当地许达官贵人都参加了他外祖父的葬礼。
    Many of the local dignitaries attended his grandfather's funeral.
  • 妇女感到被家务束缚住了。
    Many women feel chained to the kitchen sink.
  • 他在迅速衰弱下去,不会再活久了。
    He's sinking fast and won't live much longer.
  • 他们准备打更的井来克服干旱。
    They were ready to overcome the drought by sinking more wells.
  • 这药的效力有多强?
    How effective is this drug?
  • 七宗罪之一,过地饮食。
    eating to excess (personified as one of the deadly sins).
  • 这个价格不包括装置器和接头附件,因为它们可能包括的东西很
    The price excludes fixtures and fittings, which could cover a multitude of sins.
  • 骑兵指挥官预言,如果苏人要进攻要塞,他们中很人会被打死。
    The cavalry commander predicted that many Sioux would bite the dust if they attacked the fort.
  • sip可以通过波(单波关系网)或波与单波的结合,进行通信。
    SIP can communicate via multicast, a mesh of unicast relationships, or a combination of multicast and unicast.
  • sip是一个应用层的、用于生成、修改和终止一人或人参加的会话的控制/信令协议。
    SIP is an application layer, control/signaling protocol for creating, modifying and terminating sessions with one or more participants.
  • sip支持建立和终止媒体通信的五个方面:用户定位、能力与可用性、通话建立和通话处理。
    SIP supports five facets of establishing and terminating multimedia communications: user location, capabilities and availability, call setup and call handling.
  • 总是看着别人狼吞虎咽地吞下令人口水直流的美味佳肴,而自己却嚼着薄脆饼干,喝淡淡无味的柠檬汁,这该是么大的折磨!
    What utter torture it is always watching others tucking into piles of mouth-watering food while you mouth a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice!
  • sip不分配波地址、也不保留资源,但它能把做到这点所必要的信息传递给被邀请的系统。
    SIP does not allocate multicast addresses and it does not reserve resources, but it can convey to the invited system the information necessary to do this.
  •  已在美国出版了4千万册迷你书的runningpress出版社称,《心灵鸡汤》迷你版年来一直保持着畅销地位。
    Running Press, who have published 40 million minibooks in the US, said that "A Little Sip of Chicken Soup for the Soul" has been one of the top-sellers for years.
  • 多好的鸡尾酒会啊!
    It's a nice cocktail party!